"Okay, okay, you go back quickly, they must not be able to wait, let's just go shopping, let's not go in!" You guys drink slowly, we're not in a hurry to get them home.

Bai Yi quickly ran behind Luo Geng, pushing him to push him away, since the meeting was no longer inevitable, she could only avoid what happened next as much as possible.

Luo Geng didn't know why, and said while being pushed: "You slow down, I drank a lot, and I fell in a while!" Seeing

that Luo Geng was about to be pushed into the restaurant by Bai Yi

, at this time, a call suddenly came from behind him:

"Luo Geng!"

"Huh?" Yu Wanxin's eyes widened and looked at Qi Qianru on the side, because the call just now was shouted by her.

Bai Yi trembled even more in her heart, closed her eyes, and muttered in her heart: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry for you..."

Because in her heart, Qi Qianru suddenly stopped Luo Geng, and still when Chi Xiaoyu was not around, what good things could there be....


Luo Geng turned his head and looked at Qi Qianru behind him, not knowing what she suddenly stopped herself

, but looking at her serious look, Luo Geng didn't feel quite right, so he frowned and looked at her suspiciously.

Qi Qianru opened her mouth and asked, "You're not married yet, are you?"

Luo Geng said lightly: "Yes, but it is estimated that it is soon, what's wrong?" "


Qi Qianru took a deep breath and slowly spoke, "Then... When the time comes, can you invite me? Don't mind an extra blessing, right? "


Bai Yi and Yu Wan were stunned, the two of them were scared out of a cold sweat, and they thought she was going to say something amazing, but was it like this?

Just to attend someone's wedding?

Luo Geng's mouth opened slightly, blinked, he originally thought that Qi Qianru would say something that made him impatient like before, then he would only think that she had not improved,

but she just wanted to come to her wedding? It doesn't look like a joke to look at her

, on that big day, the candy is all about the sight, who will refuse the blessings of others?

Luo Geng slowed down, chuckled, and said, "Okay, if you don't make trouble, then you should prepare a big red envelope."

"I won't make trouble!" And there will definitely be red envelopes, but I don't dare to wrap them so big, otherwise Xiaoyu will think that I am here to provoke trouble.

Qi Qianru hugged her arm and muttered softly.

"Hey, my wife won't be so careful, who would think that the red envelope is big? Okay, I'll let Bai Yi inform you then.

After Luo Geng finished speaking, he waved his hand and walked into the restaurant.

After Luo Geng left, Bai Yi turned around, walked to Qi Qianru's side, and asked

, "Ruru, this... Is it okay? "

She is Chi Xiaoyu's good friend, but she is also good friends with Qi Qianru, she knows what Qi Qianru meant by making this decision, to attend Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu's wedding, isn't that cruel to her?"

"Huh? Is it okay? What's wrong?

Qi Qianru looked unconcerned, shrugged and said.

Bai Yi glanced inside the restaurant and found that Luo Geng had already sat back in her place, so she asked in a low voice:

"But you... Don't you like Luo Geng?

Qi Qianru nodded unabashedly and said: "I like it, but that doesn't mean I have to be with him, you know me well, you and Luo Geng are also very familiar, do you think, the two of us are a good match together?"

Bai Yi immediately shook his head and said firmly: "Not suitable." She

knows Qi Qianru very well, and she is also familiar with Luo Geng, and from her observations, even if the two of them are really together, they will not break up for a long time, and it can only be said that the personalities of the two are not very suitable.

"That's not it."

Qi Qianru walked forward, put her hands behind her back, as if walking in this dark night, she looked at the stars in the sky, and said softly:

"Moreover, didn't you also say, I am a love rival that Xiaoyu easily defeated, people are much better than me, win me too much, how can I still go to ask for my own suffering, a complete battle that I have lost, why should you worry about anything."

"Ruru..." Bai Yi didn't know what to say, in her heart, she still felt that Qi Qianru was the one who hit the south wall before and continued to hit

her, but she didn't know, it turned out that she had unconsciously looked away

, she looked at Qi Qianru's back and thought, maybe she wanted to participate in that wedding, but also to draw an end to her youth, so as to open a new chapter.


at noon the next day, Luo Geng was ready to go back, he stood downstairs, behind Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan, they came to see Luo Geng away.

Luo Yongfu looked at Luo Geng in front of him and said, "Son, do you understand what I said?" How much money is enough? Don't let these things delay life events, got it?

He said bitterly, just to let Luo Geng know what is the most important thing at present

, Luo Geng also knows that at this age, it is simply common to be urged to marry by his parents

, but he does think the same as his father, so he doesn't need to say it, he will act.

"Okay, Dad, I understand, don't worry.... Just wait to hear my good news, and with the letter, I will be the first to inform you when the time comes.

After Luo Geng finished speaking, he got into the car, started the car, and prepared to leave

, he just wants to go back quickly, and it is good to be home in a second.

Luo Yongfu watched Luo Geng drive away, with a reluctant expression to see his son leave

, but when he couldn't see Luo Geng's taillights, his face changed, he pouted, and muttered: "I believe you are a ghost, and listen to your good news, if I don't drive you away in the back and urge you, I'm afraid you won't want me to hear the good news in this life."

After that, he turned his head to look at Ren Lan and said, "Xiaolan, pack your things, we should also go." Ren

Lanyu's eyebrows locked tightly and said, "You really want to go to Cheng'an?" If you rush to Xiao Geng's company to find him like this, isn't it to cause him trouble, people are so busy, you still go to make trouble for him. "

What words, what words this is, pity the hearts of the parents of the world, I must go and see for myself, what can make them drag on for so long, if that kid doesn't want to marry Xiaoyu, I definitely can't spare him."

Ren Lan sighed, shook his head and said: "Alas, Xiao Geng is not a child anymore, people have a plan in their hearts, so you don't need to worry about it."

"The key I... I want to hold my grandson. "

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