"The wedding photos have already been taken, and I can get them in about a month, and I want to think... Photographers, videographers, emcees, makeup artists, alas... Wife, what happened to the guest list? "

Hmm... There should be no problem, junior high school students, high school classmates, college classmates, almost all of them can be invited..."

In the office, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat on the sofa, studying the wedding matter.

Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan must wait here until the wedding, so they did not go back, Luo Geng also bought them a house to live in, after all, the family is far away, and this house can also be used as the mother's home when receiving relatives.

"I said... Teacher Luo, Xiaoyu, how about you two prepare for the wedding alone, and help me with the other?

On the other side of the desk, there was a faint voice, and Qin Qiao sat on the chair and looked at the two of them helplessly.

Obviously, those two are the bosses and they are a director, but since the two began to prepare for the wedding, the company's big and small affairs have been handed over to her to handle.

"Uh... We want to help you, but you also know that the wedding needs two people to negotiate together..." Before

Luo Geng's words were finished, he saw Qin Qiao staring at him with a gloomy face, he quickly waved his hand, and said awkwardly: "Sorry, you don't know..."

You two sweet couples, just bullying me an older leftover girl, I am really physically and mentally tortured. Qin

Qiao was lying on the table, his head was buried, his hair was scattered, and he looked particularly embarrassed.

Chi Xiaoyu thought for a while and asked, "Sister Qiaoqiao, I remember that you seem to have eaten with a boy in the cafeteria these days?" That's not your boyfriend? "

Huh? Oh, you said Yao Zhengyu... It's not a boyfriend, it's just a junior, I just treat him as a younger brother, that is, he often helps me run errands or something, I just invited him to eat in the cafeteria.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at her with a bad smile and asked in a low voice: "Eh~, yes, then you don't like him?"

Qin Qiao quickly shook his head and said, "Of course not... He... Clumsy, I'm so smart, how can I like him.

"Hehe, can there be someone who brings out your cleverness? Isn't that good, isn't that what highlights how smart you are?

Luo Geng smiled and patted his leg.


" At this time, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and a tall man rushed in outside the door, shouting as soon as he entered the door: "Director Qin, let's go to dinner together!"

Qin Qiao, Luo Geng, and Chi Xiaoyu were all stupid, and looked at the man at the door with a shocked expression.

Yao Zhengyu glanced at Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu on the sofa on the side, quickly took a step back, bowed awkwardly and apologized:

"Sorry, President Luo, President Chi, it turns out that you are here... I'm sorry

..." Chi Xiaoyu lowered his voice and whispered in Luo Geng's ear: "It seems that when the two of us are away, he didn't come less..." Luo Geng nodded and responded

: "I see it too... And it's really a bit clumsy, and Qin Qiao is a bit inexplicable..." Qin Qiao

held his forehead, gasped, and said: "Shhh-didn't I say several times, do you have to knock on the door before coming in?"

"I'm sorry... I forgot..." Yao

Zhengyu scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, with Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu there, he had been standing at the door, not daring to enter the door.

Luo Geng looked at his watch and said to Qin Qiao: "Okay, you go to eat first, you can come back later after eating, and take a break at noon, you know."

"I don't understand..."

Qin Qiao sighed, stood up, walked out of the table, and then walked to Yao Zhengyu imposingly, teaching him clumsiness while pulling him by the collar.

"Alas - well, we still have a lot of questions, I thought it was quite simple to get married, because in the comics it was almost a change of scene to get married, but I didn't expect that it was my turn to get married

, and there were so many things to prepare..." Luo Geng leaned on the sofa and sighed, he now understood what it meant for others to start preparing for the wedding half a year or even a year in advance

, after all, there are too many things to consider, and there is not enough time, which will really drive a person crazy.

"Sister Qiaoqiao is also right, if we both prepare for the wedding, then she is under too much pressure."

Chi Xiaoyu stretched out his hands and whispered while helping Luo Geng massage his arms.

"So what to do, no matter who comes to prepare for the wedding alone, the pressure is huge, if the two of us can only prepare alone, then it is better for both of us not to prepare..."

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Yes! Husband, it's better to... Let's ask someone else to prepare, right?

Luo Geng frowned slightly, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and said, "Hmm... You mean... Outsource the wedding?

"yes, so that the two of us won't have so much pressure."

Luo Geng stretched out his arm, put his arm around Chi Xiaoyu's shoulder, and said, "But is this really good?" After all... Once in a lifetime, don't you want to prepare it yourself?

He also thought that girls would attach great importance to their weddings, and if they didn't personally check it, they would definitely be disappointed at that time, so Luo Geng would try his best to follow Chi Xiaoyu's ideas.

Who knew that Chi Xiaoyu shook his head directly and said, "It's okay with me, because... I care about you, not the wedding.

She knew that she had no regrets, she and Luo Geng were husband and wife, and they had already received their licenses, and if they were married, they could do anything.

Luo Geng picked up the pen, tapped his chin, and muttered, "That... Looking for someone we trust? Wedding companies certainly can't... My dad definitely can't, I've seen the photos of his previous wedding scene, it's hard to say a word

..." Chi Xiaoyu also nodded and said: "Bai Yi, Wanxin, they all have to go to work, they don't have much time..."

Where to find such idle people?

Just when the two were at a loss, Luo Geng's phone on the table suddenly rang,

"Huh?" The two poked their heads out and looked at the caller ID on their phones, and Luo Geng couldn't help frowning.

"Deng Yuxuan?"

Luo Geng picked up the mobile phone and connected it, and before he could say anything, Deng Yuxuan's rhythmic voice came from over there:

"Hey, bro!" I heard Wen Shao say that you are getting married soon! You can rest assured that I will return to China immediately! I know there must be a lot of help needed! I promise that it is my duty to ask you to say ~"

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