Chi Xiaoyu looked very interested, blinked and asked, "How many months is it now?"

An Ying thought for a while and responded: "It's been more than two months, there has been no reaction, and I just went to the hospital to get a blood test not long ago."

Luo Geng smiled and asked, "After Fan Junzhe found out, what was the first reaction?" Was it a surprise or a fright?

After An Ying heard

it, he seemed to remember something particularly interesting, laughed, and said: "Hahaha, I remembered when you said this, I remember when he just knew that he had it, the whole person was stupid, and I felt that at that moment I seemed to have become a fragile item, I didn't dare to touch it at all, and I shouted 'I'm going to be a father' like crazy, which was very funny."

"Yes... I can feel that he is very excited, otherwise he would not have called me at two o'clock in the middle of the night to tell me the good news...."

Luo Geng also remembered, and shook his head helplessly

, he was sleeping soundly that day, and suddenly he was woken up by Fan Junzhe's phone, and it was Fan Junzhe's excited voice on the phone that answered.

The confused Luo Geng thought that he had drunk too much, or sleepwalked, and suddenly went crazy.

Chi Xiaoyu sighed, supported his chin with his hand, shrugged his shoulders and said:

"You guys are progressing too fast, I still want you to be my bridesmaid when we get married..."

An Ying smiled when she heard this, immediately nodded, and said: "Bridesmaids? All right! I can, I can!

Luo Geng's face showed bitterness, and he asked suspiciously, "Huh? Are you okay with that?

"Of course it's no problem, what's the matter, look down on the mother-to-be bridesmaids, and I heard that whoever can receive the bride's bouquet at the wedding can become the next happy bride, I will definitely receive it!"

"That's just a good sign, even if you don't receive it, you will definitely be a happy bride."

Chi Xiaoyu stretched out his hand, put his hand on the back of An Ying's hand, and said with a smile.

After all, looking at Fan Junzhe's hard work, even if he is not rich and noble in the future, he will definitely be able to give An Ying a happy life.

Luo Geng also had the same idea, nodded on the side, and then slowly spoke; "Then go back and tell Fan Junzhe and let him be my best man too."

"No problem!"

The three of them chatted while eating, but unfortunately the time at noon passed quickly, Luo Geng and they did not have so much time to eat lunch leisurely outside, so soon the three were ready to leave.

"Then I'll go first, if you need my help, just call me."

An Ying stood at the door and said goodbye to Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, originally they wanted to send An Ying back, after all, she was alone, Luo Geng was not very relieved, but An Ying refused, on the grounds that he didn't have anything at all now.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, the specific date is set, the first one will notify you, you are careful on the road."

Luo Geng was also on the side, and then said: "If you need our help, just say."

"Okay, bye!"

An Ying turned around and left here, looking at her happy back, which made Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu both laugh.

Luo Geng crossed his waist, shook his head, and muttered:

"I heard that many people will be at a loss, anxious, and apprehensive after learning that they are pregnant, I see the two of them like this, but it is a little desperate to get pregnant."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at An Ying's back, a smile slightly raised at the corner of his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "Sister An Ying's

mentality has always been very good, in fact, sometimes I envy her..." Luo

Geng frowned slightly, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side and said: "Envy what?" You still envy others, what else are you not satisfied with-"

Luo Geng stretched out her hands and pinched Chi Xiaoyu's face, her cheeks were like jelly, especially elastic, and when she pinched it, it was like pinching a dough, making Luo Geng can't stop, pinching Chi Xiaoyu so babbling.

Chi Xiaoyu grinned and said, "Envy... Envy that she's going to be a mother soon..."


Luo Geng let go of his hand and looked at Chi Xiaoyu with a blank face, he listened to what Chi Xiaoyu said, the meaning of which made him not react for a while

, he thought that Chi Xiaoyu was envious of An Ying's optimistic character, but he didn't expect that she actually envied people who were expectant mothers.

Luo Geng first covered his mouth with his hand and coughed gently, and then asked softly: "Cough... It's true? You...

"Of course, after all... Is the crystallization of love, if... It must be a good thing to have your child..." Chi

Xiaoyu's voice was very small, she lowered her eyelids, her face drooped, but the roots of her ears quietly reddened.

"This... This way..."

Luo Geng's black eyes suddenly flashed a trace of panic, to be honest, he was the kind of person who would be in a hurry when he encountered this kind of thing, if it was him who got this news, he would definitely be happy, but he would definitely be uneasy.

"Well, after the wedding, too... Ready to prepare? Ahem... Because I heard, trying to get pregnant, well... It seems to take about three months.

Luo Geng stumbled when he spoke, and he didn't

know that he thought that he was going to be a father now, and he didn't know what his reaction would be if he really knew the news that he was going to be a father by then.

Chi Xiaoyu's face involuntarily hung two red halos, she nodded lightly, and responded in a low voice: "Hmm."

"Let's go back..." The

atmosphere between the two became very delicate, and on the way back to the company, the words became very little

, but a picture kept emerging in Luo Geng's head, that is, when he returned home, as soon as he entered the door, it was his favorite Chi Xiaoyu, and the two of their children

, that kind of warm picture made Luo Geng have begun to raise the corners of his mouth, faintly looking forward to it.

After returning to the company, the two returned to the office, ready to start work

, Luo Geng just sat down, his mobile phone rang, and a text message came.


Luo Geng picked up his mobile phone, glanced at it, and found that it was sent by Deng Yuxuan:

[Brother, I'm on the plane, I'll see you at noon tomorrow, you pick a place, don't see it! ] oh,yeah!

Luo Geng sighed, turned off the phone, and

muttered: "Alas, this guy, what he said can help me, is it reliable in the end."

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