In the office, Chi Xiaoyu sat behind the desk to work, at this time, the door was opened, Luo Geng walked in with a bunch of documents

, "Wife, this Deng Yuxuan they are really quite professional, in less than a few days, they gave me several plans, you take a look."

Luo Geng put the documents on Chi Xiaoyu's table and motioned for her to take a look, Deng Yuxuan turned these plans into plans according to Luo Geng's request, for him to choose.

"Let me see?"

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the documents on the table with interest, flipped through a few pages, and blinked with some surprise.

"These seem to be good, it turns out that there can be so many choices, I don't know..." Chi

Xiaoyu refreshed his cognition again, thinking that by checking the information on the Internet, he could understand a rough idea, but he didn't expect that it was just the tip of the iceberg, and there were many things he didn't know.

"yes... Chinese, Western, different styles, he picked these in the direction I might like, you see, choose which one.

Luo Geng looked at these plans and estimated an approximate price, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

How much money is not within Luo Geng's consideration, he is not short of money, he just wants to make this once-in-a-lifetime wedding a little better.

"I feel... There is no need to make it too luxurious, it is generally enough, there is only one wedding, although it is quite important, but there is no need to spend all the expenses on it. "

Hmm... It also makes sense, the wedding is followed by the beginning of spending, and after the wedding there is a honeymoon... I also want to leave a little more for the children who will be born

in the future..." Luo Geng nodded and agreed with Chi Xiaoyu's idea, the two of them, really complete newcomers, no one can ask, it is completely their own little bit of groping, everything that happens in the future is strange to them.

"Then let's just choose a general one, this hanging Weiya fell from the sky or something..."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, in fact, she wanted to say that there was no need to ask her opinion at all, she was still as always, as long as it was something that Luo Geng decided, she would unconditionally support it.

"We should go home too, it's not early."

Luo Geng looked out the window, the sun had already set, and most of the employees in the company had already left work.

"Well, okay."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, stretched out in his seat, and then prepared to stand up and leave here with Luo Geng.

But then, the cell phone on the table rang.


Luo Geng poked his head with interest, wanting to see who called

, because almost all customers or employees called Luo Geng, usually Chi Xiaoyu's mobile phone did not ring once, if you want to contact Chi Xiaoyu, you will call the landline in the office.

"Bai Yi called."

Chi Xiaoyu picked up the mobile phone and handed it to Luo Geng to see, and the caller ID was Bai Yi's name.

Chi Xiaoyu picked up the phone and called softly, "Hello?

"Laughing rain? Are you off work?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the time on the clock on the wall and said, "Well, I'm about to come home from work, what's wrong?"

"That... Want to come out and eat together? I'm coming to Cheng'an, I think why not come out and have a chat?

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes widened in surprise and said, "Huh? Are you in town? Okay, where are you, we'll go find you. "

Is Wen Shao here?" If he doesn't come, then I won't go, you go and play. Luo Geng said on the side.

If Wen Shao hadn't come, then he would have gone and sat on the side, listening to their girls chatting on their chatter, and some girls' topics, they were not very good at listening to on the side, and they didn't want to listen to it.

"Oh... This way.

After Chi Xiaoyu asked, he looked at Luo Geng and said, "She said that Wen Shao didn't come."

"Then I won't go, you go play."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng and didn't want to go, she was a little worried that Luo Geng would be unhappy if she went back alone, so she covered the port of the phone, lowered her voice and said to Luo Geng:

"Then or I will forget it..." "

Since she is here, maybe she is looking for you, you go, it's okay, you go and play, call me when it's over, I'll pick you up."

Luo Geng touched Chi Xiaoyu's cheek and said softly

, he also hoped that Chi Xiaoyu could have a good time and take a break, after all, she either went to work or was at home every day, and she formed a two-point line, and her friends were not nearby, and there was no way to go out to play.

"Okay then." Chi Xiaoyu smiled slightly and nodded, in fact, she also wanted to go out to play, and it was a very happy thing to finally see a friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

The two left the company together, and then separated at the door, Chi Xiaoyu went to find Bai Yi, while Luo Geng drove home.

However, Chi Xiaoyu was on the way to find Bai Yi, and she called again.

"Hello? What's wrong? I just came out and will be there in a moment.

"That... Xiaoyu, there is something I have to tell you in advance. Bai Yi's voice seemed to be very small, as if she was hiding somewhere.

"Huh? What's going on? Chi Xiaoyu frowned and asked suspiciously.

"I'm hiding in the toilet and secretly telling you now, in fact, it's not me who wants to see you, ah, it's not that I don't want to see you, I mean the main purpose of my coming here is actually to bring someone to you."

Chi Xiaoyu's brows furrowed, she didn't expect that in addition to Bai Yi, someone else would take the initiative to see her?


There was silence for a few seconds before he slowly spoke,

"Qi Qianru!"


Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and asked a little puzzled, "Qi Qianru? Why did she see me? And why did you come to me with her? "

Ahem... She means that if she takes the initiative to ask you out, maybe you won't come out because you hate her, so you want to use me as a shield, you can rest assured, she has no malice, just want to talk to you, but I still have to tell you in advance, you can decide by yourself whether you want to come or not, it doesn't matter if you don't come, I can find a reason to explain to her, and then we will come out again another day.

Bai Yi has already made her words very clear, she brought Qi Qianru

to find Chi Xiaoyu because she and Qi Qianru are good friends, but after all, she concealed the truth of Chi Xiaoyu, and she secretly went to the toilet to tell Chi Xiaoyu the truth, so that she would not be kept in the dark, because

she and Chi Xiaoyu were also good friends, and she didn't want to find Qi Qianru here when Chi Xiaoyu arrived, angry with herself, and blamed herself for not telling her in advance.

And Chi Xiaoyu also understood this truth, she thought about it, and then said: "It's okay, I'll go, I'll be there soon." "

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