"One more thing... That is, when I met Luo Geng, I said to him, attend your wedding..." Qi

Qianru said in a low voice, observing the face of Chi Xiaoyu on the other side.

Chi Xiaoyu did not react, and said lightly: "I know, as long as he agrees."

"I didn't want to ask your opinion, and if you don't agree, I won't go."

"Someone is willing to come and send blessings, how can I disagree, I did have some conflicts with you before, but that does not mean that I will not see you now."

Chi Xiaoyu's words made Qi Qianru and Bai Yi a little surprised, they thought that because of what Qi Qianru did before, they would make Chi Xiaoyu always remember hatred

, but Chi Xiaoyu didn't care, but it was not necessary, he got all the love of Luo Geng, he was already his wife, there was no need to remember these things, otherwise it seemed that she had a little belly.

Qi Qianru's eyes curved slightly, as if she was laughing, she lowered her head slightly, and muttered in a low voice: "I still can't win you at all..."

The three ate together and chatted a lot

, but on the way, Chi Xiaoyu seemed to say something, which surprised the two people on the other side, but after a while, they began to laugh again.

The atmosphere became harmonious, and the chatter began to increase, and everyone looked happy.

After a few hours, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, it was very late, and the three of them were ready to leave, Chi

Xiaoyu told Luo Geng in advance that it was about to end, so Luo Geng had already driven to the outside of the restaurant, waiting for Chi Xiaoyu to end.

"Bye bye, I'll let you know when the date is set."

Chi Xiaoyu took his things, stood up and prepared to leave.

"Okay, bye."

Qi Qianru and Bai Yi said goodbye to Chi Xiaoyu, although this dinner was a little gunpowder at the beginning, but in the end it ended in a particularly harmonious atmosphere, Chi Xiaoyu

turned and walked out the door, and just walked a few steps, he heard Qi Qianru's voice behind him.

"Laughing rain!"

Chi Xiaoyu paused, turned his head to look at Qi Qianru, and asked, "What's wrong, is there anything else?"

Qi Qianru looked like she wanted to smile, but in the end she couldn't laugh, just stood up and pursed the corners of her mouth,

"Although... It's a little inappropriate and strange for me to say this

..." "However, I still want to thank you..."

Give Luo Geng happiness. After

Qi Qianru said this, the atmosphere instantly quieted down, Bai Yi stared at her with a surprised face, her mouth was slightly open, and she couldn't speak.

Chi Xiaoyu was also stunned for a moment, his pupils moved slightly, and it seemed that Qi Qianru was surprised to be able to say this sentence.

The next second, she smiled and said, "

This is what I should do."

Then, she walked out of the restaurant, leaving Bai Yi and Qi Qianru, Qi Qianru

slowly sat down, Bai Yi on the side couldn't help but complain: "You really like Luo Geng..., it's hard for you to be able to hold on for so long."

Qi Qianru was stunned, and then tilted her head and laughed a few times and said: "No one likes Xiaoyu no matter what, otherwise, isn't it me who wins?"

Bai Yiyan nodded when he heard this, and agreed: "That's right, in terms of liking Luo Geng, you will never be able to catch up with her."

Chi Xiaoyu walked out, and the parked car outside gently honked its horn, attracting her attention.

Seeing the people in the car waving to him, the smile on Chi Xiaoyu's lips gradually grew, and he quickly trotted over and got into the car.

"Long wait, husband."

Chi Xiaoyu sat in the co-pilot and looked at Luo Geng on the side and said.

"It's okay, you just have fun."

Luo Geng smiled slightly, then started the car, drove away from here, and drove towards the house

, Chi Xiaoyu leaned on the seat, looked at Luo Geng's side face reflected in the window, raised his eyebrows lightly, he was about to hold a wedding with Luo Geng, this matter made her can't help but giggle every time she thought of it.

Luo Geng glanced at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and said softly:

"By the way, wife, Deng Yuxuan called me, since we have decided on the plan, we can discuss the wedding date, just give him a time when the time comes, he will solve everything as soon as possible before the wedding."

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head in some surprise and said, "Really? Is he so efficient? So if we set a particularly close date, will he still have time?

"The things that can be solved with money will be very fast, anyway, what I told him is that there is no need to think about any expenses."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, thought for a while, and said:

"Well, about the wedding date, I don't know how to set the exact date, because I won't be an auspicious day, but I do have an idea."

Luo Geng chuckled and said, "Coincidentally, I also have ideas about the wedding date.

"Really? Then you speak first.

"That, of course, is... The sooner the better, I can't wait anyway.

Chi Xiaoyu turned his face sideways and chuckled: "I thought of going together, it's really soulful."

Luo Geng turned his head to look at her, raised the corners of his mouth to her, and said, "Because we are husband and wife."

"Yes, husband and wife..." Chi

Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows, his eyes were smiling, the warmth was very good, at this moment, the atmosphere in the car was full of happiness, Chi Xiaoyu felt that she was not only the person who was about to become a bride, but also the happiest person in the world.

After returning home, the two walked into the house, Luo Geng leaned on the sofa, ready to rest for a while

, often sitting for a long time, making his waist and cervical spine very sore, and he didn't have time to massage or something to relax.

Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, stood behind Luo Geng, and then stretched out his hand to help him squeeze his shoulder.

She bent down, approached Luo Geng's ear, and whispered, "Husband, it's hard."

Luo Geng suddenly held her hand, and then, directly hugged

her and held her in his arms, Chi Xiaoyu was startled and exhaled softly, but when she reacted, she was already lying in

Luo Geng's arms, she looked at Luo Geng's eyes, the gaze was clear and stubborn, couldn't help but move her throat, and called softly: "Husband..." Luo Geng

slowly lowered his head, clear breathing was in her ear,

and he held her face, a kiss fell on her forehead, and then fell on her thin rosy lips.

She closed her eyes, put her arms around Luo Geng's neck, her restless heartbeat was fast, and she could feel that Luo Geng's

love was so turbulent that she was overwhelmed and fell into it.

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