"How to choose this, how many of them cover their heads, are they all so similar?"

Wen Shao was a little puzzled, thinking that they were all different in height, short, fat and thin, why did they cover their heads now, but they couldn't recognize them?

They even carefully hid their hands, as if they feared that someone would guess who they were because of their hands.

Fan Junzhe frowned slightly, and after looking around, he muttered: "This look is because they have adjusted a few times and deliberately confused it."

He originally wanted to observe her stomach to find An Ying, after all, now she is almost three or four months old, and her lower abdomen is slightly bulging

, but observing this circle, he found that these are similar, and I don't know if other people are padding things in their clothes.

The others with particularly thin waists and relatively thin legs almost padded something, so that the four of them maintained their figures similarly.

"Wife, take care of me?"

Luo Geng tried to pretend to be pitiful and let Chi Xiaoyu pay attention to himself, because in the past, this trick was very useful, as long as it came out, no matter what the request Chi Xiaoyu could promise himself.

As a result, after Luo Geng's voice disappeared for a long time, he never saw anyone in front of him pay attention to him.

"Strange, normal will be useful..."

Luo Geng grinned, showing a bitter smile, it seemed that Chi Xiaoyu was determined to let himself play this game.

If this guesses wrong, as soon as the hood is lifted, it is not Chi Xiaoyu, then he does not know what to do, although Chi Xiaoyu will definitely not blame himself, after all

, it is just a game, but it is embarrassing himself, the whole audience will watch their own jokes, even their wife will guess wrong, it is really a very embarrassing thing.

"Brothers, how about using your usefulness and helping me?"

Luo Geng took a step back and stood behind the other three, wanting them to charge first, so that they could finally solve it with the elimination method, but I was afraid that they would choose Chi Xiaoyu at once, which would be miserable.

Then, Luo Geng looked at Luo Yongfu on the side and whispered, "Dad, give me some tips?"

Luo Yongfu glared at him, patted him, and said: "Hey, you boy, this is a game, to improve the atmosphere, they all said okay, even if they guess wrong, it doesn't matter at all, you just play boldly, and I tell you, Xiaoyu promised everyone in advance, saying that you will definitely win this game!"

"This... Really believe in me so much? The corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, he didn't know how to win, Chi Xiaoyu believed in himself so much?

"I'm sure... Can win?

Luo Geng couldn't help swallowing, his throat moved, or thinking about what Chi Xiaoyu said, did he have any meaning, did he not guess thoroughly, or simply believed himself unconditionally?

The four people stood in place, their eyes saw through and did not see a reason, as time passed little by little, Luo Yongfu looked at the time on his watch and reminded:

"By the way, this is a time-limited game, you only have fifteen minutes, and now five minutes have passed, if the time is up, even if you lose, they say that then you have to take out all the red envelopes on your body."


The four of them opened their mouths and exclaimed, they didn't know what to do anymore, now that this game is still time-limited, in ten minutes, how can they figure out how to guess all of them?

"Brothers, break your fortune and avoid disaster! This is now the best way to do it.

Luo Geng said that he was going to take out all the red envelopes he had prepared, although he was ready to take out all the red envelopes here, but giving them all at once, it was inevitable that he was still a little distressed, he was rich but not a big man.

The other three stopped Luo Geng and slammed his surrender button

, "No, how can you surrender without a fight?" This is a game, it is okay to lose, at least lose with dignity, if they surrender directly, they will definitely laugh at us. Wen

Shao seems to have been able to imagine that after the failure, Bai Yi laughed at his expression, even this game did not dare to play, not only will be laughed, but also make the atmosphere of the scene to zero

, the game that was originally very programmatic, directly not played, is indeed very disappointing, especially on such days.

"So what do you guys do? We only had ten minutes.

Luo Geng put away the red envelope and looked at the time, even if it was not time-limited, they could not delay it for too long, then the time for the wedding ceremony would be delayed.


Suddenly, Hou Pengyuan slowly took a step as if he had made up some determination, and then stood in front of Luo Geng, looking at him with a determined expression.

Hou Pengyuan clapped his hands on Luo Geng's shoulders and said, "Brother Luo, I rushed, I can only contribute my meager strength, this is what I can do." "


The other two and Luo Geng all looked at him blankly, not knowing what he was going to do

, but after he finished speaking, he turned around, looked at the four people in front of him, and scanned the circle.

He bit his lip, slowly spoke, and said in

a witty manner: "Wanxin... You better come out on your own, you... You sit with them... So much cushion on the chest... Aren't you tired? No more padding... It's also fake..."


The other three couldn't help but exclaim, opened their eyes, and looked at Hou Pengyuan in disbelief, never

expecting that he chose to blow himself up!

This trick hurt the enemy by a thousand and self-harmed by 10,000, and he actually dared to use it!


A moment later, I saw that among the four people in front, one of them directly threw the red hood on his head aside, it was Yu Wanxin.

She stared at Hou Pengyuan with murderous eyes, and then directly stood up and rolled up her sleeves to walk over.

"The rest will be left to you!"

Hou Pengyuan turned his head and quickly explained, and then ran away!

Rushed straight out of the room and ran towards the door! That speed is unmatched at this time.

"Hou Pengyuan! You give me a stop!

Yu Wanxin clenched her fists and chased out, the wedding dress and high heels did not delay her pursuit at all, and she couldn't catch up with him and never looked back!

"Ah! Wrong, wrong, wrong! Doesn't it mean that it doesn't matter anyway!

"I repent, I definitely can't spare you!"

There was a howl from Hou Pengyuan outside the door, running farther and farther, the two didn't know where to chase, the people outside were amused by this move, the atmosphere was indeed driven, but it seemed to have paid a price.

"Gee, this is the last killing move that can only be used as a last resort, he actually used it in a group, it was too fierce."

The remaining three looked out the door, smacking their tongues and shaking their heads helplessly, showing sympathetic eyes, although they knew that he might be fine, but it was estimated that a beating would inevitably occur.

Then they looked in front of them, and now they had chosen one correct answer, and there were three more, and there was no clue at all.

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