But even so, Luo Geng had to confiscate the comic.

I saw Luo Geng snatch it over, stuffed it into his desk, and said: "You hurry up to study, don't look at this kind of intellectually degrading and nutritious thing..."

Even if it was his own work, Luo Geng scolded unabashedly.

After all, what he said is also the truth, this kind of thing is not nutritious in the first place

, he doesn't even need an outline, just think and draw casually.

Other works can mobilize the reader's emotions, joy, anger and sorrow, and follow the story into it.

Luo Geng's work is purely a cool, there are no other elements, looking at the eight hundred dead people in this thing can't cry.

But this is the thing, it's really easy to earn....

In Luo Geng's previous life, it was completely outdated, but in the present, it is something that can be quacked and killed.

The other comics in the weekly were eclipsed, and even the cover was a promotion of Luo Geng's work.

Fortunately, people now read comics and no one pays attention to who the author is

, and in the lower left corner of the cover, the author is marked under his own work - Luo Geng.

But even if he sees it, Wen Shao may feel that it is just a coincidence, this author actually has the same name as his good brother.

Who can believe that the person sitting next to him every day is this cartoonist.

Wen Shao shrugged his shoulders and said,

"Oops... It's okay, anyway, I've already read that, to be honest, after reading that, I can't watch the rest, it's like eating a fast food, and then what nutritious meals are a little unbearable..."

Luo Geng shook his head helplessly and said: "So eat less fast food in the future... It's enough to solve the gluttony occasionally..."

And Wen Shao still had a little bit of unfinished meaning, and he kept thinking about that content in his mind.

"What to do, I'm looking forward to the update now, looking forward to the next story, can this author draw it faster?" Doesn't a word a day smell?

"Take the author as a person..."

Luo Geng smiled bitterly helplessly, if he allowed him, he still wanted to have a hundred words a day, and it was good to finish a story in a few days

, wasn't that a dream, and he couldn't draw so quickly.

However, Luo Geng also realized a very serious problem

, that has to say, his works are indeed a little hot now, and there are many people who read

it, but near the college entrance examination, it seems to affect others to learn a little

, Wen Shao Isn't this a student persecuted by his own works, now looking forward to next week to see the update, can not learn.

"Oh, Wen Shao, what is the addiction of you looking at it like this, you watch it after the college entrance examination, there will be no study pressure at that time, and you have also hoarded a lot of things that you haven't seen, then you can watch it all at once, you better hurry up and study now."

Luo Geng persuaded him that if his comics affected Wen Shao's college entrance examination

, then he was really sorry for him

, but if he wasn't really short of money, he wouldn't want to drive out a comic with bad money so early.

"Makes sense."

Wen Shao nodded, and he could also listen to Luo Geng's words, after all, it would be a little too stupid to drop the chain at this critical moment.

After school

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were ready to go to the station to take the train, but Luo Geng

found a lot of students on this way, reading books attentively

, if you hold a study book in your hand, it is indeed a good student who can see a lot of hard study,

but it is not!

Each of them is holding a weekly comic book!

An aunt smiled, hehe silly music, holding the comic and reading it as he walked.

"Gee... I'm a sinner..." Luo

Geng can't stop them, can't be afraid of affecting other people's college entrance examinations, and suspend the publication by himself, right?

Then I can't make my own money, and now I will lose a lot of money if I suspend the publication!

"What's wrong?" Chi Xiaoyu heard Luo Geng muttering this sentence and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Luo Geng waved his hand, and then the two fell silent again

, Luo Geng could obviously feel that Chi Xiaoyu was a little worried

, today she didn't study much all day, she had been distracted, she felt a little unable to learn,

and her mind was full of the words she said in the car with Luo Geng in the morning.

What to reorganize the family, the law, ethics, love, she has been pondering for a day.

Now the two almost know that the other party's parents seem to have the intention of reorganizing the family.

Luo Geng saw that his father was so attentive, he didn't go to work to make money, and he often sent people home like that.

And Chi Xiaoyu also knew that it was estimated that this thing would have to be done, otherwise she knew her mother and had received so many gifts from others, and if she didn't agree to others in the end, she wouldn't want it.

So they all know that they are about to become a family....

If neither of them does anything, it will become "Family with Children".

"Am I going to confess to Luo Geng... I don't want to be willing to be a brother and sister with Luo Geng... But now that the college entrance examination is approaching, this is a bit of a bother for him... Let's wait until the college entrance examination is over, it can't affect his exam.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's side face, and his heart was a little restless.

The two sat in the car, thinking not about studying,

but thinking about how to confess to each other after the exam....

After arriving at the station, I got off the train

, originally the two should have been on different roads and separated at the station

, but today, Luo Geng suddenly followed behind Chi Xiaoyu and said, "That... I'll send you home..." Chi

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and let out a gentle "um".

The two walked on the way back to Chi Xiaoyu's house, both hoping that time would pass slower so that

they could spend more time with each other.

They didn't see it as a way home, but as a walk for the two.

Since my last walk, I haven't taken a leisurely walk since.

Chi Xiaoyu missed that time, and Luo Geng missed it even more.

"That said... If my father and Aunt Ren knew that we were friends, wouldn't they be shocked.

Luo Geng scratched his head and said awkwardly.

"No, it won't... It's normal for friends..."

If it's boyfriend and girlfriend, they should be shocked.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend..." Chi Xiaoyu's mind immediately brought up the picture of herself and Luo Geng together.

It was as if it could only occur in a dream.

"Haha, but they won't find out either, after all, after such a long time, all..."

Before Luo Geng's words were finished,

the two walked around a corner and

directly met the sight of the two people on the opposite side.

On the opposite side was also a man sending the woman home,

it was Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan.

All four stopped, their expressions stiffened, looked at each other, and fell silent.

Chi Xiaoyu was even more surprised, this Uncle Luo... She's seen it!

Isn't this the same uncle who was mistaken for a three-legged monster that night?

At this time, she remembered that Luo Geng seemed to have said yesterday that

his father was disabled, and it was his father who saw him on his way home, and she should have guessed it.

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