Luo Geng had hardly drunk alcohol, although he had tasted baijiu, but he had only drunk a little

, and the feeling of spicy, choking his nose, he really couldn't understand.

I don't understand those who drink alcohol, what taste is mellow and plump, soft and delicate, what sauce aroma, mellow aroma, cellar aroma, how do these things taste?

He's a person who can't drink, and he can only taste spicy and choking?

"Uh..." Luo

Geng just wanted to say something, but saw Qi Qianru on the side, didn't say anything, directly raised his neck, like drinking water, and drank all the liquor in one gulp!

"I'll wipe it..."

Luo Geng gritted his teeth, the good guy was left with himself, what would happen if he just took a small sip at this time?

Will you be criticized for not treating them as friends?

The eyes of others all looked at Luo Geng, and Wen Shao looked at Luo Geng with an expectant look

, after all, they are good friends, even if Luo Geng does not drink, it doesn't matter, but after all, it is fun, of course, I hope that Luo Geng will also participate lively.

Just when Luo Geng was still hesitating,

Iori's white and slender hand suddenly stretched out from the side and snatched Luo Geng's wine glass.

"Eh... This..."

Luo Geng was stunned, looking at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, she looked at the others with a serious face.

"That... Thank you all very much.... Let me come together, this cup, I will drink it for Luo Geng, just as I salute all of you..."

Chi Xiaoyu stood up, and after speaking, he opened his mouth and drank the white wine in the glass.

"You..." Bai Yi wanted to stand up to stop Chi Xiaoyu, but it was too late, and she had already drunk the liquor.

"Wha-" The

momentum surged up, Chi Xiaoyu was choked, and he snorted, but he still closed his mouth until he swallowed all the wine.

Her face instantly turned red, faster than her usual blush!

Bai Yi bit her lip, looked at Chi Xiaoyu with some heartbeat, and then looked at Luo Geng on the side complainingly,

thinking what Luo Geng was doing? Why not stop her?

Who knew that Luo Geng was already dumbfounded, sitting on the side, his hand still raised in midair.

"She's so handsome... So beautiful... How can one take advantage of beauty and handsomeness... What a violation! Gentle and considerate, angel... She must be an angel..." Luo

Geng's heart "thumped", looking at Chi Xiaoyu's side face, his heart was moved, and Chi Xiaoyu's handsome side just now continued to emerge in his mind.

"That's not right! What am I doing? Why didn't I stop her? Let her drink such a large glass directly, if something happens..." Luo

Geng suddenly slowed down, realizing that he had just been fascinated by Chi Xiaoyu, and he had forgotten to stop her

, now that he thinks back, he is like a nest of waste, let a girl block the wine for herself?

So much waste still drinking here? No, go to the children's table for drinks....

"Are you okay..."

Luo Geng stroked Chi Xiaoyu's back and looked at her with a worried expression, his eyes full of distress.

"It's okay."

Chi Xiaoyu squeezed out a smile and shook his head at Luo Geng, the strength just now had eased up, and now his face was still a little red.

"Have a drink."

Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's cup and the drink it contained, and handed it to Chi Xiaoyu.

And the other people at the table, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, especially Wen Shao and Deng Yuxuan, seeing the scene just now, it was simply envious that made people's eyes bleed!

Qi Qianru was expressionless, but her mouth was biting the inside of her lip,

why didn't she expect it? Why didn't you expect to block Luo Geng's wine?

She also thought that she would be very handsome if she drank a glass of wine so refreshingly, and she couldn't bear to choke.

She knew she had lost another game!

"That, otherwise we still ..." Wen

Shao stretched out his hand and wanted to say, or we better not drink it, but before the words could be spoken,

Luo Geng's sharp gaze was projected in front of him.

"Ahem, sorry, Xiaoyu is more happy, so I am a little excited, you know, I am a slow hot type player, this is just the beginning."

Luo Geng said as he took off his coat, put it on the backrest

, and then filled his cup and raised it, as if "Let's fight!" ".

"Roar? Did I choose to continue drinking instead of drinking? It's funny.

Wen Shao was also interested, the corners of his mouth raised, and he also took off his coat.

The atmosphere in the venue rose to a level, and before this dish was served, several people drank this bottle of wine....

Drinking on an empty stomach made them absorb alcohol more quickly, and after a few laps, each face blushed like a monkey's butt.

"Luo Geng... Let's not drink it..."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's gradually reddened cheeks and said with some worry.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm happy!"

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu, now he had entered a slightly drunk state, and it was when his interest was high.

After such a long period of fatigue, it was finally released at this moment.

Although Qi Qianru also drank silently on the side, her eyes stayed on Luo Geng's body, and

the benefits after drinking were for her that she couldn't tell whether the rosiness on her face was caused by drinking or some other reason.

Deng Yuxuan slammed the last glass of wine, and then put the glass on the table

, today he has been in a stuffy state, alcohol attacks faster than anyone

, now looking at everything in front of him, there is a little double shadow.

"Ru... Ahem... Qi Qianru... Can you please come out?

Deng Yuxuan looked at Qi Qianru on the side and asked softly.

Qi Qianru heard the voice, turned her head, glanced at Deng Yuxuan, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I... There is something to tell you..."

Deng Yuxuan stood up, almost didn't stand firm, quickly helped the table,

and then said: "I'm waiting for you outside."

After that, he left the private room.

There was no time for Qi Qianru to refuse at all.

Others also heard Deng Yuxuan's words, and they could almost guess in their hearts.

But looking at Qi Qianru, she didn't care much, and even felt that she didn't mean to go out.

Bai Yi couldn't stand it a little, and said: "Ruru, you still... Let's make it clear with him in person, after all, high school is over, just be... Draw a period.

Qi Qianru narrowed her eyes, pondered in her seat for a while, then put down the half-full wine glass, then

stood up and walked out of here.

Almost everyone knows what Deng Yuxuan is going to do, and Qi Qianru herself knows, but because of this, Qi Qianru doesn't want to go

, after all, she didn't hang Deng Yuxuan,

how many times she has given the answer to refuse.

I don't understand why he is so persistent?

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