"Then I'll take Luo Geng back first."

Chi Xiaoyu helped the drunken Luo Geng and prepared to get into a taxi.

"Oh well, then you have to be careful."

Bai Yi nodded, instructed Chi Xiaoyu, turned his head and glanced at Wen Shao, who was sitting on the side of the road

, although he also drank a lot, but at least he was relatively sober, sitting there so as not to fall,

and Luo Geng was already in that state of not being able to sit still.

"Well, thank you guys today."

Chi Xiaoyu smiled lightly, nodded to them, and finally, glanced at Qi Qianru on the side.

She didn't say a word, even if she watched Chi Xiaoyu help Luo Geng leave, she didn't say anything.

And Chi Xiaoyu would not take the initiative to say anything to her, got into a taxi directly, told the driver the destination, and left here.

"Let's go back too, Ruru."

Bai Yi patted Qi Qianru's shoulder, and then turned his head and walked in Wen Shao's direction.


Qi Qianru replied softly, and then put her hand into

her pocket, from her pocket, she took out a small box, which contained a necklace!

She picked it up, in the private room, right at Luo Geng's feet

, it was estimated that when it was playing, it fell out, and no one else found it, and he himself did not notice it.

But, she saw it.

She thought of the small box that Deng Yuxuan was holding in her hand, and then looked at this, and she instantly understood everything.

This is... I will give it to Chi Xiaoyu tomorrow.

Her selfish intentions were wrong, she moved her mind, she

didn't return this thing... But... Secretly hidden....

"I'll tomorrow... I'll return it to you..." Qi

Qianru didn't want to steal Luo Geng's things yet, but she had to buy time and fight for time for this thing to be sent.

She hopes to be able to show her heart to Luo Geng, just like Deng Yuxuan, can continue to write the next story, or draw an end

, whether this necklace will be worn on Chi Xiaoyu's neck or her own, this will soon be revealed.

"It can't be."

Qi Qianru thought so, even she herself denied herself,

what is the difference between her and Deng Yuxuan now?

I don't understand why Deng Yuxuan has been persistently pestering himself, but he still hasn't understood what he is doing with these actions?

It is clear that he died himself, treated Luo Geng highly, and finally broke his heart, and now he plays these true feelings, who to see?

But she wasn't willing... She wants to go for it.

She knew that she was sorry for Luo Geng, so she woke up, she wanted to atone for her sins, if Luo Geng

agreed, even if they were together, it didn't matter if they were together, it didn't matter if they were low, he was high, it didn't matter if he was humble!

This is the emotional truth that Luo Geng taught himself, and he wants to repay him for these achievements....


the car, Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, who could not open his eyes on the side, and felt a little panicked in his heart.

"Luo Geng... It seems like... At the dinner table just now, he said he liked me??!

Chi Xiaoyu covered his cheeks, it happened just half an hour ago

, Luo Geng seemed to have said to himself, like himself?

Then he began to touch his pocket in a daze, as if looking for something

, and finally, he didn't find it, so he fell asleep directly on the chair

, which ended the meal, after all, Luo Geng was already unconscious.

"No, no, no, what you say after getting drunk... Not reckoning, now he has broken pieces, tomorrow he will forget ... Well... However, there is also such a thing as spitting out the truth after drinking, right? Yes, right? There should be one, right? Then this should be true..."

Chi Xiaoyu began to think cranky, and his mind was happy and unhappy.

One moment wanted to believe that what Luo Geng said was the truth, and the other time he couldn't believe it, thinking that Luo Geng was just drunk and talking nonsense.

Either way, it's possible, but it's just impossible to be sure!


At this time, Luo Geng let out a muffled snort, as if he was hiccuping.

Chi Xiaoyu quickly raised his head, patted Luo Geng's chest, and asked softly, "How is it?" Is it uncomfortable? "


Luo Geng's eyes couldn't open, his mouth couldn't move, and he didn't know where the words came from.

"Then why drink so much..." Looking

at the uncomfortable Luo Geng, Chi Xiaoyu was very distressed, but he couldn't help him share it.

I could only caress his chest with my hand, trying to make him feel better.

"Because... Belch... There's laughter rain... I'm drunk... Don't worry..."

"With me... Just rest assured..." Chi

Xiaoyu's cheeks were red, looking down at her toes, she didn't expect that she could have such value in Luo Geng's heart.

You can get drunk with peace of mind because there are people around you who can reassure you.

Isn't that a special kind of trust.

"Then don't worry, I've been there, as long as you turn back, I've been always..."

Chi Xiaoyu closed her eyes, her head, leaned on Luo Geng's shoulder

, she knew that doing this made her very embarrassed, she also felt that this was not good, friends should not be so intimate

, but she wanted to be willful now, satisfied... Their own petty willfulness.

It is also in the situation that Luo Geng's current memory is not clear, to experience this feeling of relying on Luo Geng and being relied on by Luo Geng.

"Good hope... Can do this all the time: Keep it going..."

Child.. Well, I don't want to disturb the atmosphere, but it's already here..." The

car stopped, and the driver looked awkwardly in the rearview mirror and pouted.

He can't continue to drive and let the two of them in the back have a car date.

"Oooh... I'm sorry, how much money..." Chi Xiaoyu quickly sat up and said awkwardly.

Chi Xiaoyu paid, and then took Luo Geng out of the car, and

they took a taxi directly to Chi Xiaoyu's downstairs...

Because Chi Xiaoyu didn't know where Luo Geng's family was, he could only take him back to his house first.

"Oh..." Chi

Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng, but she was a girl, how could she take Luo Geng up the stairs, Luo Geng

was like a solo street dance, the steps under her feet were very messy, as if she was walking a very new step,

but even if she split, she definitely didn't fall!

No way, Chi Xiaoyu could only call his mother....

After briefly explaining the situation, Ren Lan immediately rushed down

, looking at Luo Geng, who was drunk in front of him, and holding him, with a bitter look on his face

, Ren Lan smacked his tongue and said jokingly:

"Xiaoyu, this just finished the exam, and brought the man home drunk?"

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