"Uncle Luo!"

The torrential rain did not stop, Chi Xiaoyu and Ren Lan quickly ran over with umbrellas, and

they saw the very helpless figure who fell to the ground next to the street.

"Uncle Law! Are you okay! I'll call an ambulance now! Chi

Xiaoyu ran over, quickly covered Luo Yongfu with an umbrella, not letting him continue to be hit by

the rain, he was originally dressed relatively neatly, but now he fell on the ground, the ground was slippery, on his own, he couldn't stand up at all

, and he was poured for dozens of minutes in this heavy rain,

and he was soaked.

"It's okay, it's okay kid, I just got in the rain for a while, and I don't have to go to the hospital."

Luo Yongfu quickly stopped Chi Xiaoyu, waved his hand, wiped his face with his hand, and brushed his wet hair up.

"Look at you, why are you so careless, if we didn't come, you are here..." Ren

Lan took out the towel he was carrying and wiped the water on Luo Yongfu's body, his eyes were full of

distress, if they hadn't come, then Luo Yongfu would really be in this heavy rain, all the time to bear the wind and rain, at that time, the illness would be light.

Subsequently, Luo Yongfu stood up again with the help of Ren Lan and Chi Xiaoyu, and Ren Lan quickly asked him to put his shoulder on his shoulder and act as his other crutch.

"What about Luo Geng's smelly boy?"

Luo Yongfu saw that it was their mother and daughter who came, but Luo Geng was actually not there, and he couldn't help frowning.

"This... Luo Geng he..." Chi

Xiaoyu didn't know how to tell Luo Yongfu, after she woke up, she never saw Luo Geng

, only her own body, his coat, called him,

and no one answered.


At this time, Chi Xiaoyu's mobile phone rang, and she quickly took out her mobile phone in the next second and saw that it was [Someone I liked].

"Hey! Luo Geng... Are you in..." Chi

Xiaoyu answered the phone, and before he could say anything, Luo Geng's eager voice came from over there.

"Xiaoyu, I'll go back right away, I didn't mean not to answer your phone just now..." Luo

Geng's side came the sound of raindrops hitting the roof of the car, and it should be inferred that he was in the car.

However, for Luo Geng to explain to himself at the first time that he did not answer the phone, Chi Xiaoyu was still very happy.

"You: Do you bring an umbrella? I'll pick you up.

"No, no need, it's raining too much outside."

"No, I'll pick you up and you tell me where you got off." Chi Xiaoyu said very seriously.

"This... Okay, I'll get off at the station..."

"I know, wait for me." Chi Xiaoyu nodded, and then hung up the phone.

She turned her head to look at Ren Lan and wanted to say this, but saw Ren Lan smiling, nodding at her, and said, "Go." "


Chi Xiaoyu held an umbrella and turned around and walked towards the direction of the station.

The heavy rain pounded the ground violently, and the wind shook the branches and leaves of the trees.

Chi Xiaoyu walked in this heavy rain, very hard, holding the umbrella tightly with both hands, it was difficult to master it.

If you are not careful, you will be blown away by this wind.

However, she gritted her teeth and still moved forward against the wind, even this violent wind and rain could not stop her steps.

Until she finally saw the station sign in that blurred vision, and in front of the station sign, there was a figure.

Luo Geng stood in the heavy rain, letting the rain hit his body, wetting his body, and still unmoved.

"Luo Geng... Quick..." After

Chi Xiaoyu saw Luo Geng, he stepped forward with all his strength, and then blocked Luo Geng under the umbrella.

"Why don't you find a place to hide from the rain and get off... It's all soaked..." Chi

Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's body, his clothes were already attached to his skin, wet and transparent.

"Laughing rain... I... I have something to tell you..."

Luo Geng hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking.

"What's wrong... What's the matter to go back and talk about..." Chi Xiaoyu was startled by his serious appearance, opened his mouth, and squeezed out a smile.

"I... I don't want to hide from you, I didn't answer your phone because... Qi Qianru is next to him..." Chi

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then slowly lowered his head, pursed his mouth

, gently "um", and continued: "I know,

let's go."

"I got drunk last night and then something fell at the restaurant and she picked it up, and I went to her today to retrieve my stuff... And then...

Chi Xiaoyu's heart "clicked", his lips trembled, and

at that moment,

tears flowed from his frozen eyes like spring water.

"So... That... Are you all together..."

"No, I refused."

"Eh..." Chi Xiaoyu raised his head and looked at Luo Geng a little blankly.

"Why... She should be very beautiful, and her academic performance is good..." Luo

Geng shook his head and said softly: "That's none of my business, I don't like her, I... There are people who like it.

Chi Xiaoyu blinked and asked, "Yes... Who is it..."


A simple word, but hit Chi Xiaoyu's heart hard

, she looked at Luo Geng's eyes, slowly widened,

and the hand holding the umbrella was suddenly released.


The umbrella was blown away by the wind and disappeared into the sky, exposing the two to heavy rain.

"You said... What..."

"I said, I like you!"

"From the first time I got home from school with you, I had a crush on you, I don't know if I liked it, but after that, I gradually became convinced that I just like you!"

"Like your gentleness, like your kindness, like you have me in your eyes, like you care about me, care about me..."

I... I want to associate with you and can... Be my girlfriend?

Luo Geng stretched out his hand and opened his palm, and the necklace flung down in his palm, dangling in the rain, shining with the light that belonged to it.

Chi Xiaoyu stared at Luo Geng's serious face, his pupils trembled slightly, and his mouth opened slightly.

Time seemed to stand still, and only the sound of rain could be heard....

"Hmm-" In

an instant, Chi Xiaoyu's mouth trembled, bent downward, sobbed, tears

welled up in his eyes,

quickly merged with the rain, and slipped down his face.

"You know... How many times have I had such dreams? Every time I have such a dream, after waking up, the sense of loss makes me unable to face reality.... How I wish ... That's true..." Chi

Xiaoyu's voice trembled, choked, and said these words.

"Then you... Would you like to be my girlfriend?

"I do... I do, I do!

Chi Xiaoyu rushed forward, hugged Luo Geng, and buried her head in Luo Geng's arms.

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, and then, the gentle smile in his eyes became stronger, stretched out his hand, and hugged Chi Xiaoyu.

The two embraced each other in this torrential rain and began their relationship....

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