"Huh? Why are professional artists not ashamed to ask? Sister Qiao, you don't need me to teach you, right?

Luo Geng's thin lips gently curled, and he spoke with a bit of sarcasm, and

his language always revealed "I still like your unruly appearance."

This sentence made Qin Qiao confused, and his face turned red with shame.

"Call me... Daimyo will do... I can't see Tarzan..." Qin

Qiao covered his face, looking faceless, to be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, she wouldn't have known that there was such a superior person in the world

, and only 19 years old, I really

can't believe what special training he has experienced, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be, how can he have time for any special training, this is obviously a high school graduate, is it just talent, is it so terrifying?

"I'm really sorry for you to say this."

"This..." Qin Qiao looked at his body, and his clothes were indeed quite compatible with his unruly appearance

, informal, hot and spicy hot girls, but now he looked restrained, it was really strange.

"I'll change tomorrow..."

Qin Qiao shook his head, he just likes popular fashion things, not a bad girl, but now there is no money for herself to pursue fashion anymore

, this sky-high salary job, she must keep it....

"Work faster, you can't keep up with my speed, you can't."

"Ah! Good!

Qin Qiao quickly sat down and began to work, she now felt the pressure of this job, at least it was definitely not an easy job that could simply earn ten thousand yuan.

But even so, Qin Qiao, as a novice, can't do Luo Geng's both

speed and quality, she wants to speed up, but she is afraid of making a mistake and not doing it well, so she doesn't dare to be too fast

, which also leads to a rapid increase in her workload, and she has to deal with more and more drawings in front of her!

Even when Luo Geng was resting, going to the toilet or drinking saliva, Qin Qiao had been hurrying to catch up.

She was not only working, but also studying techniques in Luo Geng's drawings

, until the evening, when it was already dark, it was already past dinner time, and it was almost eight o'clock.

Luo Geng stretched, turned his head, and looked at Qin Qiao who was sitting there behind

her, there were already many drawings on her desk, she was still working seriously, she didn't touch the fish,

it could be seen from her bloodshot eyes.

"Okay, let's get here today, you can go, oh yes... Your meal supplement car supplement.

Luo Geng took out a 50 yuan sheet and handed it to Qin Qiao.

This is said to be a subsidy, but it is already equivalent to the salary of some working days, and it cannot be said to be a subsidy for the internship period at all.

"But... There are so many more..."

Qin Qiao raised her head, looked at Luo Geng, and then looked at the work on the table that she had piled up

, she didn't want to be able to do it, these were estimated to be her workload for nearly two days.

"You can take it back and continue to do it, and then tomorrow you can not use it, I will go out tomorrow, and I will go to work at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow."

Luo Geng waved his hand, he couldn't leave Qin Qiao to work anymore, after all, it was so late, she was also a girl in her twenties

, staying in her room so late would always make others

misunderstand, and Luo Geng especially didn't want Chi Xiaoyu to misunderstand!

I just dated her, if she misunderstood and dumped herself, it would be really bitter and unspeakable.

"Oh... Okay..."

Qin Qiao stood up, feeling that her waist was particularly painful, and her legs couldn't stand up, but she didn't expect to move her body when she was serious, she

carefully packed up those drawings, and then left here.


Luo Geng exhaled a turbid breath, in fact, he was also tired half to death

, he just wanted to kill her sharp qi, so he was too serious, he didn't expect to be so tired....

"What is Xiaoyu doing..."

Luo Geng was a little puzzled, he thought that Chi Xiaoyu would call her, but there was no movement on this day.

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone, opened it, and found more than ten unread text messages!

"Uh... Wipe! Forgot to tune it back!

Luo Geng thought that he had forgotten to turn the vibration back, no wonder it was so quiet today!

Luo Geng opened the text message and found that it was all sent by Chi Xiaoyu -

[Are you working?] Don't get tired, pay attention to rest....

] [Remember to eat, you didn't eat breakfast

...] [You should be very busy, I shouldn't have disturbed

you...] [I know you

shouldn't be available, but even if you just reply to me with a message, okay...

] [I miss you...]

Looking at this text message, Luo Geng was both warm and a little heartbroken

, she hadn't replied to her for so long, she wouldn't be disappointed in herself....

At this time in Chi Xiaoyu's house

, Chi Xiaoyu was in her room, lying on the bed, wearing pajamas, nestled in the quilt

, staring at the text messages she sent to Luo Geng, but she didn't get a reply, she was a little lost.

Although she knew that Luo Geng was busy, she just couldn't help but want to send a message to Luo Geng!

There were even many times when I couldn't help but want to run directly to Luo Geng's house to meet him, but then I eased up, and I didn't know where Luo Geng's family was!


Chi Xiaoyu covered herself in the quilt and began to hum muffled, rolling around on the bed

, tossing for a long time before she stopped and exposed her head,

but there were a little more crystal tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Could it be that I'm the only one so serious... Will Luo Geng annoy me... But this is my first time in love... "

No, no, you definitely can't disturb Luo Geng, this is dragging him back, I can't do that..."

But I really miss him!

Chi Xiaoyu hugged his pillow, not moving, his eyes widened, and tears condensed like crystals.


At this time, her mobile phone rang, it was the sound of a

text message, Chi Xiaoyu immediately picked up her mobile phone and looked at the text message sent by [boyfriend] - [Xiaoyu

, I'm really sorry, my phone was set to vibrate and forgot to tune it back, and then I have been working, did not look at the phone, did not reply to you, but I definitely did not mean not to return, I swear, I will reply to you as soon as I see it in the future! ] 【

Sorry sorry sorry, forgive me... I don't dare anymore...]

Chi Xiaoyu stared at the text message sent, a seductive blush appeared on her cheeks, the

depressed mood just now immediately disappeared, and her mood became happy,

she was a person whose mood changed with what Luo Geng did....

A moment later, she also replied to Luo Geng's message -

[You worked so hard, how can I blame you, tomorrow... Can you meet me at your leisure... I want to see you...].

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