Luo Yongfu looked at Luo Geng worriedly, he was afraid that Luo Geng would

be sad because of this

, after all, his biological mother abandoned herself, regardless of asking, and then learned that she was so good to other people's children, it would definitely be uncomfortable

, who knew that Luo Geng did not react at all, but sneered and said:

"Yes, then my mother didn't come today?" She takes care of you so much, why haven't you come to take care of you when you are sick? Huh? What about your son? Didn't come either? Wouldn't it... You came alone, right?

Sun Zhenggui was a little stunned when asked, and couldn't help but take a step back, his momentum dropped a little

, and then he coughed to hide his embarrassment, smacked his tongue and said:

"This... Ahem! Xiao Wei is working hard for this family, my son is too, but now he is sitting in the office, the future is immeasurable, every day to take care of every day, my little illness, how can I delay him to make a lot of money.

Sun Zhenggui looked at Luo Yongfu and continued: "It's better to say, you should be very hard, take care of this disabled father, have no skills, and can't earn any money, hey, I work hard for you." Sun

Zhenggui's words undoubtedly poked Luo Yongfu's sore

spot, this is also his pain point, how much trouble he has added to his son, he himself knows that there is no condition to give his son a good life, he also understands

, however, he is not like an ordinary person, he will lower his head and be depressed when poked in the sore spot, and

he will fight back violently!

"Roar? Got it? See? Glaring at your eyes and taking a good look, Lao Tzu's legs! My son brought me to Ann! Know how much? Yes? Old Deng! This leg can buy you life!

Luo Yongfu lifted his prosthetic leg and frantically output to

Sun Zhenggui, Sun Zhenggui looked at his prosthetic leg and was stunned for a moment, he hadn't found it just now, and he only saw it now.

And Luo Yongfu was not finished, and continued: "What are you doing here? Tell you, go back and tell Xiaowei, tell her to wait and regret going, my son is a hundred times stronger than your son! Don't think about borrowing my son's light in the future!

In the face of Luo Yongfu's foul output like a machine gun, Rao is Sun Zhenggui who can speak so well, he can't hold back

, and he takes a few steps back, his face is a little ugly.

"Blow: Blow it! You are dying here to face and suffer sin, your son has just finished the college entrance examination, right? It's about to go to college, can you afford it? Hmph, so, boy, you call me daddy, I'll give you the cost of college!

Sun Zhenggui took out

a few banknotes and shook them in front of Luo Geng, to be honest, a boy of Luo Geng's age is the age of love to play and lack money, and

when he sees a few red banknotes in front of him, his eyes will definitely shine.

Ben thought of bleeding himself, humiliating Luo Yongfu, and making himself happy

, but things didn't seem to develop as he imagined, and

Luo Geng didn't seem interested at all.


Luo Geng couldn't help but laugh, and then slowly helped Luo Yongfu to the seat on the side, and then slowly

walked towards Sun Zhenggui, still holding something in his pocket.

"What are you going to do?"

Sun Zhenggui took a step back and stared at Luo Geng warily.

And Luo Geng took out his wallet from his pocket

, the wallet was bulging, and when he opened it, it was full of banknotes!

“!!" Sun Zhenggui stared at the banknotes in the wallet, his eyes were straight, his eyes almost fell out

, there was a good chance that he had hundreds of dollars in his pocket, how could this kid have so much in his wallet? This must be tens of thousands of dollars!

Is it a counterfeit banknote? But who dares to go out with so many counterfeit banknotes? Dead?

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, casually took out a stack of banknotes, about two thousand yuan

, and then directly stuffed it into Sun Zhenggui's arms, and said:

"Uncle Sun, I see that your symptoms are quite serious, even if I invite you with this money, do a full body examination in the hospital, oh... By the way, focus on checking the brain.

Luo Geng's face smiled slightly, looking so kind, but the underlying true meaning, I don't know.

"You... You, you..." Sun Zhenggui's mature and steady face turned blue-gray in an instant, pointing at Luo Geng incoherently, and

gasped, but he still tightly held the banknote that Na Luo Geng stuffed over.

And Luo Geng looked at the nurse watching the play on the side

, she had been watching the excitement here, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

Luo Geng pointed to Sun Zhenggui and said to

the nurse: "Miss nurse, add two more bottles of glucose to this gentleman, I think this is estimated to be fainting, it may be low blood sugar, and then give me some blood pressure lowering medicine, count my head."

After speaking, he went to pick up Luo Yongfu on the side and prepared to leave here.

When he passed by Sun Zhenggui

, Luo Yongfu gave him a blank look and said loudly, "Bah! "A little.

But the coolness on his face has been fully revealed, and the aisles are straightened up and proud.

After they left, Sun Zhenggui turned around, his eyebrows furrowed, and he almost crushed his teeth.

"me off! What is the spirit?! I can't cure you, your mother can't cure you?!" Wait for me!

Sun Zhenggui stomped his foot, his eyelids jumped, the corners of his mouth twitched, and there seemed to be smoke above his head.

The nurse hurriedly came over and asked, "Sir, are you all right?"

Sun Zhenggui glanced at her, then pulled out a bill and threw it to the nurse.

"Bring me two bottles of glucose! Pack! "



"Hahahaha.... You don't see his expression! It's like that ate!

Luo Yongfu patted Luo Geng's back

, laughing forward and back, since leaving the hospital, he has been laughing so loudly, and ignoring the strange gazes of others.

"I saw it, I saw it."

Luo Geng shook his head helplessly, if it weren't for this guy being too much, he wouldn't be angry

, anyway, his mother didn't care about himself, and he had never made a phone call for so many years, it didn't matter if he did this, right?

Luo Geng comforted himself, in his mind, he couldn't remember his mother's appearance

, there were no photos at home, counting the memories of his previous life, he hadn't seen his mother for more than twenty years, and he probably couldn't recognize it.

"Daddy, don't you really want my mother?"

Luo Geng suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Yongfu on the side and asked.

Luo Yongfu, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment, staring at Luo Geng and frowning, his expression as if he was saying, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Miss her? I am sick, a person who abandoned her husband and son at your most difficult time, and then immediately found someone to start a new life, and did not care about her children, would you miss her? Boom! I dare say that your Aunt Ren is a hundred times stronger than her.

Luo Yongfu snorted coldly, and his tone sounded very angry.

And Luo Geng also understood his father's thoughts, after all, in the most desperate time, he didn't help, and his mother also left desperately, it was him alone and walked out of the shadows....

Now that he was finally walking in the sun, Luo Geng didn't want him to return to the shadows, or recall that desperate memory.

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