"This... This is..." Chi

Xiaoyu looked at the roses in Luo Geng's hand, a little overwhelmed

, he didn't know why Wen Shao was here, and sent Luo Geng a handful of roses.

Luo Geng and Wen Shao looked at each other and smiled awkwardly, and then Luo Geng

stepped forward and handed the rose in his hand to Chi Xiaoyu.

"Sent to you..."

Chi Xiaoyu opened his eyes wide, blinked blankly, pointed to himself, and asked dumbly: "Sent to... It's mine? "

Well, I took my dad to the hospital today, and then... I was a little anxious to see you, so I forgot to prepare..." Luo

Geng nodded and said softly.

And Chi Xiaoyu slowly took the flowers, and received the flowers sent by Luo Geng for the first time, and the mood was indescribable.

Surprised and a little flattered, this feeling is a little different from the feeling of receiving the necklace bought by Luo Geng.

Luo Geng saw Chi Xiaoyu's reaction, and his heart was also a little hesitant

, in fact, those heartfelt words that Chi Xiaoyu said just now, he was very touched

, after all, he also buried a lot in his heart, Chi Xiaoyu did not know things, he was also hesitating on the day of his relationship, whether to tell Chi Xiaoyu.

Just as Chi Xiaoyu was afraid that he would break up with him, Luo Geng was also afraid.

But now, Luo Geng decided that he would also tell Chi Xiaoyu about these things.

He slowly raised his head and said, "That... You know... I foolishly pursued Qi Qianru before, and I was also very dull, what I thought about you..."

Luo Geng was saying, and suddenly Chi Xiaoyu stepped forward, stretched out a finger, put it on Luo Geng's lips, and pressed his mouth, preventing him from continuing.

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu's face, and she looked at herself with a smile, which made her even more incomprehensible.


Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "I don't care about you before... I only care about you now... You want to like me, want to be with me... I'm already satisfied. In

the next second, Chi Xiaoyu suddenly took a step forward and approached

Luo Geng, and the thin lips with a smile and red gently clicked on Luo Geng's cheek!

At that moment

, Luo Geng was stupid, the dragonfly kissed like water, fell on Luo Geng's cheek, and then quickly left

, Luo Geng was stunned for a long time, for a while, both of them were stunned

, Chi Xiaoyu didn't know why she suddenly became bold, but she didn't regret

it, Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of her, her bright eyes were full of happiness, this kind of light, people can't bear to blaspheme,

At this moment, she is so beautiful, that delicate little face, as flawless as a porcelain doll, and her face is an unconcealable red tide.


Luo Geng gasped and touched his cheek, he realized that he was kissed?!

Right? It should be!

I have lived for so many years, and for the first time I was kissed by a girl!

What's the situation?! Does this feel so wonderful?

Wen Shao behind him was the worst one, he couldn't believe his eyes, and his face was pulled down directly!

Seeing the scene just now, I froze, and my heart was constantly roaring:

"Huh?! What for? Yes? Did you treat me like a human being? I'm also your junior high school classmate, abuse me like this?! "

Good guy, he was watching comics well at home, and he was called out by Luo Geng without saying anything

, and he became his errand, come here and watch them show affection?!"

I didn't treat him like a human being!

"I'm leaving..."

Wen Shao turned around and left here directly

, these two people were already immersed in the world of two, they were not only a super large light bulb here, but also a small transparent, no one cared

about his feelings, and no one noticed him.

The money from his taxi and the money for buying flowers, let's do this first, now disturb them, Guan Luogeng asks for money, it seems to be a bit of a mess.

After Luo Geng was immersed for a while, he spoke, "That... Let's go back, shall we? "

It was evening, the sun was about to set, and it was time for dinner.

"Hmm." Chi Xiaoyu nodded gently, and the sunset reflected on her face, making her face blush.

She has been holding flowers, and it is not very convenient to continue walking

, moreover, today she is already very satisfied, at least the relationship with Luo Geng has become much closer.

"Then I, send you back..." "No, I'll send you

home today." Chi Xiaoyu interrupted Luo Geng's words and offered to send Luo Geng home.

Luo Geng was a little surprised, how could a girl send a boy home?

Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head and whispered, "Actually, I haven't been to your house yet, so... I want to find the way.

Luo Geng suddenly realized, and said with a slight smile: "This way, okay then." The

two walked on the street, Luo Geng helped Chi Xiaoyu hold the bouquet of flowers, and the other hand was tightly held with Chi Xiaoyu's hand.

They all seem to be deliberately slowing down, enjoying the moment, not wanting to reach their destination so quickly.

But despite this, they also unknowingly walked downstairs to Luo Geng's house.

As soon as he arrived here, Luo Geng saw the familiar figure downstairs.


Luo Geng shouted suspiciously, and the man in front of him, who was holding the wall and faltering, turned his head and looked at Luo Geng with a frown.

"Shout what? Startled me... Oh, Xiaoyu is also coming..." Luo

Yongfu had just finished shouting at Luo Geng when he saw Chi Xiaoyu next to him, and his face became faster than turning a book.

At this time, Luo Geng could see at a glance that he was going downstairs for a walk and was familiar with his prosthetic leg.

He wore trousers and didn't look any different.

"Well, Uncle Luo is good."

Chi Xiaoyu bowed and greeted Luo Yongfu.

"Eh, hello hello, quick, upstairs please!" Come inside and talk. Luo Yongfu waved his hand with a smile, and then pointed upstairs and said.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, she wanted to go to Luo Geng's house to take a look, but she also had to ask Luo Geng's consent

, if he was not willing to go by himself, then she would not force it.

"Let's go."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Then he pulled her up the stairs, and when he was leaving, he looked at Luo Yongfu and asked, "Dad, do you need me to help you upstairs?"

"No need, I'll walk up slowly by myself, you quickly go upstairs son, go make tea for Xiaoyu."

Luo Yongfu smiled, and he was a lot polite when he talked to Luo Geng, which made Luo Geng a little unaccustomed....

Luo Geng opened the door of the house and made a "please" gesture to Chi Xiaoyu.

"Then I'll bother."

Chi Xiaoyu covered his mouth and chuckled, and slowly walked in.

She looked around and found that it was indeed very different from her own home, but she could really see that there were no women in this family....

There is still a big difference between a home with women and a home with only men.

Luo Geng walked in, put the flowers aside, pointed to his room and said,

"That's my room."

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