"And then what? You took people's money, what else is there to be angry about?

Deng Xiaowei stacked the bills together, and then consciously put them into his pocket.

Sun Zhenggui did not dare to object to this, patted his thigh and said: "Of course, that kid doesn't have any respect for me!" I'm so bad... Count him as a stepfather, right? He bullied me with his father, you don't care about this?

"What do you want me to do?"

Deng Xiaowei's eyebrows locked, she heard that Sun Zhenggui did not have any good intentions, but she was still very curious about her son suddenly having so much money.

Is it a lot of money? It's impossible, just like Luo Yongfu, which big model can look at?

"Of course, preach and preach him well, and then take all that money, how old is he?" How can you have so much money in your hands? What if it is spent indiscriminately? We help him to save, this is for his good!

Sun Zhenggui said with great words, and at this moment he seemed to stand at the highest point of morality, criticizing Luo Geng's ignorance.

But anyone with a little brain can hear the thoughts in Sun Zhenggui's words, isn't he just wanting Luo Geng's money?

A relationship that can be quarreled when you meet, can it be good for him?

"What do you want me? Do you think he might give? Deng Xiaowei's brows were tangled, and his tone revealed a hint of irritation.

Why didn't she find out before, this Sun Zhenggui's greed is so obvious, although she is also a greedy person

, but she is also a face, whether the child can still treat her as a mother is not certain, and now she still goes to manage people's families to ask for money?

"Why not give? You're! You can't control him in this world, who can control him?

Deng Xiaowei shook his head helplessly and said, "I'll think about it, since you're well, hurry up and cook!"


"Xiaoyu, are you tired?" Take a break when you're tired.

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu, who was seriously helping at the small table, and tentatively asked

, they have been grasping the progress for almost a day, although Chi Xiaoyu will not, but the learning ability is very strong, learning quickly, and the hands-on ability is relatively strong.

This made Luo Geng very worry-free, and there were almost no problems,

although Qin Qiao did not dare to arrange any complicated work for her...

"It's okay, I'm not tired, but you, very tired, you rest for a while." Chi Xiaoyu turned his head to look at Luo Geng, glanced at him, and smiled slightly.

And this is like charging Luo Geng, and immediately let him get enough power!

"It's nothing! It's still far from it, I'm not tired at all! Luo Geng straightened his back, and began to wave his big hand again, drawing up

, now Luo Geng's shoulders and waist are hard or not, anyway, the mouth is the hardest.

"Teacher Luo... Why don't you ask me if I'm tired..." Qin Qiao sighed helplessly

, these two people are showing affection endlessly, although they don't have much impact on their hearts,

but they really have a little impact on their work.

And she has not rested, has been working, why is there not even half a personal condolence.

Luo Geng shrugged his shoulders and said, "You have a salary, can you still earn so much money if you are not tired?"

"That said... It's also..." Although

Qin Qiao was also mentally prepared, knowing that this salary was not so easy to get, but for her not long after graduation, she still needed time to familiarize herself with the fatigue of work.

"But I don't have a salary... Teacher Luo... Why did you call me here?" At

this time, another person's voice appeared in the corner

, he was alone at a small table, sitting on a small bench, doing some simple work, and wanted to cry without tears.

This person is Jia Mo, he was called by

Luo Geng in the morning, and now to him, Luo Geng's phone is like a holy will, and he is responsive.

But I didn't expect that he was actually arrested as a coolie....

Luo Geng snorted lightly, glanced at him and said, "You are also responsible for making us so busy, so of course you have to help, how?" You don't want to earn this money? Ace editor doesn't want to be a boss anymore? If you don't want to, just say it, there are many people who are willing to help, it's not a secret, there are many of your colleagues who have thrown olive branches to me and want to poach them.."I want to

think about it... I think..."

Jia Mo sighed, he is still Luo Geng's editor on the surface, but in fact, his status is not as good as an assistant...

There were not many authors and painters under his hand, but now there is Luo Geng thriving, and the publishing house also regards itself as Luo Geng's exclusive editor (younger brother).

The work of editing can be put aside, as long as it can help Luo Geng.... Or can help the president make money, whatever.

The thought of other editors looking so bullish in front of the author makes my eyes red....

Although his performance is already the first among all editors... But how do you feel that this money is so humble....

The four of them worked until four or five o'clock in the evening, and Chi Xiaoyu was fine, because the work was relatively easy and there was not so much pressure, because the pressure was divided by Qin Qiao and Jia Mo.

Both of them were almost unable to stand upright, which was a very lucrative job, but it was also too tiring.

Luo Geng also saw their miserable appearance, and said: "Sorry, I don't plan to open a studio here now, after all, I don't necessarily go to college in two months, and I will open a studio after I stabilize there." After

all, all the people crowded in his room, not even a comfortable table and chairs, let alone tired, the work efficiency will not be too good.

"Uh... By the way, Mr. Luo, then if you go to a relatively distant place to go to university, it will be troublesome to deliver the manuscript, and you need to express it..."

Jia Mo suddenly thought of something and asked suspiciously.

Luo Geng raised his head and said lightly: "Yes, that... Why not change the publisher? I don't care, I can also throw this work directly to you, I will open the next work and then find a nearby publishing house, anyway, you sign the work and not the signator..."

Teacher Luo! I'll discuss it with the president when I go back! Where you go to college, we open a branch! When

Jia Mo heard this, he was a little anxious, quickly stood up, and shouted with some excitement

, if this let Luo Geng, the cash cow, run, the president had to hang him up and whip,

didn't he just think that it was troublesome to deliver the manuscript? Wouldn't it be okay for them to open a branch near Luo Geng's university? It's really not okay to send someone to collect manuscripts every week, in short, Luo Geng must not be allowed to run away.

"Well, okay, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Luo Geng nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to draw

, "Ah this..." Jia Mo froze in place, he had a feeling, as if Luo Geng said this on purpose, just waiting for himself to put on the cover....

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