Soon served, Qin Qiao was also not polite at all, ordered a table of delicious

, but Luo Geng didn't care, after all, it didn't cost much, just let her eat more, anyway, it was all to be returned....

"Teacher Luo, I toast you."

Jia Mo poured a glass of wine and raised a glass to Toast Luo Geng on the side.

"I'll drink beer, okay."

Luo Geng poured a glass of beer, and after the last drink, he vowed never to get drunk again....

Just when Luo Geng was drinking, he suddenly felt that under the table, his legs seemed to touch something?

After Luo Geng drank a glass of wine, he put the cup on the table, and then glanced under the table and

found that what he had just touched was someone else's leg!


Luo Geng frowned slightly, looking at Qi Qianru on the other side, it was obvious that it was her leg, she looked like she didn't feel anything, and ignored it.

And Luo Geng didn't care too much, after all, he touched her, but just glanced at her and saw that her legs were almost stretched out here, and she couldn't touch it if she wanted to.

Luo Geng collected his legs and ignored her.

After a while, while they were chatting,

Luo Geng felt that he was touched again!

If just now Luo Geng felt that it might be unintentional, it was she who accidentally touched her, then now,

Luo Geng felt that she seemed to mean something deliberate!

He straightened his legs and put his feet next to his feet.

What does that mean?

Sneaking under the table for small gestures?

He looked at Qi Qianru on the opposite side and found that she was chatting with Bai Yi on the side, as if she didn't know anything about the things under this table.

Luo Geng frowned, he had almost no vacant seat to hide, and she was obviously doing it on purpose, Luo Geng planned to

stop her and engage in these small movements under the table,

which really made him feel unhappy.

However, just when he wanted to say something,

Chi Xiaoyu on the side suddenly moved!

Her foot jerked up under the table, and then she stepped over!

"Snap!" This foot stepped on Qi Qianru's foot surface precisely, especially hard!


Qi Qianru hissed in pain, and then instantly retracted her legs and slammed into the table!

"What's wrong?" Bai Yi looked at Qi Qianru's sudden reaction and asked with some doubt.

"Ahhh... Not... It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally bumped into it..." Qi

Qianru waved her hand, said with a smile

, and then glanced at Chi Xiaoyu on the other side

, only to see that her face was gloomy, her jaw was raised high,

and her obsidian-like eyes obviously exuded a cold and sharp light!

Even Qi Qianru was stunned for a moment, and her body trembled slightly,

because she could really feel the oppression emitted by Chi Xiaoyu!

"Are you all right?"

Luo Geng felt that Chi Xiaoyu seemed to have moved just now, so he asked her with concern.

I saw Chi Xiaoyu's expression suddenly turned, looked at Luo Geng with a slight smile, and said softly: "It's okay." Qi

Qianru raised her eyebrows, she almost forgot that this Chi Xiaoyu was an attitude when facing Luo Geng, and when facing others, it was completely two people!

This kick just now was also cruel enough, if she was wearing high heels, then it is estimated that she would have to go to the hospital now....

Chi Xiaoyu took a piece of fish meat with chopsticks, picked out the fish bones, and then handed it to Luo Geng, and said: "I've picked out the thorns, ah~"

"Oh he..." The corner of Wen Shao's mouth twitched, and the others also looked at Chi Xiaoyu and them

, the show of affection under the eyes of everyone,

it's too ruthless....

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, and then didn't care about the eyes of others, and opened his mouth with joy: "Ah-

" Then ate the fish meat that Chi Xiaoyu clipped over, and nodded and said: "How do you know that I like to eat this..."

Qi Qianru, who saw this scene, felt as if she had been given a knife

, and she remembered when she was in the cafeteria,

I seem to want to feed Luo Geng like that, right?

Then was rejected by Luo Geng, and said "I don't like to eat, you remember wrong", if Bai Yi hadn't given himself the steps, then he would have been really embarrassed

, as if at that time,

Chi Xiaoyu was also in the cafeteria, right? Just that time when she came to the cafeteria to eat,

was that scene seen by her?

Qi Qianru didn't know what she was doing, why did she look like a lowly wanted to harass Luo Geng?

She thinks she's delirious now, mentally and brain-conscious....


" Qi Qianru drank a glass of wine, then stood up and said, "

I'm full, so I'll leave first, thank you."

Several people were slightly stunned, but Bai Yi also reacted, quickly stood up and said: "I'm also full, I'll send you home." Bai

Yi looked at Luo Geng and conveyed his meaning, and Luo Geng nodded gently

, although he didn't have a good impression of Qi Qianru, but if he couldn't think about it or something happened after walking out the door, it wasn't what he

wanted to see, so Bai Yi wanted to follow and leave, and Luo Geng agreed,

although the two of them didn't seem to eat anything at all.

Just when Qi Qianru and Bai Yi were about to leave

, Chi Xiaoyu suddenly raised his head and said lightly: "When walking with your feet,

slow down."

Qi Qianru paused, at this time her feet were still faintly painful, she looked at Chi Xiaoyu's slightly squinted eyes and responded: "Thank you for the reminder." Subsequently

, she and Bai Yi left here

, to be honest, she went out today to distract herself, and now she did come out of her grief, but fell into a more serious problem

, she has found that something is wrong with her psychology, from the beginning of seeing Luo Geng, what she thinks and does is a little unreasonable,

"You said... Am I sick with something?

After walking out the door, Qi Qianru looked at Bai Yi on the side and asked.

She wanted to see a psychologist and find out what she was thinking.

Bai Yi said without thinking: "Yes, lovesickness, but thinking about other people's boyfriends, quite serious, because lovesickness and psychosis are actually common, causing symptoms such as madness, depression, confusion, mania, delusions, etc., which can be serious and fatal."

"It's better to just say I'm mentally ill

..." "If you want, you can..."


Then how do I treat it?" Looking for a psychologist? Qi Qianru stopped and looked at Bai Yi seriously.

"Hmm... It is also a way, first of all, you need to tie the bell to the bell person, this road you can no longer walk... Either see a psychologist, or, start a relationship and quickly forget about it. "

Starting a relationship? How can it be as simple as you say, and how can you say forget and forget...

Bai Yi shook his head and said:

"It's impossible, no matter how deep the pain is, it only takes seven years to heal, because seven years can replace the cells in our whole body, not a single old cell, every day that passes, your cells will die some, one day, it will be clean, so there are only two ways to forget a person - time and new love."

Qi Qianru was silent for a while and said, "... Sometimes I really hate that you seriously use a scientific perspective to solve problems of reason and emotion..."

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