It was obviously a dragonfly kiss, almost only about three seconds

, but for Luo Geng, it seemed to last for a long time.

Chi Xiaoyu let go of his hands, took a step back, lowered his head, his cheeks flushed on both sides, and said softly:

"This... You will also tolerate me..."

Luo Geng's brain is a little down at this time, although he is his first love, the first time he is in love, but he is also a boy, not an adolescent girl

, in some cases, the psychological endurance is a little stronger than Chi Xiaoyu

, but at this moment, Luo Geng admits that the feeling of rapid heartbeat is too exciting.

Even if there is a reaction not only to the heartbeat, but also to other places....

It is clear that the blood in your body is gathering somewhere....

"When... Of course... Rather, this is me... Also... Ahem..."

Luo Geng didn't need to touch it now, his face must be red, as if he had poured a few glasses of white wine.

He couldn't speak clearly, and his head was in chaos.

However, the consciousness brought about by physiological desires has occupied the brain!

He had now recalled what Wen Shao had just said!

So the little hand reached into the pocket and touched it!

Well! ID card is here!

At this time, Luo Geng was already on the highway! Nothing can stop him!

"That... It's late now, and I can't get a taxi, so it's better to..."


there was a sharp brake, which attracted the attention of the two, a taxi stopped on the side of the road, and the driver's master rolled down the window and put his arm outside.

"Hey handsome guys and beauties! No, by car! The last trip, hurry home, count you cheaper, come, no time to explain, get on the bus! Luo

Geng's consciousness that had just occupied the heights was interrupted, and

the blood that had just condensed also dispersed-

"You... Sister's..."

Dozens of minutes later, the taxi stopped downstairs of Chi Xiaoyu's house

, Luo Geng's face was long, gave the driver the money for the ride, and then got out of the car, walked to the back of the car, and silently wrote down the license plate number....

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu both stood downstairs, hesitating to say something, but neither spoke.

"That... Sorry ha, I thought that I could have fun with you during the holiday, but suddenly a lot of work came, and it involved you..." Luo

Geng scratched his head, he was a little puzzled, why his vacation is not the same as

others, after the college entrance examination of others, travel, surfing the Internet, no matter how bad it

is to read comics, he can be good, is the one who draws comics, college life has not yet begun to be troubled in order to make money.

It's hard to get a girlfriend, and I don't have time to date and hang out properly.

The corners of Chi Xiaoyu's slightly pursed mouth drew an arc, and then shook his head gently and said,

"It's okay... For me, this holiday is already my best vacation, because of you..."


Luo Geng couldn't help but move his throat, under the street lamp, Chi Xiaoyu's face was so moved that he didn't have the slightest resistance.

The next moment, Luo Geng hugged Chi Xiaoyu and hugged her tightly in his arms, Chi Xiaoyu

was startled, but then, the gentle smile in his eyes became thicker, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, and he hugged Luo Geng with both hands.

"Will you come to me tomorrow?" Luo Geng's soft voice sounded in Chi Xiaoyu's ears.

"Of course, I will go to you every day as long as you want."

The two hugged for a long time before finally parting reluctantly.

"Good night.."

"Well, good night."

Chi Xiaoyu said goodbye to Luo Geng and went upstairs, while Luo Geng also turned his head and walked towards the road home.

The cold wind of the night blew Luo Geng's hair, which calmed his brain a little, and after calming down, he muttered in a low voice: "I just now... It seems that some incredible idea has arisen..." Just

now, Luo Geng didn't know how to explain it, he couldn't control it at all, whether it was a heart or something on the brain....

In short, if it weren't for the driver, it seemed that he would have made some big mistake....

By the time Luo Geng returned home, it was already late at night, Luo Yongfu had already slept, Luo Geng carefully returned to his room

, looking at the drawings on his desk, he sighed helplessly.

"Nu work hard."

He sat down and began to draw, for him there was no distinction between day and night, as long as he could draw a little more.

Sleep time or something, has long been forgotten by him, after all, thinking that Chi Xiaoyu came over like this before

, the degree to which sitting in the car and closing his eyes will fall asleep immediately, how many days and nights do you have to stay up.

But soon, Luo Geng found that he was not the piece of material that stayed up late, and after painting a few pictures, he fell asleep on the table....


morning, Luo Yongfu was about to go out to work, and as soon as he walked to the door, he saw Luo Geng's shoes on the shoe rack.

"Huh? That kid came back last night? What is the situation..."

Luo Yongfu glanced at the direction of Luo Geng's room, he thought that Luo Geng would definitely not go home last night.

"Forget it, don't care, go find Xiaolan to work together-"

Luo Yongfu opened the door and walked out, now he was familiar with his prosthesis, at least he couldn't see anything when walking normally, just walking a little slowly.

He's still wondering if he should move to a higher-paying job.

Luo Yongfu walked downstairs, humming a ditty, walking down the street,

watching the neighbors who also went to work also greet warmly.

Suddenly, he

stopped, and in front of him, a woman suddenly appeared

, also stopped in front of him, looking at him with a surprised face.

Deng Xiaowei was carrying a bag and dressed more decently, and when he saw Luo Yongfu, he couldn't help but be stunned

, because she saw that Luo Yongfu was not on crutches, but walking with both feet!

"Huh? Where are you going this morning? Don't go to work?

Luo Yongfu greeted her as if he had seen an ordinary neighbor, and did not treat her as an unexpected person at all.

Deng Xiaowei couldn't help frowning, hugged his arm and said, "Does it have anything to do with you if I go to work or not?"

Luo Yongfu nodded and said, "Well, that's right, but I have to go to work, goodbye."

After that, Luo Yongfu walked straight forward and passed by Deng Xiaowei, as if he didn't treat her as a person at all.

Deng Xiaowei was very dissatisfied with Luo Yongfu's attitude, she turned around and shouted at Luo Yongfu's back: "Hey! What's going on with that leg of yours?

I saw Luo Yongfu stop, paused for a few seconds, then slowly turned his head and said lightly: "Does it have anything to do with you?" "

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