Luo Geng's

life returned to plain, drawing comics day and night, because the urging of the officials was really terrible, and even someone had begun to investigate Luo Geng's address and wanted to send him some special products.

However, in these busy days, Chi Xiaoyu became Luo Geng's only solace, helping him every day, accompanying him, and making him breakfast.

If there is anything dissatisfied, it is that Luo Geng has no way to find an opportunity to get close to Chi Xiaoyu...

There were Qin Qiao and Jia Mo in the room, and their own work was also relatively busy.

Before I knew it, it was the end of the month.

Qin Qiao also officially turned right, because Luo Geng really couldn't find anyone else at this time urgency, and Nian was still good at her ability, so she could only make do with leaving her.

At this time, downstairs in Luo Geng's house, a man found this place with the address left in advance.

He was holding a briefcase and a piece of paper in his hand.

"It's such a hot day."

He muttered, then came to the door of Luo Geng's house and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang—" "

Huh?" Luo Geng raised his head, a little surprised, I don't know who will come at this time?

"Is it my mother again?"

Luo Geng couldn't help but think so, although since the last time, his mother has not heard from him, I don't know if she will come again

, ask his father, he can't tell, because he can't see through how thick Deng Xiaowei's face is now....

"Do you need me to open the door?"

Chi Xiaoyu raised her head and looked at Luo Geng and asked, because she was afraid that she would delay Luo Geng's work.

"It's okay, I'll go, just take a break."

Luo Geng stood up, stretched, and walked out of the room.

After walking to the door, he opened it.

After the man standing at the door saw Luo Geng, he muttered, "It's good to be at home..."

Old Yan... Ah no, Teacher Yan, why are you here?

Luo Geng was a little surprised, because the man standing at the door turned out to be the homeroom teacher of his high school.

"Of course, I sent you a college entrance examination transcript, don't you know when the results come out?" Is it a holiday to visit and play?

Lao Yan handed the piece of paper in his hand to Luo Geng, which was his report card.

"You also sent it on purpose..."

Luo Geng took the transcript, a little moved, but he didn't expect Lao Yan to send it directly to his transcript, to be honest, he almost forgot about it....

"Yes, because you are special, why, it's so hot outside, don't invite me in and sit?"

"Oh, please come in, please come in." Luo Geng hurriedly gave up his position and motioned for Lao Yan to come in.

After Lao Yan walked in, he looked around and asked, "Did your father go to work?" Because

the door to Luo Geng's room was closed, Lao Yan did not find that there were other people in the house.

"Yes..." Luo Geng quickly poured a glass of water for Lao Yan and let him sit on the sofa.

Lao Yan took a sip and said, "Alas, it's really hard to go to work on such a hot day, but your results in the exam are also worthy of your father." "


Luo Geng looked at his report card and was a little surprised, this score was indeed a little unexpected.

Lao Yan nodded and said: "I came this time to talk to you about volunteering, my suggestion is to hope that you will apply for Cheng'an University, after all, your score is also very rare, you should give it a try." "

Chengan... University?

Luo Gengxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly, he knew that this university could be said to be very famous, and it was not easy to be admitted.

The city is not close to here, and if you go to university there, it is estimated that you can only return during the holidays.

But he chose the university mainly hoping to focus on Chi Xiaoyu, and he had to see which university she wanted to go to first.

"Well, in our class, I only recommended two people to apply for this university, one is you, the other is Bai Yi, her grades are also good, Qi Qianru's results are a little unoptimistic, I always feel that she did not play well, the grades are not very ideal, it is estimated that she will not be able to apply for this university."

Luo Geng didn't care about these things, he only wanted to know how Chi Xiaoyu's results were now.

Luo Geng lowered his voice, glanced in the direction of his room, and then asked in a low voice in Lao Yan's ear:

"That... Teacher Yan, do you know... What is the performance of Chi Xiaoyu in the first class? "

Aang?" Lao Yan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Luo Geng with some puzzlement.

But then, he suddenly realized, a look of seeing through your kid's expression, and said:

"Hey, you boy, don't worry about people, people's college entrance examination results are the first in the school, ranking in the top ten in the province and city, if she wants to apply for this school, she will definitely be able to attend."

"I rely on..." Luo

Geng didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu's grades to be so good, thinking that he had taught her difficult problems in the beginning, but he didn't expect that he was more powerful than himself now?

But think about it, too, her efforts Luo Geng is in the eyes, everything is the result of hard work.

In terms of hard work, Luo Geng has not seen anyone who works harder than Chi Xiaoyu.

"Come, I brought the formal form to fill in the volunteer, you can discuss with your father at night, which university to fill in, this is my mobile phone number, fill it out and hand it to me at that time."

Lao Yan took out the form for filling out the volunteer from the briefcase he was carrying, handed it to Luo Geng, and wrote down his mobile phone number on a piece of paper.

"Oh, okay, thank you Teacher Yan."

"It's okay, then I'll go first." Lao Yan stood up and prepared to leave.

"Okay, go slowly, Teacher Yan."

Luo Geng had a good impression of this class teacher who took care of him very much, even if he was so out of tune before, he still did not give up on himself.

To live a new life is not worthy of... His cultivation.

Luo Geng took the form to fill out the volunteer and fell into deep thought

, now the best choice for himself is Cheng'an University, but for Chi Xiaoyu... It's not the only option.

Her grades are better, maybe there will be better choices, good test is so free, you can apply wherever you want, it is estimated that there will be many first-class universities to find ways to contact Chi Xiaoyu soon.

Luo Geng returned to the room, the three people in the room raised their heads and looked at him

, just now they also heard the sound of talking outside, did not go out to disturb

, and Chi Xiaoyu also heard Lao Yan say about her grades, her first reaction was happy, she didn't have to worry about not being able to go to the same university as Luo Geng because her grades were not enough.

"Teacher Luo, how many points do you score, I'll see."

Qin Qiao stretched out her hand and wanted to see Luo Geng's report card, and

when she saw the score above, her eyes almost fell out.

"My mother Di, I am much higher than my grades back then... In fact, I don't think it matters if you go to college or not, you have such skills, you don't have to worry about spending money.

Luo Geng ignored her, but looked at Chi Xiaoyu, he now wanted to continue the previous topic, that is, where Chi Xiaoyu wanted to go to college.

And Chi Xiaoyu also stared at Luo Geng, seemingly seeing through his heart until he had something in mind.

Chi Xiaoyu saw the worry in Luo Geng's eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, smiled slightly, and said:

"Don't care about me, you can go wherever you want, and I will definitely go."

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