Although he couldn't see the faces of the couple in front, Luo Geng could at least see the picture of them kissing.

I was really a little out of reach, thinking that I and Chi Xiaoyu could get to that point, when should I be?

He himself is still a soul in his thirties, but it is useless to be old, and more than thirty years of virginity is a lingering pain.


Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and found that she still looked shy, Luo Geng felt that it should not be just his own reason, to that point the two should have been getting along for a long time.

The movie ended, the lights came on

, Luo Geng stood up and looked at the couple in the front row, he wanted to see what the two of them looked like.


Luo Geng's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaim, which also attracted the attention of the two people, and they looked at Luo Geng in unison.

"Huh?! Luo Geng? You... Why are you here? "

Luo Geng never expected ah, when the movie was screened just now, the two people who gnawed each other in front were actually Wen Shao and Bai Yi!

Chi Xiaoyu also stood up, saw Wen Shao and Bai Yi in front of him, and greeted Bai Yi politely.

"You're here to see the movie too." Wen Shao immediately understood, while Bai Yi on the side lowered his head with a little blush, not knowing if he was wondering if what they had done just now had been discovered.

Luo Geng looked at the two of them and held hands with ten fingers, just now they were so enthusiastic

, but as far as he knew, they were together for half a month at most?!

Bai Yi called herself two weeks ago, and the two were together the next day.

But are they moving so fast?

What about him? I have been getting along with Chi Xiaoyu for more than a month, and no one has made fast progress!


Luo Geng didn't know what to say anymore, and at this time there were still lipstick marks on Wen Shao's face... Looking at the two of them, I really couldn't imagine the intimate picture they had just had.

The four walked out of the cinema together, and then briefly exchanged a few pleasantries, and then separated

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu walked on the street, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon, it was not so hot, and the sun was not very sunny.

However, Luo Geng's mind was still a little lingering with that kind of picture.

"Let's go eat."


Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu to eat, but on the way to eat, Luo Geng was thinking, how to promote the relationship between himself and Chi Xiaoyu?

It is clear that he has been with each other longer, but the feeling of being overtaken by Wen Shao and them later is really unpleasant

, this feeling is like insulting himself for his slow progress, not a man!

Is he not as good as Wen Shao? Luo Geng thought that Wen Shao was more sluggish than himself, so why could their progress be so fast?

Could it be that Bai Yi and Chi Xiaoyu are different?

Is Bai Yi active?

"What's wrong with you? Thinking about things? Chi Xiaoyu saw that Luo Geng was a little absent-minded, so he asked worriedly.

"Ah, yes... Thinking... New works. Luo

Geng did not inform Chi Xiaoyu of his thoughts, after all, this kind of thing could not be discussed with Chi Xiaoyu, Luo Geng

, who was aroused to compare, was ready to think of a more comprehensive plan to speed up their progress!

After eating, the two walked around the city again, and then took the car home.

After Luo Geng sent Chi Xiaoyu home, he walked home himself.

As soon as I got home, I smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen.

"Huh? Dad? Are you cooking?

Luo Geng sniffed, then walked to the kitchen and saw Luo Yongfu wearing an apron, busy cooking.

"Eh, son, come back, wait, daddy will fry two dishes for you, and drink two cups with daddy."

After Luo Yongfu saw Luo Geng, a smile appeared on his face.

This made Luo Geng a little surprised, I don't know what happened to Luo Yongfu today, why did he suddenly want to drink with himself?

It's never been before.

"What's wrong? Daddy, what's the joy?

Luo Geng blinked and asked, after all, his father is so happy, mostly because of Aunt Ren, right?

"Happy for you, this morning, the post came to send you the admission notice, Cheng'an University!"

"Is it? Delivered? Why didn't I see it? Luo

Geng was a little surprised, but he was always at home and didn't see the admission notice.

"Ah, I received it at the door and showed off in class, don't you know, your father really has a light on his face today, those people envy me, my son has skills, studies well, they are all red-eyed, it's just that this is a little slow, if it would have arrived earlier, the last time when I was angry with your mother, this would definitely be able to give her a fatal blow..."

Luo Yongfu gushed endlessly, Luo Geng could feel Luo Yongfu's pride in himself while listening

And today must be very happy, being envied by those colleagues in the class, making him very faced.

"Okay, then let's have some drink today."

Luo Geng smiled, and then helped Luo Yongfu get busy, and

after a while, he served a few plates of wine and dishes on the table.

Luo Yongfu also took out the wine he had brewed, poured himself a glass, and poured a glass for Luo Geng.

Luo Geng looked at his father holding a wine glass in front of him, talking to himself about the class

, with a smile on his face, his eyes were a little moist, his nose was a little sour,

he finally saw this scene, his father has such a state today, it can be regarded as making him make up for the regrets of his previous life.

Perhaps this is the meaning of rebirth, for him, reborn back should not lick the dog, learn well or something, are secondary, the most important, or treat the man in front of him well.

"Dad, I see you don't go to work at all, your son can make money now, you don't need to be tired outside."

Luo Geng choked a little and said slowly.

Even if he is tired a little, it doesn't matter, let his father not be tired, that is his wish.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me, I used to be idle, now I have legs and I can't be idle, I don't expect to earn much money at work, just find something to do, it's okay, if I'm tired, I won't do it."

Luo Yongfu waved his hand, then took a sip of wine and smacked his tongue.

He really feels that there is nothing to be tired of going to work now, can he still have the tiredness of crutches in recent years, and now he doesn't need crutches, this work is simply trivial to him.

"Then you can walk normally now, it's better to go out and have fun, by the way, you and my Aunt Ren can also go on a trip, I'll get you money, go and relax."

After Luo Geng finished speaking, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, speaking of travel, he can also go? Go on a tour with Chi Xiaoyu by yourself.

Otherwise, I didn't accompany her well this holiday, and now that I have a rest, travel is also a good choice to go out and play.

Luo Yongfu pondered for a while and said, "Travel? It sounds good, but your Aunt Ren doesn't have much time, she has to raise Xiaoyu alone, I said to get her money, but she doesn't want to rely on others, she also has to work hard to earn money. "

Huh? Really... You talk to Aunt Ren, don't bother her, I'll raise Xiaoyu!" "

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