Ye Ling looked at aegis and said,

"I'll leave these things to you, Mr. eines. We have something else to do. We won't be back until tomorrow."

At this time, aegis didn't hear him at all. His mind is full of these woods now.

"Mr. Ye Ling, don't worry about it. I won't send it. I'll look at the wood well."

Ye Ling saw here a little smile, patted Raytheon's shoulder and left here.

The two of them came to the car, directly untied the rope, put down the wood, got on the car, and drove straight to the villa.

On the way, Ye Ling looked at the Thunder God and said.

"Raytheon, look at eines. He's a very interesting man."

Hear Ye Ling's words, thunder god asks a way.

"Ye Shao, how do you say that?"

Ye Ling thought and said.

"If you look at him and see that he likes wood, it's like what a valuable treasure he is."

Thor thought for a while and said slowly.

"Ye Shao, do you know? There is a very important thing in everyone's heart. Everyone is different. "

Hearing Thunder God's words, Ye Ling seems to wake up suddenly.

"Raytheon, I really want to understand what, I want to ask you what is the most important thing in your heart?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Raytheon thought about it.

"Ye Shao, I always thought my mother was the most important. When my mother left, I thought I would be carefree. Until I met yingzi and you again, I realized that you two were like my relatives."

Hearing Thunder God's words, Ye Ling was very moved.

"Raytheon, I have always regarded you as a good brother."

Raytheon nodded firmly and drove on. After three hours' drive, they finally returned to the villa.

After parking, they took the cage to the rockery and put the rabbits in the cave. At this time, the system suddenly prompted.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully collecting the Arctic rabbit. The punishment disappears. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3000 points. A universal expansion board is awarded. It can expand and contract at will. The strength is very high."

Hearing the system's words, he sighed.

"System, are you pitching me? If I had known that there was a universal expansion board, I would not have pulled so much wood. "

"Drop, tell the host, because the reward is randomly generated, the system does not know what the reward will be."

Ye Ling helplessly shook his head, and then with the Thor came to the door, knocked on the door.

Yingzi and Tang Jiayi are watching TV when they hear a knock on the door. Yingzi stands up alert and tells Tang Jiayi not to move.

Yingzi came to the door by herself, and saw Ye Ling and Raytheon through cat's eye. At this moment, she relaxed her vigilance and opened the door.

Ye Ling and Raytheon saw that the door had been opened, so they went in. Tang Jiayi looked up and saw that Ye Ling had come back. She jumped up and cried excitedly.

"Brother ye, Raytheon, you've finally come back. I'm so worried about you!"

Tang Jiayi comes to Ye Ling and holds his hand.

Ye Ling saw this scene and touched Tang Jiayi's head.

"Jiayi, are you obedient at home? How about what I told you?"

Hearing Ye Ling's inquiry, Tang Jiayi replied confidently.

"Brother ye, don't you believe me when I do business? I'll show you the little white wolf

Tang Jiayi pulls Ye Ling out of the door. They come to the rockery of the temporary zoo. Tang Jiayi points to the little white wolf and says.

"Brother ye, you see they've all gained weight, and now they're not killing me."

When ye Ling saw the Arctic wolf, he felt as if he had gained a lot of weight. He looked at Tang Jiayi and said.

"Jiayi, you are doing very well. I want to give you a gift. Let's go. I'll take you to have a look."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Tang Jiayi followed him excitedly.

They went to the rockery of the Arctic rabbit, Ye Ling pointed inside and said.

"Jiayi, there are a group of white rabbits in it. Do you see them?"

Tang Jiayi followed Ye Ling's hand and looked inside. Sure enough, she saw the rabbit. He asked happily.

"Brother ye, where did you get these little white rabbits? I really like them. Can I go and touch them?"

Ye Ling heard Tang Jiayi's words, quickly stopped her and explained.

"Jiayi, I don't want you to touch, and these little rabbits are not ordinary rabbits. They are Arctic rabbits, and they are endangered. We should protect them instead of treating them as pets, right?"

Listen to the truth of Ye Ling, Tang Jiayi slowly understand the truth, nodded and looked at Ye Ling.

"Brother ye, I understand. I won't touch them. I should try my best to protect them."

Hearing Tang Jiayi's words, Ye Ling was very pleased. He touched Tang Jiayi's head.

"Jiayi, you are really grown up. Let's go back. It's too cold here."

Tang Jiayi nodded. Ye Ling took her back to the room. The four of them sat on the sofa and talked about the recent events. For a moment, the room was full of laughter.

Unconsciously came to the evening, yingzi saw the weather slowly getting dark, at this time she took the initiative to come to the kitchen, soon made a very rich dinner.

Ye Ling and Raytheon both smell the smell of the food. At this time, they can no longer control their own steps and come directly to the restaurant. They look at the food in front of them.

"Yingzi, the food you cooked is too delicious. We are so greedy."

Listen to Thunder God's words, Ying son knows a heart to smile a way.

"Ye Shao, Raytheon, if you are hungry, eat it quickly, or the food will be cold."

Hearing yingzi's words, the two of them were not polite. They moved their chopsticks and began to eat.

Ye Ling and Raytheon eat big mouthfuls of food, and soon the food on the table was cleaned up.

Yingzi came out and was surprised to see this scene.

"Ye Shao, Raytheon, do you eat too much? I'm afraid you'll survive."

"We haven't had such a delicious meal for a long time. Let's have a good meal."

Hear Ye Ling's words, Ying son ha ha straight smile.

"Ye Shao, if you are still hungry, I can continue to do it for you?"

Ye Ling waved, don't need me to eat enough, finish saying this, Ye Ling held his stomach, slowly stood up.

"Keep eating. I'm going back to sleep."

With these words, Ye Ling walked slowly to his room. He directly lay on his bed. At this time, he sighed.

"It's better to be full. The greatest happiness in the world is to be full."

Ye Ling lay on the bed, looking at the scenery outside, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Ye Ling got up early. When he came to the living room and saw the three of them eating, he said.

"Oh, you three got up early."

Tang Jiayi saw Ye Ling and said quickly.

"Brother ye, you haven't eaten yet. Please sit down and let's eat together."

Hearing Tang Jiayi's words, Ye Ling took a simple bite and sat down on the sofa.

Thor quietly came to his side and asked softly.

"Ye Shao, are we going to leave? We still have things to do."

Ye Ling nodded.

"We secretly go, save Jiayi that little girl don't want to."

Finish saying this, they two people secretly opened the door, came to the car, entered the car, they two people directly galloped up.

On the way, Ye Ling's wireless interphone spoke.

"Brother ye, why did you leave suddenly? Why didn't you tell me?"

Ye Ling heard Tang Jiayi's voice full of grievances. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer her.

"Jiayi, let me tell you, those things are not what you think. We suddenly have urgent things to deal with, so we can go so suddenly."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Tang Jiayi sighed.

"Brother ye, drive well and pay attention to safety, so I won't disturb you."

"Jiayi, have a good time at home. I'll be busy."

Ye Ling quickly hung up, wireless walkie talkie, at this time a long breath.

"I finally got rid of that little ancestor. It's not reassuring."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Raytheon was full of envy.

"Ye Shao, we should know how to be contented. Don't be in bliss without knowing it!"

Hear the words of Raytheon, Ye Ling felt the words, he looked at Raytheon straight.

"Raytheon, what do you mean by that? Are you hiding something from me? Tell me quickly

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Raytheon quickly shook his head.

"Ye Shao, I really don't have anything to hide from you

Thunder God a pair of guilty appearance, leaf Ling a face serious say.

"Well, if you don't say it, I'll go and ask aynes to introduce a woman to you in a moment. I'll tell yingzi directly on the radio."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Raytheon quickly explained.

"No, ye Shao, I'm wrong. I'll tell you."

Ye Ling snorted.

"You're a little too young to tease me. What's the matter with you?"

Ye Ling is not a boss at all, but a woman full of gossip.

Raytheon looked at Ye Ling and sighed.

"I really can't help you. I'll tell you the truth. I always like yingzi, but I can't tell. Now there are too many helplessness."

Hearing this, Ye Ling had already guessed.

"Raytheon, I'll help you to say it. You can rest assured."

Thor shook his head.

"Ye Shao, there are some things that can't be said. Now the time is not ripe. Only when the time is ripe, I will definitely tell her!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling nodded.

"Raytheon, I respect your choice. When you get married in the future, I will give you a gift. You will like it then."

Thor did not speak, but laughed.

During the conversation, they came to the village gate. At this time, Ye Ling got out of the car and saw aegis, where they were still making wood.

"Mr. eines, I don't have to do with the wood. I've brought my own tools. I can go there directly."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, aegis was very puzzled.

"Mr. Ye Ling, if you don't have wood, how can you get there?"

"Don't worry, Mr. eines. There must be something we can do."

With these words, Ye Ling let Raytheon drive to the cliff.

At this time, Ye Ling took out the universal expansion board and put it directly in the middle of the heartbreak.

Aegis saw this scene, the whole people are silly, they can't believe everything in front of them.

"Mr. Ye Ling, what kind of technology are you using? How come I've never seen it before? "

Ye Ling said with a smile.

"Mr. eines, this is the latest high technology. I bought it by accident."

Aegis nodded his head as if he knew nothing.

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