The next morning, IBO felt his head very painful. He sat up slowly. He saw the sun, which was already hanging high.

Yibo picked up his mobile phone and saw his short message. They were about to arrive here. He put on his clothes. When Yibo saw that the bodyguard was still sleeping, he just went up and kicked.

"You're still sleeping for me. I'll pay you to sleep. Get out of here."

Hearing Yibo's words, they quickly stood up from the bed. They looked at Yibo with a muddled face and started to dress for a second.

Looking at their clothes in a hurry, Yibo was angry and yelled.

"I'll give you a minute. If you don't dress well, I'll throw him to the cliff."

They are more anxious when they hear Yibo's words. Do they know who Yibo is.

No more than a minute, these people stood in front of Yibo, Yibo looked at them, nodded, directly out of the igloo.

They went straight to the conference hall, where aegis had been waiting for the meeting.

Ibo sat down beside aegis with a smile, but aegis ignored him.

"Mr. EBO, is your money in place? Why don't we cancel the cooperation? "

Hearing aegis's words, EBO quickly waved and refused.

"Don't worry, Mr. eines? My staff will be here soon, no more than half an hour at most. Can you give me a chance? "

On hearing this, aegis nodded. As time went by, the clock on the wall gave a bang.

"Mr. EBO, half an hour has passed. How can you explain this?"

Hearing aegis's words, EBO was worried. He was afraid that aegis would refuse the deal.

At this time, the door of the conference hall was suddenly opened. At this time, several people came in. They came directly to IBO.

The moment IBO saw them, a smile came out of the corner of his mouth, and his heart relaxed instantly.

"Mr. eines, please have a look at the goods."

Hearing IBO's words, several of them directly put the money on the table. When they opened the box and at that moment, Einstein's eyes were straight.

Aegis went straight to the box and carefully checked the money in the box. After repeated confirmation, he nodded contentedly.

EBO looked at the scene and asked quickly.

"Mr. eines, should we go and see the mammoths?"

When he heard IBO's words, aegis thought of a bold idea. He suddenly said with a smile.

"No problem. We can go and have a look now. Then you can find a way to get the mammoth away."

At this time, EBO asked them to take the money and follow aegis directly to the cliff. When the group came, they went straight to the mammoth.

EBO couldn't put it down when he looked at the mammoth. He wanted to take it now.

Aegis saw EBO, walked up to him and asked.

"Mr. EBO, can you give me the box now?"

Hearing aegis's words, EBO directly asked his men to give him the box. When aegis got the box, he laughed.

"Come out, all of you."

When he heard aegis's words, he was stunned and stared at him.

At this time, a lot of people suddenly came out. They were staring at Yibo. Yibo asked calmly when he saw the scene.

"What do you mean, Mr. eines? Are you going to eat black? "

When aegis heard IBO's words, he laughed.

"EBO, EBO, you are so smart and confused. Do you think I will let you take this mammoth?"

Hearing aegis's words, IBO shook his head in silence.

Ye Ling and Raytheon are staring at them at this time, listening to their conversation quietly.

"Ye Shao, shall we go down now?"

Ye Ling heard thunder god's words and shook her head.

"Let's just watch their performance and let them both lose."

When he heard aegis's words, he burst out laughing.

When aegis saw this, he thought EBO was a fool? He was full of doubts.

"EBO, are you looking for death? Do you feel so happy when you're dead? "

But no matter what aegis said, EBO just ignored him. Suddenly, EBO's mobile phone rang. He stared at aegis and whispered.

"Aegis, I knew that you are not a good thing. You can look back for me and see who died today?"

At this time, he saw many black people approaching him step by step. At this time, Einstein was afraid, his legs trembled and stammered.

"Mr. EBO, it's all misunderstandings. It's all misunderstandings."

Ibo heard aegis and snorted.

"What? I didn't hear you clearly? What is all misunderstanding? I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding of the word misunderstanding? "

Hearing IBO's words, aegis could not say anything. He could only look up and sigh.

"Mr. EBO, I underestimated you. I recognized you."

Said IBO, fiddling with the phone in his hand.

"You see now, don't you? It's too late. Do it for me."

Hearing IBO's order, these black people all rushed to the people of aegis. Seeing this scene, they fought directly.

Afterwards, the people of Yibo were very powerful, but they had no experience of fighting in snowy days. In this respect, the villagers of eines were famous.

The two sides were fighting against each other. In the end, they were both defeated.

Each of them sat on one side, looking at each other, Yibo scolded.

"Aegis, I will kill you. You wait for me."

Aegis will not be used to him at this time. Both sides have torn their faces.

"EBO, what are you? Who will die when you see it?"

No one on both sides let who, you a word I a language of scold up.

Ye Ling saw this scene, knew should go down, he said to Thunder God.

"Come on, it's our turn to perform."

With these words, Ye Ling and Raytheon came to the cliff.

Ye Ling clapped and said.

"You guys are so funny. I want to see who will take the mammoth away."

Ye Ling's words directly attracted the attention of Yibo and aegis.

Ibo thought: this man is definitely not aegis's person, but it seems to have a grudge against him. If I make friends with him, maybe it's a good choice.

When aegis saw Ye Ling, his whole heart was cold. He knew that Ye Ling could not recognize and kill himself now. At this time, he had a bold idea. He begged for mercy directly.

"Mr. Ye Ling, you are here at last. I have been waiting for you so hard!"

During the conversation, aegis began to cry. When ye Ling saw this scene, she was calm on the surface, but she laughed in her heart.

"Why, Mr. eines, what are you doing?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, aegis was very happy. After all, Ye Ling blamed himself for not coming up.

"Mr. Ye Ling, we are only under the threat of these people to put medicine into your wine. We are all forced!"

Hearing aegis's words, EBO was very dissatisfied. He didn't want to mention others, he said immediately.

"This gentleman, I don't know you, and what I want to tell you is that I didn't threaten aynes at all. He wanted to trade mammoths with me. That's why I came here."

Yibo's words make Eine feel guilty. He is afraid that Ye Ling will listen to him. At this time, Eine continues to cry.

"Mr. Ye Ling, you are our benefactor. How can I harm you? That EBO kidnapped my brother and threatened me. My parents left. I had only one relative. I had no choice but to agree to his request. I had no choice but to do so. "

When ye Ling heard aegis's words, she clapped him in her heart. If she didn't know what was going on, she almost believed him. However, Ye Ling didn't tear him down, but quietly watched him perform.

"Mr. eines, I still want to believe you, but what do you want me to believe?"

At this time, aegis secretly stood up, he said to Ye Ling.

"Mr. Ye Ling, if you don't believe me, let me jump off the cliff."

Hearing aegis's look, Ye Ling nodded and pointed to Yibo.

"Do you know what I hate the most in my life?"

Yibo said to Ye Ling.

"I'm so sorry, I really don't know!"

Ye Ling said without expression.

"What I hate most is you illegal businessmen. Do you know what will be waiting for you?"

Ibo still shook his head.

At this time, Ye Ling said indifferently.


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Yibo bowed his head and said nothing. At this time, he suddenly hit Ye Ling violently.

But this seemingly ferocious blow, directly let Ye Ling carelessly resolved, this moment surprised all the people, they did not expect this group of people so Ye Ling so powerful.

Yibo saw this scene and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Please, I don't know. I don't want to die."

Ye Ling turned to look at aegis and said.

"You push it down so we're both comfortable."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, aegis knew that if EBO couldn't go down, his lies would be exposed sooner or later. At this time, he didn't hesitate to push EBO down.

See here, Ye Ling said indifferently.

"Aegis, keep pushing. He's not the only illegal businessman here."

Hearing this, aegis pushed down one by one without hesitation. Seeing this, Ye Ling laughed.

Aegis didn't understand what ye Ling meant. He thought he did it perfectly. He saw Ye Ling staring at him and asked.

"Aegis, do you really think I don't know anything?"

On hearing this, aegis broke out in a cold sweat and began to stammer.

"Mr. Ye Ling, you must be kidding me again, right?"

Ye Ling shook his head and said to the villagers.

"If you want to live, aegis will die. If you want to die, aegis can live. Think for yourself. You know my strength. I hope you don't do anything stupid."

As soon as Ye Ling's words were finished, he sat down beside him and looked like a good play.

Step by step, they forced Eine. Eine was really scared at this moment. He realized the terror of Ye Ling at the moment, and he yelled.

"Don't stop Ye Ling. He is just using you. Don't be fooled?"

"Mr. aynes, thank you for all your efforts for us over the years. You should have a rest. We will take good care of this village in the future. You can go safely."

All of a sudden, they and aegis became a group, but two fists were hard to fight four hands, and finally aegis was retreated from the cliff.

The moment he fell, he cried out.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling walked slowly to the cliff and said softly.

"Justice may be late, but never absent!"

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