Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhou Wei said with a smile.

"Chairman ye, you have taught me well. I just follow your advice."

Hearing Zhou Wei's words, Ye Ling said.

"Chairman Zhou, you can go to the company tomorrow. I have something to discuss with you?"

Zhou Wei nodded at this time, and Ye Ling said at this time.

"Chairman Zhou, hurry up today. We'll go back."

Finished saying this sentence, Ye Ling left here directly, Zhou Weimu sent Ye Ling to leave.

Ye Ling and Ma Li come to the gate of Jinjiang International Hotel. Ma Li drives over and comes to Ye Ling.

"Chairman ye, let's go."

When he heard Ma Li, he directly sat on the car. At this time, Ma Li directly drove back to Lingtian group.

Ye Ling directly came to the office, he saw the people are sitting there, he came up and said.

"Have you had a good rest?"

They heard Ye Ling's voice, quickly stood up and said slowly.

"Ye Shao, are you back?"

Ye Ling nodded.

"Would you like to come to my house and stay at my house tonight?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, several of them thought and said.

"Ye Shao, all this will be arranged by you."

Ye Ling nodded at this time, and several of them followed Ye Ling down. They came to the bottom of the building, and horsepower had already driven the business car, he said.

"Chairman ye, hurry up and get on the bus!"

Seeing the car coming, several of them directly got into the car, and horsepower drove the car all the way to Ye Ling's home. After more than half an hour's journey, they finally came to the gate of Ye Ling's community. Horsepower heard Ye Ling's downstairs.

"Chairman ye, we have arrived. You can get off."

Hear this, they a few people slowly walked out of the car, Ye Ling said to horsepower.

"Ma Li, you ask Zhang Jinjiang to make some delicious food for me. We're going to have a good meal. Do you hear me?"

Horsepower heard this, he said quickly.

"Chairman ye, don't worry. I'll ask Zhang Jinjiang to send someone to deliver it to you in a moment. Please wait a moment."

Hearing this, Ye Ling nodded and turned to the upstairs. Several of them followed Ye Ling to the downstairs.

When they got to the door, Ye Ling pressed her fingerprint. At this time, the door was opened. The moment they opened the door, they saw that the room was very clean.

They directly sat on the sofa, Tang Jiayi said at this time.

"Brother ye, when we were at the pole, I didn't expect that we could come back."

Tang Jiayi's words, let all people here began to silence up, they looked at Ye Ling kept nodding.

"Ye Shao, we really thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I would still be an unknown boy."

One by one, they were filled with emotion. At this time, Ye Ling was embarrassed to explain.

"What do you mean? We shared weal and woe when we were in the extreme. Have you all forgotten? We've been through so much, have you all forgotten? "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, people lowered their heads and became silent.

Ye Ling didn't say anything at this time, but came to the kitchen, took out a lot of drinks and snacks, and put them in front of everyone.

"You can eat what you want and drink what you want. Don't mention it, just like we used to do in our cottage!"

At this time, the people took the food, but no one could eat it. They quietly looked at the food in front of them.

After a while, the doorbell suddenly rang. Ye Ling came to the door and opened the door. There came a group of people. They asked softly with food in their hands.

"How do you do, chairman ye? Chairman Zhang ordered us to come and bring you dinner."

Hearing this, Ye Ling quickly invited them in.

"Hurry in, we'll be waiting for you!"

With the permission of Ye Ling, they stand at the door with food. No one goes in. Seeing this scene, Ye Ling says quickly.

"You don't have to change your shoes. Just go in."

Hearing this, they dare to go in. They directly put the food in Ye Ling's restaurant. When they put everything away, they said.

"Chairman ye, it's already arranged for you. You can have dinner at any time."

Hearing this, Ye Ling nodded and said.

"Thank you so much. You should be safe when you go back."

"Chairman ye, don't be so polite. This is what we should do!"

With that, the waiters went out of the room and left Ye Ling's home.

See the waiter has left here, Ye Ling said to the crowd.

"You don't want to watch any more. Come and have a meal."

They were already hungry and smelled the aroma of the food. One by one, they went to the restaurant and started to move their chopsticks without any politeness.

Ye Ling was very happy to see them. He didn't say anything and joined them directly.

After a meal, several of them finally finished all the meals. They were very happy when they were full.

At this time, night has begun to slowly fall, Ye Ling said to the people.

"You continue to play, I'm going to have a good rest, there are many rooms in it, you can go to live at will!"

With these words, Ye Ling left here, went to his room, and lay down on the bed. Looking at the more than one million points in the system, he fell asleep happily.

The next morning, the alarm woke Ye Ling. He slowly opened his eyes and turned off the alarm. After a while, he stood up.

Ye Ling came to the living room at this time. He picked up the bread and began to eat it. After eating the bread, he picked up the car key and went downstairs. He drove directly away from here.

After more than half an hour's drive, Ye Ling came to Lingtian group. He stopped the car and went to the office. When ye Ling just entered the office, Ye Ling saw many people waiting for him.

Ye Ling did it directly on the chair, he said to the people.

"Today I asked you to come here is a very important thing, you must be psychologically prepared!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, they began to whisper, but soon became quiet.

Seeing their appearance, Ye Ling said slowly.

"Don't worry, I'll take you there myself!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, people are very excited. They are all waiting for what ye Ling said.

Ye Ling stood up, he led the people to the company downstairs, the driver at this time drove a bus, they directly sat up, Ye Ling said to horsepower.

"Ma Li, do you remember the house of Thor?"

Hear Ye Ling's words, horsepower says quickly.

"Chairman ye, of course I remember. What's the matter?"

"Ma Li, let's go to Raytheon's house now, understand?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded and went directly to the driver's side, told him the address, and they ran directly to Raytheon's home.

After more than an hour's journey, they all came to the door of Raytheon's house. At this time, the bus slowly stopped, and Ye Ling said to them.

"Let's get out of the car and walk down to me."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, they all stood up and got out of the car one by one.

When they all came to the bottom of the mountain, Ye Ling yelled.

"You're all following me now. I'll take you there."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, they all followed Ye Ling's steps. They walked for about two hours, and finally came to the door of the villa. Ye Ling stopped here, and Ma Li came to ask at this time.

"Chairman ye, when did such a luxurious villa appear here?"

Hear horsepower's words, Ye Ling Ha ha a smile way.

"Ma Li, I sent someone to build it. You won't know it!"

Ye Ling said to the crowd.

"You all come with me. I'll take you to see what you haven't seen in your life. You're not allowed to take photos. Leave all your mobile phones here."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, they all put their mobile phones in the car one by one. They followed Ye Ling to the gate of the zoo. At this time, Zhou Wei asked.

"Chairman ye, how can there be a zoo?"

Zhou Wei's words are the voice of many people. They are very curious about it. At this time, Ye Ling didn't explain too much.

"Just have a good look. What's next is to change your world outlook?"

Ye Ling directly led them to the temporary zoo. Their first stop was in front of the rockery of the Arctic rabbit, Ye Ling explained.

"You see, this is the Arctic rabbit for the Arctic."

Hearing Ye Ling's explanation, they looked at the rabbit in front of them curiously. Zhang Jinjiang asked at this time.

"Chairman ye, I don't see any difference between this rabbit and ordinary rabbit? Is this the legendary Arctic rabbit? "

Ye Ling knew that they would not believe it. Instead of explaining anything, he took them to the rockery of the Arctic wolf.

"You see, this is the Arctic wolf, this kind of wolf's eyes are white, this is a unique look."

Seeing this, people are silly. It's the first time they've seen a polar wolf. Ye Ling asks Zhang Jinjiang.

"Chairman Zhang, do you think this Arctic wolf is fake?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang quickly shook his head and explained.

"Chairman ye, I believe it. I believe it."

Ye Ling knew that they had believed in themselves. Then he took them to the rockery door of Arctic Fox and polar bear. When they saw this scene, they were more convinced.

"You see almost, you go back, horsepower, Zhou Wei, Zhang Jinjiang stay."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the crowd slowly left here, and now only Ma Li, Zhou Wei and Zhang Jinjiang were watching Ye Ling. Ye Ling said slowly.

"Do you know why I kept you?"

Ma Li explained with a smile.

"Chairman ye, you must have something special to tell us. You treat us with caution."

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling burst out laughing.

"Ma Li has to say, or are you smart?"

Horsepower heard Ye Ling's words smile, Ye Ling then slowly said.

"In my absence, there must be some traitors in the company. I just want them to publicize and clean up the company's pests."

As soon as Ye Ling's words came out, these three people suddenly realized and looked at Ye Ling seriously.

"Chairman ye, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

"We just need them to show up!"

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