The next morning, Ye Ling got up early. When he came to the living room, he saw people waiting for him again.

Ye Ling came directly to the crowd and then said:

"What are you doing here? Why don't you go to dinner? "

Zhang Jinjiang said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, I have already prepared the meal, and now I'm waiting for you to have dinner!"

Ye Ling said at this time:

"You go to eat now. I'll go to find Jiayi to eat!"

At the end of the sentence, Ye Ling went directly upstairs to Tang Jiayi's door. He knocked on the door and said:

"Jiayi, you are about to get up. What time is it?"

Hearing Ye Ling's voice, Tang Jiayi quickly wakes up and shouts to the door:

"Brother ye, I'll be out in a minute. Please wait a moment."

After hearing Tang Jiayi's words, Ye Ling said:

"Jiayi, I'll go downstairs and wait for you. Hurry down!"

"OK, brother Ye!"

With these words, Ye Ling went down to the living room and sat on the sofa waiting for Tang Jiayi.

Over the past ten minutes, Zhang Jinjiang and others have finished their meal. When they came to the living room, they saw Ye Ling and came to ask:

"Chairman ye, why don't you go to dinner?"

Hearing Zhang Jinjiang's words, Ye Ling explained with a smile:

"Have you finished? I'll wait for Jiayi. I'll accompany her to dinner later! "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang said:

"Chairman ye, I've already reserved food for you. You'd better go and have dinner then."

Hearing this, Ye Ling nodded.

Tang Jiayi finally came down at this time. She came to Ye Ling with a bang and said to him:

"Brother ye, I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

Looking at Tang Jiayi's expression, Ye Ling touched her head and said slowly:

"Jiayi, you're hungry, too. Let's hurry to eat!"

Ye Ling directly took Tang Jiayi to the restaurant, and the two of them had a good meal.

On the way to dinner, Ye Ling said to Tang Jiayi:

"Jiayi, I'm full. I'm going to talk to Ma Li about something. Take your time!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Tang Jiayi nodded and said:

"Brother ye, hurry up, and I won't disturb you!"

Ye Ling nodded, and then directly left here, came to the stairs, when he came to horsepower's door, knocked into the inside.

Ye Ling came directly to Ma Li. He looked at Ma Li's computer and asked:

"Horsepower, how's what I asked you to do?"

Ma Li heard Ye Ling's words, looked at the bill, and then said slowly:

"Chairman ye, I have acquired the shares of the retail investors of Siling group. We have almost 13% of the shares."

After thinking for a while, Ye Ling said to Ma Li:

"Horsepower, 13% is still too little. You try your best to buy more shares, even if it's a price increase, we can accept it! We need at least 30% of the shares! "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li said firmly:

"Chairman ye, you can rest assured that I will try my best to acquire it!"

Finish saying this words of time, horsepower again began to buy up, Ye Ling this time slowly left here.

A week later.

Horsepower after a night, he excitedly came to the door of Ye Ling's room, knocked on the door and directly entered it.

Ye Ling was startled by this sudden and asked Ma Li:

"Ma Li, what are you doing? I'm still sleeping, don't you know? "

Hearing Ye Ling's blame, Ma Li scratched his head and explained with a smile:

"Chairman ye, am I not too excited?"

Ye Lingping recovered his mood for a while, then looked at Ma Li and asked:

"Ma Li, tell me what happened? Let you come here in such a hurry. "

Ma Li looks at Ye Ling and says:

"Chairman ye, I have over fulfilled the task you told me. I have successfully acquired 33% of the shares."

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling sat up and asked in surprise

"Ma Li, tell me what's going on? Why buy so many

When Ma Li heard this, he said confidently:

"Chairman ye, we suddenly met a man who sold 5% of the shares of Mitsubishi group and offered a price of 50 billion yuan. I talked with him for a long time before I won. In order not to let Mitsubishi Group happen to us, I used accounts all over the world, but Mitsubishi group could not find it at all!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling burst out laughing. He then said:

"Horsepower, you do very well. With your shares as the basis, we will succeed in winning the Mitsubishi group!"

Ma Li nodded. Ye Ling saw Ma Li's black eyes and stared at him

"Ma Li, how long have you not had a good rest?"

Ma Li said with a smile

"Chairman ye, I have nothing to fight against. It's just that it's too hard to chat with that person. I stayed up for a few days."

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling said solemnly:

"Ma Li, I now order you to have a rest. You can't stay up late any longer. Now you have to stop all your work. You can't go on like this. Do you understand?"

Horsepower just wanted to say something, Ye Ling stopped him directly and yelled angrily:

"Ma Li, don't you understand what I'm saying? Go back to sleep

Looking at Ye Ling's serious expression, Ma Li had to agree and then went back to his room.

Ye Ling heart: I have 33% of the shares, now is also the time to go to Yamamoto village to talk about.

Just as Ye Ling was about to leave, people from the Jinlong team came up and longyi asked:

"Chairman ye, where are you going?"

When seeing longyi, Ye Ling replied:

"Longyi, I'm going to talk to Yamamoto village? What's the matter? "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Long Yi said faintly:

"Chairman ye, I just want to protect your safety, so today our Jinlong team must follow you."

Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Longyi, two of you should follow me. If so many people follow me, it's too much. I'm sure it will attract other people's attention."

Long Yi hears Ye Ling's words, nods, and then follows Ye Ling to the car.

Long Yi enters the cab directly. He asks Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, shall we go to the Siling group now?"

Ye Ling shook his head, thought about it and said:

"Longyi, let's go to the Mountain Cafe!"

"OK, chairman Ye."

With that, Long Yi drove to the Mountain Cafe.

On the way, Ye Ling took out her mobile phone, opened the address book, found the mobile phone number of Yamamoto village one, and dialed it directly.

Yamamoto was looking at the documents in his office when he heard his mobile phone ring. He picked it up and saw that it was Ye Ling who called. He answered quickly and asked:

"Chairman ye, what's on the phone today?"

Ye Ling thought to herself: isn't this man talking nonsense? How can I call him if there is nothing wrong! He explained with a smile:

"Mr. Yamamoto, if I want to discuss something with you, I won't go to your company. I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on you. I'll wait for you in the Mountain Cafe. It's very important!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Yamamoto village thought about it and said:

"Chairman ye, I'll be right there!"

Yamamoto has been waiting for Ye Ling's phone call. This week, the board of directors has been increasing pressure on him. The people on the board of directors are optimistic about his big brother. He has no advantage at all. He just picked up the car key and went downstairs.

When he came to the parking lot, he directly got into his car and went straight to the Mountain Cafe.

Ye Ling and others soon came to the Mountain Cafe. As soon as the Dragon stopped the car, they went in with Ye Ling.

When entering the coffee shop, Ye Ling says to longyi:

"You two go and sit there. Don't let Yamamoto village find you. Do you know?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Long Yi and others nodded, and then directly sat down to a place where Ye Ling could be protected. They watched Ye Ling all the time.

As soon as Yamamoto village drove to the entrance of the Mountain Cafe, he stopped the car and went directly into it. He saw Ye Ling at a glance and directly came to sit down beside him.

"Chairman ye, you are so early! I'm so sorry I'm late! "

Hearing what Yamamoto said, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"You're welcome, Mr. Yamamoto. I've just been here!"

Ye Ling then ordered two cups of coffee and said:

"Mr. Yamamoto, I won't beat around the bush with you today. I'd better get to the point. I heard that Mr. Yamamoto's pressure is a little high!"

As soon as Yamamoto village heard Ye Ling's words, his face became dignified. He sighed and said slowly:

"Chairman ye, your news is really well-informed. You really know everything!"

Ye Ling said with a smile at this time:

"Mr. Yamamoto, you are joking. I don't mean that. I just care about you."

When Yamamoto heard this, he shook his head.

Ye Ling saw his difficulty at a glance, and suddenly said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Yamamoto. I came here today just to solve your problems!"

As soon as Ye Ling's words came out, Yamamoto's eyes turned green. He asked excitedly:

"Chairman ye, what can you do to help me?"

Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Mr. Yamamoto, is the shares of Mitsubishi Group OK?"

On hearing this, Yamamoto Murakami was very disappointed. Then he shook his head and sighed

"Chairman ye, are you kidding me? Do you think it will work if you take a small share of the Mitsubishi group? "

Hearing Yamamoto Murakami's words, Ye Ling directly took out the document and handed it to him.

"Mr. Yamamoto, look at this document."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Yamamoto directly picked up the document and read it carefully. When he finished reading it, he asked in surprise:

"Chairman ye, is what is written on it true?"

Ye Ling said lightly:

"Mr. Yamamoto, do you think I'll cheat you? What's the point of that? "

As soon as Ye Ling's words came out, Yamamoto Murakami was very excited. You should know that 33% of the shares are very important in the board of directors. In addition, his own shares are enough to change the war situation.

Yamamoto looks at Ye Ling with a smile and says:

"Chairman ye, I don't know if you can help me?"

Seeing Yamamoto Murakami's expression, Ye Ling knew that he was moved. It seems that this 33% share is really very important for him. When he knew this, Ye Ling knew it and had bargaining chips.

Ye Ling slowly picked up the coffee, began to taste it bit by bit, and said slowly:

"Don't you worry, Mr. Yamamoto? There's something we can talk about! "

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