Ye Ling looked at the contract handed over by Yamamoto village. He picked up the pen with a smile and signed it directly.

When Yamamoto saw this scene, he was very happy. He said excitedly:

"Chairman ye, I'm so lucky that I could have signed a contract with such a cool person as you!"

Hearing what Yamamoto said, Ye Ling explained with a smile:

"Mr. Yamamoto, you're joking. I'm not as good as you said. Are we all businessmen? It's all for profit, right? "

Facing people like Ye Ling, Yamamoto said with a smile:

"No, chairman ye, we can be regarded as strategic partners, not just friends!"

When ye Ling heard Yamamoto's words, she immediately knew what he meant. He asked slowly:

"Mr. Yamamoto, do you have anything else to do? If you have something to say, I don't want to delay your time

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Yamamoto quickly shook his head and explained:

"Chairman ye, there is really nothing to do. If you are busy, you have to work first!"

Hearing Yamamoto Murakami's words, Ye Ling nodded, stood up and said:

"Mr. Yamamoto, we really have something to deal with. We won't be with you. See you next time!"

At this time, Yamamoto village also stood up, he watched Ye Ling and horsepower leave.

The two of them left the Mitsubishi group and saw their car go straight in. When they got into the car, Ma Li asked Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, when you say that Yamamoto village has something to do, why doesn't he say it?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling also shook his head helplessly, and then explained:

"Horsepower, the people of sun kingdom are so different. We really don't understand them!"

Ma Li smiles at this moment, and then asks softly:

"Chairman ye, where are we going next?"

At this time only heard Ye Ling light say two words.

"Go home!"

Horsepower driving, directly ready to leave here, they drove straight to the direction of the villa, after three hours of journey, the two of them finally returned home.

At this time, horsepower stopped the car, and Ye Ling went straight down to her room.

When he arrived at Ye Ling in the room, he took out the calendar and calculated the time. At this time, he found that it had been more than a month since he arrived at Sun country. Now the result is only the shares of Mitsubishi group. These are too few and not enough.

Ye Ling is a little worried in his heart. He knows that this speed can't go on at all. He has to make a good plan.

Ye Ling turns on the system at this time. He looks around and around and doesn't find anything valuable. Just when he wants to turn it off, Ye Ling suddenly sees a mysterious thing.

When ye Ling saw the robot plan, he was very curious. What is it in his heart?

"System, I'd like to ask what the robot project is."

"Drop, need to pay 100 points of consultation fee!"

Hearing the words of the system, Ye Ling thought: this system is really a pit, he finally had no way to pay the points.

"Di, congratulations to the host for the introduction of the robot plan. The robot plan, as its name implies, is a drawing for building robots. If a robot is made according to the drawing, it can be competent for all kinds of complicated things. It can cook, clean up the housework, and drive to perform all kinds of threatening tasks!"

After hearing the introduction of the system, Ye Ling knew that the robot plan was so powerful. When he saw the price, he felt a lot colder.

"System, does a small drawing need 200000 points? Is it a little tricky? "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the system replies:

"Drop, warning host, because the robot plan belongs to the future, the system will be taken off the shelf in ten seconds, and the countdown will start: 10. 9。 8。 7。 6。 5。 4。 3。 2。”

Just as the system was about to say "1", Ye Ling quickly called out:

"System, I buy it!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the system replies:

"Congratulations to the host for winning the robot project."

"Di, due to the acquisition of the robot plan and triggering the hidden mission, it takes three months to make a trillion dollars in the sun country, and the money earned by the successful host of the mission doubles! The penalty for mission failure is: loss of robot plan drawings. "

Hear the words of the system, Ye Ling would like to curse, but he looked at the drawings in his hand, the gas in his heart slowly disappeared.

Ye Ling took the drawing and said to herself:

"It's too simple. If I have this drawing, as long as I can make it successfully, I'm not afraid that I won't make a trillion."

Ye Ling fell asleep with the drawing in his arms. In this dream, he soon made a trillion yuan. Just when he was happy to be rewarded, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of horsepower.

"Chairman ye, we are going to have dinner!"

Ye Ling opened his eyes. At this time, he finally realized that it was a dream. He gasped and sat up slowly. Then he responded:

"Horsepower, I know. I'll be there in a minute."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li left here and went back to the restaurant.

Ye Ling tidies up everything. He slowly pushes open the door of the room and goes directly to the restaurant. When he enters here, he finds that everyone is waiting for him. Seeing this scene, Ye Ling feels embarrassed and says:

"You eat quickly, don't wait for me!"

With these words, Ye Ling directly sat on the table. He looked at the dishes on the table and ate them slowly. On the way, he kept thinking about the drawing.

Ye Ling soon had a good meal. He said to Ma Li:

"Ma Li, come to my room when you're finished eating."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded and continued to eat the rice in the bowl. Ye Ling went straight upstairs and went back to his room.

See Ye Ling upstairs, horsepower quickly put down the hands of the meal, trot up the stairs, came to Ye Ling door, he knocked, and then entered the inside.

Horsepower comes to Ye Ling directly. He asks in a low voice:

"Chairman ye, what happened?"

When he saw Ma Li, Ye Ling put the blueprint of the robot plan in front of him and asked:

"Horsepower, look at this thing!"

After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li picked up the drawing directly and looked at it seriously. The more he looked at it, the more excited he was. At last, he asked amazingly:

"Chairman ye, where did you get this drawing? It's amazing

Seeing Ma Li's action, Ye Ling asks in surprise:

"Ma Li, why are you so excited? As far as I know, you didn't learn this at all? How can I understand this drawing? "

Ma Li hears Ye Ling's words and explains with a smile:

"Chairman ye, you don't know. I used to be very obsessed with robots. I have built many small robots myself, but it's the first time I've seen such a sophisticated thing. It's really a surprise to me!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling asked happily:

"Ma Li, this is God's help. Can you set up a robot factory immediately? I'm going to start running this thing in a few days! "

As soon as Ye Ling's words came out, Ma Li began to show embarrassment. When ye Ling saw this scene, she then asked:

"Horsepower, what's the matter? Is it very difficult? "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li hesitated for a while, then asked softly:

"Chairman ye, it's not as easy as you think. It seems simple, but it's too difficult to implement."

After Ma Li's words, Ye Ling realized that what he thought was too simple. He said to Ma Li:

"Horsepower, how long will it take you to get this done? I will build this factory at all costs! "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li thought about it and then said:

"Chairman ye, it's not difficult to say, it's not difficult to say, the key is to find the right engineer!"

At this time, Ye Ling began to make trouble. He hesitated for a while and suddenly said:

"Ma Li, have you forgotten what the Mitsubishi group is for! They are experts in this field! "

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li patted his thigh and said:

"Chairman ye, how can we forget about the Siling group? Just now we are really looking for donkeys by riding donkeys!"

At the end of the sentence, both of them laughed.

"Ma Li, let's go to Shanben village. I'm afraid that boy will do us a disservice!"

Ma Li said softly:

"Chairman ye, you should never worry about this. Have you forgotten the shares of Mitsubishi group?"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling also shook his head and said:

"Ma Li, I've really forgotten this. As long as I have shares, I'm not afraid of Yamamoto village. But I'm also afraid of a long night's dream. I'd better go there quickly!"

Ma Li nodded and agreed with this. They left the villa and drove to Siling group again!

After a three hour drive, the two of them finally came to the downstairs of the Mitsubishi group. When ye Ling and Malili walked down the car, they went directly into it.

Ye Ling knocked on the door and went directly into the office.

When Yamamoto village saw Ye Ling, he was surprised and asked:

"Chairman ye, don't you have something to do? Why are you here again? "

Hearing Yamamoto's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"I don't seem to welcome me when I listen to what Mr. Yamamoto said."

As soon as Ye Ling said that, Yamamoto quickly shook his head.

"Chairman ye, what are you talking about? How can I not welcome you? "

Hearing Yamamoto's words, Ye Ling directly sat on the sofa.

Ye Ling didn't want to cut into the theme, otherwise he lost the initiative. He then asked:

"Mr. Yamamoto, I'd like to know something about the factories of Mitsubishi group!"

After hearing Ye Ling's words, Yamamoto village didn't think much about it, so he directly found out the document, went to Ye Ling and handed it to him

"Chairman ye, this is the whole content. Please have a look!"

Hearing Yamamoto Murakami's words, Ye Ling directly picked up the documents and began to check them. After careful observation, he found a small factory, which is called "future technology". When seeing the remarks, Ye Ling found that this is the factory where robots are built, but it has not been valued by the Mitsubishi group.

Ye Ling patted Ma Li's shoulder, and then pointed to him with his hand. Ma Li picked it up and looked at it.

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