The next morning, Ye Ling came to the hotel hall early. Ma Li came out with a suitcase. When they met, Ma Li came to Ye Ling and said with a smile

"Chairman ye, are you waiting for me here?"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Horsepower, let's go, I'll take you!"

During the conversation, they came to the door and went directly into the car. At this time, Ye Ling said:

"Take us to the airport!"

"OK, chairman Ye."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the driver drove the car directly and quickly, and soon they came to the airport.

Ye Ling and Ma Li enter the terminal. At this time, Ye Ling asks:

"Ma Li, have you got in touch with everything over there?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded slightly and said:

"Chairman ye, there is nothing left in the Three Kingdoms, and the people there are ready to pick me up!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly, then whispered:

"Horsepower, when you go there, you must tell me, you must ensure safety!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded firmly.

The airport broadcast started. Ma Li stood up at this time. Ye Ling also stood up. At this time, Ma Li said:

"Chairman ye, you can leave it to me. I won't let you down!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly, then said with a smile:

"Horsepower, you go!"

Ma Li nodded slightly, then picked up the suitcase and went straight inside.

When ye Ling saw that the horsepower was getting further and further away, Ye Ling smiles for a long time. When he can't see the horsepower completely, Ye Ling turns around and leaves here.

When ye Ling walked out of the airport, he came directly into the car. When the driver saw Ye Ling getting on the bus, he asked softly:

"Chairman ye, where shall we go?"

Hearing the driver's words, Ye Ling said slowly:

"Go to the company!"

"OK, chairman Ye!"

When ye Ling finished this sentence, the driver stepped on the accelerator directly and began to drive quickly.

Soon came to the door of the company, Ye Ling a walk off, the door is still a sea of people.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ling thought to herself: This is really worrying!

When ye Ling sits on the chair, he says to the Secretary at the door:

"Xiao Li, come in for me!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Li hurried into the office. She whispered to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, what can I do for you?"

Hearing Secretary Li's words, Ye Ling said faintly:

"Go ahead, Xiao Zhao. Call me here. Hurry up!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao quickly nodded and trotted all the way to manager Zhao's office.

She tapped on the door and went straight inside, whispering:

"Manager Zhao, chairman Ye is looking for you!"

Hearing Secretary Li's words, Xiao Zhao quickly stood up and asked:

"Secretary Xiao Li, what can chairman ye do for me?"

Hearing manager Zhao's words, Xiao Li shook his head slightly.

When he saw this scene, Xiao Zhao sighed, and then ran straight up. He soon came to Ye Ling's office and entered it directly.

When he saw Ye Ling, he quickly said:

"Chairman ye, what can I do for you?"

Seeing Xiao Zhao, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Xiao Zhao, sit down first and let's talk slowly."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao sat down quickly. After less than a minute's rest, Xiao Zhao asked again:

"Chairman ye, what can I do for you?"

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ye Ling said solemnly:

"Xiao Zhao, explain to me why there are so many people in front of the company. How did you solve this problem?"

When he saw that Ye Ling was serious, Xiao Zhao did not dare to sit any more. He quickly stood up and explained to Ye Ling

"Chairman ye, it's not intentional! We had a meeting yesterday to study this matter. We've rented a lot of stalls and started to implement them today! "

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly and said:

"Xiao Zhao, you can't go on like this. You have to speed up. If this happens tomorrow, I'll ask you!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao explained carefully:

"Chairman ye, I'm going to deal with this matter now. I won't let you down!"

Seeing this, Ye Ling nodded slightly and said:

"Xiao Zhao, then you should go quickly!"

"OK, chairman Ye."

When Xiao Zhao finished this sentence, he slowly left the office!

See Xiao Zhao left, Ye Ling thought a lot of things, and then began to sort out the documents.

When it was noon, Ye Ling's mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Ma Li. Then he answered the phone and said:

"Horsepower, are you here?"

Ma Li heard Ye Ling's voice and said with a smile:

"Chairman ye, I have reached the company. You can rest assured!"

When hearing this news, Ye Ling was very happy. He said with a smile:

"Ma Li, you can do well. If you need anything, you must call me at the first time!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li said with a smile:

"OK, chairman Ye."

Hear horsepower words, Ye Ling directly hang up the phone, then when ye Ling suddenly smile.

The next day, Ye Ling came to the door of the company, he could not see a person, see here, he thought: Xiao Zhao's efficiency is still good, really did not let me down!

When he thought of it, Ye Ling was very happy, and then he came directly to the office.

At this time, Ye Ling hesitated and went straight to Xiao Zhao's office!

When ye Ling just walked into the room, Xiao Zhao stood up and said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, you are here."

When seeing Xiao Zhao, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Xiao Zhao, when I came here today, I saw that there was no one at the door of the company. You did a very good job."

Hearing Ye Ling's praise, Xiao Zhao said with a smile:

"Chairman ye, you really praise me. This is what I should do!"

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly and then said:

"Xiao Zhao, just do well. I'll go back first."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao wants to stand up to see Ye Ling off, but ye Ling suddenly waves to him to sit down.

Later, Ye Ling returned to the office. He looked at the documents sent by the major branches and began to read them carefully.

Ye Ling has been so busy for a week, and everything in the new country is basically very smooth, which makes Ye Ling very happy!

Ye Ling is sitting in the office. He says to Xiao Li:

"Xiao Li, you ask manager Zhao to make a good profit statement for this week, and then let me report it!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Li said softly:

"Chairman ye, I'll be there now."

See here, Ye Ling slightly nodded!

After seeing Xiao Li leave, Ye Ling begins to wait patiently.

Secretary Li came to Xiao Zhao's office and told him about it.

When Xiao Zhao sorted out his things, he took the prepared documents and went to Ye Ling's office.

When he went in, he said to Ye Ling directly:

"Chairman ye, I'm here!"

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly and then said:

"Xiao Zhao, how much is the company's profit this week?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao quickly picked up the document, looked at it and said:

"Chairman ye, our company's profit this week is 50 billion."

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ye Ling thought to herself: the new country's ability is really great. I didn't expect that it had already achieved so many profits in just one week. It seems that the future of the new country is really limitless!

Before Ye Ling spoke, Xiao Zhao confidently said again:

"Chairman ye, the 50 billion yuan is the profit before today. Today's profit has not been included. If today's profit is also included, it will reach nearly 60 billion!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Yes, manager Zhao, you have done a very good job. Tell all the employees that I will give each of them a commission according to their performance, and I will give each of them a 10000 yuan red envelope!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao said excitedly:

"Chairman ye, if they know the good news, they will be very crazy! I'm sure I'll work harder! "

Xiao Zhao's words are what ye Ling wants to hear most. At this time, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Manager Zhao, you tell them to go. As long as they are willing to work, I will not treat them badly!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Zhao nodded excitedly.

"Chairman ye, go out and tell them now?"

Ye Ling nodded slightly. When she saw this, Xiao Zhao ran out directly.

When Xiao Zhao left, Ye Ling began to be curious about what happened there.

Just when ye Linggang thought of horsepower, the phone suddenly rang.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Ye Ling picked it up and saw that it was really horsepower's phone. At this time, he asked:

"Ma Li, I was thinking about you just now? I didn't expect you to call me directly! "

After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li also laughed and said with a smile:

"Chairman ye, maybe we call it" heart has soul. "

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Horsepower, that's very possible."

After that, Ye Ling suddenly asked:

"Ma Li, let's get down to business. What's the matter with you calling me?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Malay stopped smiling and said solemnly:

"Chairman ye, I just want to report my achievements to you!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling asked excitedly:

"Horsepower, tell me about it quickly!"

At this time, Ma Li said solemnly:

"Chairman ye, our profits in Arab countries have reached an amazing 30 billion!"

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Horsepower, you have made great achievements in the three countries of Afghanistan

Hearing Ye Ling's praise, Ma Li said with a smile:

"Chairman ye, I'm just an executive. It's mainly your credit."

Hearing this, Ye Ling smiles!

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