Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang stood up and said:

"Chairman ye, we are not afraid of these things at all. You should also believe in our ability."

Hearing Zhang Jinjiang's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Chairman Zhang, it seems that you are very confident?"

Zhang Jinjiang nodded slightly!

At this time, Secretary Li suddenly came into the conference hall and said to the people:

"Chairman ye, I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Ye Ling knew that Xiao Li had never been a bold man. He then asked:

"Xiao Li, just tell me what you have to do."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Li quickly explained:

"Chairman ye, we have just got accurate information that Mitsubishi group is ready to sell all its shares."

Hearing this, Ye Ling said excitedly:

"Then we are the largest shareholder, can we get the preemptive right?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Li quickly nodded and said:

"Chairman ye, just when the board of directors called me, they wanted to ask if chairman Ye was interested in the Mitsubishi group!"

Hearing what Xiao Li said, Ye Ling said excitedly:

"Xiao Li, you hurry to prepare materials for me. I'm going to cooperate with them now!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Xiao Li said quickly:

"OK, chairman ye, I'll go there first!"

With these words, Xiao Li left here directly.

Later, Ye Ling said to the crowd:

"We're not going to have a meeting for the time being. There's something very urgent that we need to deal with, you know?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, people began to say:

"Chairman ye, hurry up!"

When he heard this, Ye Ling left the conference hall directly. Later, he went downstairs directly. Xiao Li came to him with the ready gift and said:

"Chairman ye, this is the document for you!"

When Xiao Li finished this sentence, he delivered the document to Ye Ling's mobile phone directly. Ye Ling picked up the document and got into the car directly.

Soon the car arrived at the gate of Siling group. At this time, Ye Ling went in directly. Under the leadership of his secretary, he came directly to the meeting room of the board of directors!

When he came in, everyone's eyes were on Ye Ling's side. When he saw this scene, Ye Ling sat down slowly and said slowly:

"Don't look at me like that. You can go on with the meeting."

Hear Ye Ling people stop talking, they are waiting for Ye Ling's words.

Seeing this, Ye Ling stood up slowly and said:

"If you don't talk, I'll say it!"

When ye Ling finished this sentence, the scene was silent.

Looking at the capital, Ye Ling said to the Secretary of Meiteng:

"Meiteng, can you tell me what their quotation is?"

Seeing ye Ling's bold words, Mei Teng said carefully:

"Chairman ye, apart from you, all the shares of Siling group, as well as this building, need about 550 billion in total."

Hearing Meiteng's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"Meiteng, can you represent all the directors and shareholders now?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Meiteng looked at the shareholders and directors. At this time, they all nodded to Meiteng.

When seeing this, Meiteng said to the crowd:

"Thank you for your trust."

After that, Mei Teng bowed to everyone and said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, I can represent them now. Please let me know if you have anything to do."

Hearing Meiteng's words, Ye Ling thought about it and said:

"Meiteng, I think 550 billion is too high, a little unacceptable, right?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, people began to lose their seats. When Meiteng saw this scene, she said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, let me discuss with them first. Shall we contact me then?"

Hearing Meiteng's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly.

With the permission of Ye Ling, the people left here directly, and they began to discuss outside.

When they close the door gently, Ye Ling hears their fierce quarrel. At this time, he smiles.

They quarreled for more than half an hour. At the end of the day, they came in one by one.

When they open the door, Ye Ling slowly opens his eyes. He says with a breath:

"Meiteng, have you discussed it?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Mei Teng nodded slightly and said:

"Chairman ye, I'll tell you later!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling smiles.

Meiteng went directly to the platform and said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, they have said that 545 billion is the bottom line. If you don't buy it, they won't sell it."

Hearing Meiteng's words, Ye Ling threw out the contract and said directly:

"Sign it!"

When they saw this scene, they were all surprised. Meiteng took the contract and put it in front of them.

When they see Ye Ling so cheerful, they feel that they have been cheated, but they don't know how to say it!

Later, they had to sign their name reluctantly. When they all signed, they came to Ye Ling with the contract.

When ye Ling saw this scene, she took a simple look and signed her name directly.

Then ye Ling took out a check, wrote the amount, signed the words, and put it on the table.

Ye Ling took the contract and said with a smile:

"Thank you very much!"

Finish saying this sentence, Ye Ling directly left here, see Ye Ling left, their hearts very regret, but has no help.

When ye Ling took the contract, he was very happy. He went back to the company directly.

When he entered the company, Secretary Li quickly came up to greet him

"Chairman ye, is everything going well?"

Hearing Xiao Li's words, ye Lingwei smiles and takes up the contract.

Seeing this, Xiao Li was very happy.

Just as Ye Ling was about to enter, he said to Secretary Li with a smile:

"Xiao Li, you are going to work in Siling group in the future. No, it should not be called Siling group, it should be our Lingtian group!"

With these words, Ye Ling walked into the conference hall with a smile.

When ye Ling had entered the conference hall, all the people immediately calmed down.

Seeing that the crowd was quiet, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"What did you just talk about? How happy? Go on

Hear Ye Ling's words, people dare not say a word, honestly listen to Ye Ling's words.

When ye Ling saw that all the people were silent, he pointed to Ma Li and said:

"Chairman Ma, I just saw you smile the most happily. Please tell me quickly!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li shook his head and explained:

"Chairman ye, this is not what you think. I really didn't laugh!"

Seeing Ma Li's appearance, Ye Ling asked seriously:

"Ma Li, if you don't tell the truth, I'll punish you!"

When he heard this, Ma Li shook his head and explained:

"No, chairman ye, we have just talked about the branch company. We are thinking about how to continue to increase sales."

Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry about this. I've acquired the Mitsubishi group."

With this sentence, Ye Ling directly put the contract on the table.

When hearing the news, everyone was very happy, but Shangguan Yishu was very excited and cried out.

Shangguan Yishu yelled, and everyone was startled. At this time, everyone looked at him in surprise.

When ye Ling saw this scene, she said with a smile:

"Don't be surprised. If Shangguan Yishu tells you the reason later, you will be like this too!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone shook his head slightly.

At this time, Ye Ling saw the reaction of the crowd and said with a smile:

"You don't believe me, Shangguan Yishu, tell them why!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shangguan Yishu calmed his mood for a while, and then said slowly:

"When our company acquired Siling group, we thought that the production of our future dream would not rely on the small factory of future technology, but could be directly put into the production of Siling group. Now we can only produce about 2 billion goods a day, and you always urge me because of the amount of goods. If you put it into Siling group, We can produce about 20 billion a day! "

When they heard Shangguan Yishu's words, all the people were surprised. They always asked Shangguan Yishu for goods. Now, this kind of thing would not happen.

But they don't have to worry that they can't increase their sales because they are out of stock. People are very excited when they think about it.

Looking at all the people, Ye Ling said slowly:

"You can only see the surface. After our production is improved, we can also directly sell to all parts of the world. If this goes on, it should not be a problem for our group to become the top five in the world."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, people were very excited. If they were the chairman of the top five companies in the world, it would be a great honor!

See them a very excited appearance, Ye Ling heart is also very happy.

At this time, Shangguan Yishu stood up and said to Ye Ling:

"Chairman ye, you can relax, but I can't relax. Now I have to go to the workshop and let them start to slowly transfer the factory to Siling group!"

Hearing Shangguan Yishu's words, Ye Ling nodded slightly, and then said:

"Shangguan, it's really hard for you!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shangguan Yishu said with a smile:

"Chairman ye, this is what I should do. I'm leaving now."

When ye Ling heard this, she nodded slightly.

Get Ye Ling's consent, Shangguan a tree slowly left here.

Seeing him leaving here, Ye Ling said with great satisfaction:

"Look at the spirit of Shangguan Yishu. We all need to have this spirit. Do you know?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone stood up and said:

"Chairman ye, we will not let you down! You can rest assured! "

Hearing what they said, Ye Ling nodded and said:

"I know you are all good. You should prepare well. Since you are going to face a brand new market, there are no contacts, no resources, only you. Are you confident?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, they all cried without flinching

"Chairman ye, we are determined to complete the task, and we will certainly make the group to a higher level!"

Hearing what they said, Ye Ling said:

"Let's work together!"

When people heard Ye Ling's words, they began to cheer!

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