"The level of giant beast space has been improved, with 2000 bonus points, 20 gene chips and 3 bottles of ghrelin."

"The giant space permission is unlocked, which can provide the host to store the items."

Smell speech, Ye Ling in front of a bright, previously depressed suddenly swept away.

Apart from other things, just 2000 points is enough to make Ye Ling happy.

In this way, the previous consumption of those points is earned 7788, not too much loss.

With the function of unlocking after the upgrade of giant space, Ye Ling was overjoyed.

With this device, you can play after yourself. You don't need a storage ring. Moreover, the area of giant beast space is so large that an island has more storage space than a storage ring.


At this time, the little dinosaur jumped down from Ye Ling. Suddenly, a cold and fierce color flashed through his humanized eyes. He raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. For a moment, his momentum changed. Although his voice was immature, he had a kind of domineering from the inside out, which was what some Tyrannosaurus Rex should look like.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Ling was stunned.

"It is detected that Tyrannosaurus rex has combat demand after half of the first generation. The demand degree is 50."

"Battle demand?" Ye Ling hears speech one is stunned, this is he did not think of completely before, incredibly still have such a stubble.

"In the process of Tyrannosaurus Rex's growth, it must be accompanied by constant fighting and training. In addition, the host should try his best to meet the other needs of Tyrannosaurus Rex's early growth. If one of them fails to reach the goal before 100, it will be regarded as a failure."

"..." Ye Ling immediately suffered a face, well, feeling is the baby's full-time nanny.

But if it's just a battle demand, Ye Ling is not unable to meet this little guy.

After all, he learned only when he went to the black boxing ring yesterday that in addition to the ordinary fight, there are also animal training battles in the black boxing ring, which is equivalent to providing a good fighting environment for the little guys.

It's just

Ye Ling looks at the cute little dinosaur in front of her with a bitter face, and her heart twitches.

In this way, if you put him in the Colosseum to fight with other dinosaurs, won't he be swallowed?

"System, can you detect the combat effectiveness of the little guy?"

"There are more than 900 Tyrannosaurus Rex in the host? Give it a try, and you'll soon know. "

"Er..." Ye Ling's mouth drew, and he didn't have a good way: "what if Tyrannosaurus Rex accidentally swallowed the little guy? I can't cry to death. "

"Ha ha."

Unexpectedly, a burst of laughter came from the system. Although the laughter was extremely stiff, Ye Ling could hear full of irony from the voice, as if laughing at Ye Ling's ignorance.

"The host is too small on Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although it's only the first half of the whole generation, its combat effectiveness can't be underestimated."

Ye Ling smell speech, slightly some not poor.

This little guy looks cute. What's his fighting power?

However, since the system says so, compared with the little guy, he should have some skills, so he won't be swallowed up.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling and the little guy walked in one direction, and soon met a Tyrannosaurus Rex scattered on the island in an open space.


Before Ye Ling spoke, the little guy ran up excitedly, put on a ready posture, and roared at T. rex.

However that appearance, Ye Ling how to see all can't help but cold.

It's so cute.

Tyrannosaurus Rex seems to notice the little guy's provocation, turns around, stares at the little guy, suddenly opens his mouth and looks up at the sky.


A startling roar came in an instant, and the ground trembled slightly. The momentum of the king of beasts bloomed in an instant, which was in sharp contrast to the little guy's cute moment.

However, unexpectedly, the little guy was not afraid at all. Instead, he was full of excitement in his eyes. He hopped a few times in the same place and rushed forward with his short legs. When he opened his mouth, he was about to bite the legs like Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At this time, Tyrannosaurus Rex's cold eyes looked down indifferently, showed a touch of anger, and roared again. Then he turned around and patted his tail directly at the little guy.


Ye Ling was shocked. The little guy's body is so small. Can't he be paralyzed by this shot?

However, to Ye Ling's surprise, the little guy's two short legs were slightly bent, and he jumped up with his whole body. It was more than ten meters high. Then he fell from the sky and kicked the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head.

One hit failed to hit, Tyrannosaurus Rex took back its tail, as if looking for the trace of the little guy, but in the next second, it felt a violent concussion on its head. The little guy's short leg fell from a height of more than ten meters, and kicked the Tyrannosaurus Rex's forehead hard, directly forcing it to the past. The huge body could not stand firm for a moment, and fell on the ground with a roar, rolling up the smoke.


See this scene, Ye Ling eyes up a touch of splendor.

It seems that I really underestimate this little guy.

Mingming was just born and had never experienced a battle, but he was able to attack so skillfully.

It can only be said that Tyrannosaurus rex was born with a strong fighting talent, and its intelligence is high, which is essentially different from other Tyrannosaurus Rex who only know how to attack brutally.


The little guy stepped on the head of Tyrannosaurus Rex and didn't leave. Instead, he raised his feet and stepped on the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex one after another. The next moment, Tyrannosaurus Rex screamed, and his huge body suddenly struggled violently. The little guy's feet were a little unsteady, so he quickly took off from the head of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

As for the Tyrannosaurus Rex, after one eye was destroyed by the little guy, it obviously became extremely manic. After struggling to stand up and adapt to it for a while, the only eye left was staring at the little guy, with a bloodthirsty breath, roaring and shaking.

But the little guy was not afraid, even with a trace of disdain in his eyes. He stretched out his tiny forelimb and hooked it with his only two fingers.

Ye Ling was stunned, and suddenly felt like thunder.

This little guy knows how to provoke?

"Dong Dong Dong!"


Tyrannosaurus Rex with heavy steps, shaking the earth, finally a roar, huge body towards the little guy.

The little guy stepped back slightly, then took off and rode directly on the neck of Tyrannosaurus Rex. He used his sharp claws to break through the flesh of Tyrannosaurus Rex. At the same time, he used his mouth to bite. Tyrannosaurus Rex tried to throw the little guy down several times, but the little guy used his claws to embed it into the other's skin.

Finally, after a long stalemate, the black and bruised Tyrannosaurus Rex fell to the ground with a plop. His whole body was flowing with blood and dyed the whole surrounding ground red. He struggled several times to stand up and finally fell back.


The little guy's face was full of victory, and he roared up to the sky.

Ye Ling looked at all this in a dazed way, and suddenly an evaluation that didn't match the little guy's appearance appeared in her heart - it was so cruel!

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