Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 1 The Three-Body Universe

"Sin! What did I do?? God, you want to treat me like this!!"

Huaxia Space City.

A simple dwelling.

A young man's shrill voice sounded.

His tone was full of despair.

Sitting on a spotless white bed, Jiang Fan had despair on his face.

I actually accidentally traveled to this ghost place.

The memory of the original body appeared in his mind.

He was reborn as a child in a social care facility in Trisolaris.

Is the ghostly place of the Three-Body Universe the place where the traveler should come?

This is a big pit! !

Why would I travel to this place!

What sin did I do? ?

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of despair, he can just time travel, why did he time travel to the Three-Body Problem.

This place is even more outrageous than prehistoric.

A two-way foil that cleans up garbage can wipe out a civilization, and it can't even run away.

More advanced weapons can also tamper with cognition.


It's so desolate, how can there be any way out in this place.

To make matters worse, it is now 10 years since the Era of the Bunker.

That is to say - the last hope of humanity on Earth, Thomas Vader had only one year left to be executed.

When he died, it represented that human civilization on earth has completely chosen the doctrine of shrinkage.

Human beings have completely lost their minds.

Of course, there is still a little hope for humanity.

It is the light-speed spaceship that Luo Ji led the research on later.

It's a pity that the spaceship was given to a woman named Cheng Xin.

Jiang Fan thought about his identity for a while, and guessed he was just a kid.

He doesn't even have the qualifications for hibernation, how could he be eligible for that spaceship?

Too bad luck.

But it's okay to think about it carefully. It's now the 10th year of the Era of the Bunker, and there won't be a Black Forest Strike until the 60th year of the Era of the Bunker.

Living for fifty years is not enough.

The only regret is that I can't marry a wife and have children, and I can't bring my offspring into this doomed world.

After sighing for a while, it can be regarded as lamenting the impermanence of fate.

If it comes, it will be safe, Jiang Fan is going to look away.

Enjoy the rest of the time, it is also your own happiness.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the sign-in system."

"It is detected that the world where the host is located is a three-body doomsday world, and the crisis will come in two years."

"The system will automatically help the host to sign in and get the spaceship Tiangong that can grow."

"Tiangong is currently a first-class mothership, providing living space for more than three people. It uses nuclear fusion energy piles, can navigate in the galaxy, and has primary energy shield protection."

"The host can upgrade the mothership by looking for rare minerals, and unlock other functions of the mothership."

"Please upgrade as soon as possible, the fifth-level spaceship can gain the ability to fly at the speed of light."

"Tenth-level spaceships can gain the ability to jump."

"A level 100 spaceship can gain the ability to leap in time and space."


A series of prompts sounded, and Jiang Fan was taken aback for a moment.

Subconsciously asked: "You said that the world will be in crisis in two years?"

Didn't the two-way foil arrive on Earth seventy years after the Bunker Era?

How could it be next year all of a sudden? ?

The mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

"The system has detected that a light-speed spacecraft has sent a two-way foil to the earth, and the crisis will come in a year."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan wanted to cry even more.

"This is too fast, the solar system will be destroyed by the two-way foil in two years!!"

I have just over a year left.

Calculating the time, humans will receive the news of the blow as soon as Vader is executed next year.

That's so ironic.

Cheng Xin's expression must be pretty.

Seeing myself killing the hope of mankind with my own righteous hands, and then being slapped in the face

Thinking about it this way, I don't seem to have much time left.

My goodness! !

Can it be any worse?

"System, where is my spaceship?"

Jiang Fan asked, this is his life-saving straw, and there is no room for any mistakes.

"Your spaceship has automatically parked at the berth of Huaxia Space City, and your identity certificate and proof of possession have been placed in front of your desk."

Jiang Fan jumped up directly.

After the doomsday broadcast, Huaxia City began to be built.

It is the first batch of completed space bunker cities.

It is the most important part of the human bunker plan.

The living facilities are very complete, and the living facilities are also automated, which is very convenient.

Public security is also good, it is the first choice of livable city in the human world.

Jiang Fan walked to the door.

It was found that there was indeed a certificate on the table, and several pages of paper with his identity printed on it.

"Good guy, the system is fully prepared."

Jiang Fan was also polite, and directly picked up these ID cards.

I looked at it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, I walked out the door.

Sit on the hover car and go to the port of the space city, ready to see your new spaceship.

The port is grand and huge.

The suspension cars come and go, which is very lively.

There are also some bulky cargo spaceships that carry a large amount of cargo to take off and land, and unload cargo.

Following the system prompts, Jiang Fan quickly found his Tiangong spacecraft.

It doesn't look good, it's a semicircle with a diameter of 20 meters and a height of about five meters, and it's silver in color.

It looks passable.

After Jiang Fan went through the procedures according to the regulations, he directly entered the spaceship.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, new book data is really critical. *

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