Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter Twelve Solar System Federation Divided Between Rich and Poor 59

Mercury City is the earliest space city built by humans, with a standard spherical configuration.

A very large subsidiary factory is built outside to smelt metal.

One small spaceship after another stretches out its robotic arms, welding components in space.

Bright fire, twinkling like stars.

The task of other space cities is to help humans avoid possible doomsday strikes.

The purpose of this space city is to help humans smelt metals mined on Mercury.

After witnessing the destruction of the Trisolaran galaxy.

Human beings have long been afraid of the sun, and the farther away from the sun, the more at ease they can feel.

Even the earth, the home planet of human beings, is no longer inhabited.

According to statistics three years ago, there are less than 5 million people left on the earth.

Only those who are unwilling to leave their mother's homeland and who have no fear of death at any time stay there.

According to some documentaries that have been circulated occasionally.

Just know that nature has re-occupied everything on Earth.

The continents have been covered by forests and grasslands.

Those who stay are like kings sitting on vast expanses of uninhabited land.

They live in a spacious manor.

Own your own forests and lakes, face death calmly, not worrying about gains and losses like those who fled to the space city.

Mercury City is so close to the sun, so it is naturally feared by many people.

If hit by light particles, Mercury is definitely the first planet to be swallowed by a star.

The city of Mercury would also be destroyed in the expanding sun.

Only desperadoes who are short of money or people with a bad life will choose to work in this city because of the generous remuneration.

The Solar System Federation is known as the most ideal democratic society in human history.

But this does not mean that there are no poor and suffering people in this society.

There are still a large number of unemployed and homeless in the federation.

There are also many poor people who have lost social insurance for various reasons.

The development of science and technology has met the living needs of a large number of people, but it has also created a more fragmented society.

Wealthy people can own single-family villas in the space city, with gardens and swimming pools.

The poor can only squeeze into a narrow space, enduring the stench emitted by the factories built in the space city, earning hard money, and running around to survive.

Those who were forced to come to Mercury City all came with the idea of ​​risking their lives.

Some even came here after being sentenced by the solar system court.

Fish and dragons are mixed together, so the law and order here is naturally not much better.

Mercury also has a city government and a police agency.

Only responsible for maintaining the operation of the most basic public facilities.

For urban society basically laissez-faire.

The federal government needs metal, and there's a big interest pie here.

The people who come here are all to make money, which leads to a very chaotic social order here.

There are many gangsters, all of whom are desperadoes.

Live with the idea that if you are rich today and happy today, you may go to see God tomorrow.

All kinds of fringe industries are very developed, and it can be said that there are all kinds of poisons.

In order to ensure their own interests, various chaebol companies have sent additional security forces and mercenaries.

Added to the confusion.

Mercury City's starship port is much more prosperous than other space cities.

A large number of cargo spaceships are constantly taking off and landing, entering and exiting.

Outside Mercury City.

Every transport line is extremely busy all the time.

The transport spaceship with powerful horsepower dragged dozens of huge assemblies, leaving Mercury City like a long dragon.

Some spacecraft also returned with food and industrial products from other space cities.

After Jiang Fan parked his spaceship, he received the certificate for parking his spaceship.

Follow Ye Wei into Mercury City through the pipeline in the port.

As soon as I walked through the long pipeline, I saw a cyberpunk-like world.

This is a dilapidated and backward but prosperous and advanced old city.

This sense of confusion and contradiction made Jiang Fan a little surprised.

It is completely different from Huaxia City where he lives.

Everything in Mercury City made him feel incredible.

There is such a city in such an advanced federation! !

Mercury City is the City of Eternal Night, with artificial gravity, but no nuclear fusion sun of its own.

The buildings inside all rely on nuclear batteries to emit light. As soon as you walk in, you can see the stars.

Moreover, the architectural styles vary greatly, and some are just simple sheds made of discarded building materials.

Some are buildings full of science fiction, with dazzling neon lights and holographic projections playing.

The people of Mercury City are also different from those of other space cities.

All of them had cynicism on their faces and looked like they were in high spirits.

Walking on the street, a few people in strange clothes walked, their bodies jerked violently, and they fell to the ground.

I don't know if I live or die, and no one cares.

Many were also fitted with mechanical prosthetics, which looked nondescript.

"This is a city that has lost hope."

Jiang Fan made a judgment immediately.

The gap between Space City and Space City is really outrageous.

In Europe's No. 4 city, in addition to the villa swimming pool, there is also a blue sky and white clouds, and even a sea belt for the rich to play.

Compared with this place, it is simply a sky and an earth.

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't come here to study the customs of the people.

Nor is there any interest in saving the fallen city.

Ye Wei used to be the director of Xinghuan Group.

The Star Ring Group does not have any business here, but they have also sent people here.

Ye Wei knew that someone could help them bypass the complicated federal review procedures and obtain a mining authorization.

If he can't get it, Jiang Fan can only go to the Kuiper belt, the outermost part of the solar system, to find minerals.

Illegal mining in the solar system is not a small crime.

If it doesn't work out, I'll have to squat for a few more years.

At that time, it is basically over.


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, the data of the new book is really critical.

Ten evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and one reminder will explode.

The author updates 20,000 a day, as long as he is not dead, he will update to death. *

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