Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 19: A Federation that is Rotten to the Bone 315

The recruitment process was also smooth.

A total of twenty people applied for Jiang Fan's crew position.

There are too many people in Mercury City who are full of resentment towards the Federation.

Jiang Fan picks out guys who just want to blow up the federal government.

Jiang Fan didn't ask too much. For the crew, it's fine if they don't like the Federation.

Skill requirements aside.

Mercury City seems very decadent, but the residents in it also enjoy social welfare and have completed basic education.

Even if you are decadent, you have to stay in school for a long time before you can come out.

The federal system overprotects minors.

Leading to frequent occurrence of vicious incidents such as school bullying.

Good students are bullied, but bad students live happily.

This has also caused many federal schools to be a mess.

When many students came out of the federal schools, they were somewhat unhealthy psychologically.

Commonwealth students also have no parents, which has caused very serious psychological problems.

After the trough of the crisis era passed, social care institutions replaced family care.

Many children come out of social care institutions.

To be honest, the Federation is the most ideal democratic society, and such words often only appear in the mouths of those human elites.

It's just what they think.

After the Federation was established, it basically failed to do anything to help humans survive.

The United Nations, at the beginning of the crisis era, is still capable of functioning.

Whether it was Yun Tianming's PIA project, or the Wallfacer project, or even the plan proposed by the Secretary-General at that time to establish a library of human civilization.

These plans have been well implemented in the end.

It also played a vital role in the survival of human beings and the preservation of civilization.

But after the Great Depression period, the Federation established was hard to describe.

Arrogant and arrogant, without a clear understanding of the enemy.

Cancel the Wallfacer plan, let the three major fleets form a square to check the water drop detectors.

Not to mention such stupid things.

What is the most important thing?

Because of Keiko's words, the Wall Breaker immediately began to rectify the Space Force.

The morale of the army is a little unstable.

Dongfang Yanxu, the former captain of the Natural Selection, even planned to resign because of the review.

Later, she failed to resign because Zhang Beihai took her to defect.

It can be regarded as automatic resignation from the Asian Fleet.

The federal government here is simply a mysterious operation, and they are so confident that they can violently beat the three-body problem.

Why is escape still prohibited?

In the early days of the Crisis Era, the main reason for banning Escapism was technological conflicts between nations.

Many small countries also have no way to study the escaped spacecraft, which can easily lead to a world war.

People don't want others to live, but they can only wait to die.

There is no other way but to ban escapism.

When it comes to the doomsday battle.

The Trisolaran Fleet was already fragmented, posing no threat at all.

Humans built up their confidence in the battle, and even reveled.

At that time, people were already talking about dealing with the three-body problem after the war.

At this time, send spacecraft to conduct detection missions to other galaxies.

Or to go to other galaxies to get rid of the sophon blockade, it is very important to restart the basic theory.

The Federation, which was supposed to be democratic and inclusive, is like a dictator, firmly pursuing the prohibition of escapism and prohibiting exploration of other galaxies.

The greatest contribution of ETO is nothing more than breaking the wall and seeing through the strategic plan of the wallfacers.

The Solar System Federation is helping the Trisolaran civilization to send mankind directly to the end.

Not to mention the arrogance of the Solar System Federation, the more important thing is that it is stupid.

The era of deterrence allowed the cultural invasion of the Trisolaran civilization, leading to the subsequent total collapse.

Cheng Xin was unforgivable, but in fact all the officials of the Solar System Federation were even more unforgivable.

The information surface of ordinary people is too small, and there is not much room for choice.

In the face of alien civilizations, the Federation did not take any responsibility.

There are no related moves to assimilate Trisolaris.

There is no plan to require the three-body body to be open and honest, so that the two civilizations can communicate on an equal footing.

Congressmen and the president misled ordinary people for the sake of votes, and even encouraged the logic threat theory.

Before the Battle of Doomsday, some councilors went to the Awakened community to give speeches, making them agree with the concept of harmonious coexistence with the three bodies.

These people are also called Dongguo people.

In the era of deterrence, there are a large number of congressmen advocating the Luo Ji threat theory.

They succeeded in turning Luo Ji from a hero to a sinner.

Simply put, the federation has been rotten to the bone.

The people are being fooled by these people.

Humanity chose Cheng Xin, or rather, the Federation chose Cheng Xin.

It could also be said that those councilors chose Cheng Xin for their positions and votes.

The matter of running for the sword bearer cannot be related to all human beings at all.

The information plane of ordinary people has no access to the real situation of the three bodies, nor can they contact Luo Ji.

It is really shameless to say that the mistakes of those in power are committed by the people at the bottom who know nothing about it.

This is also the reason why many people complain about the Federation.

Once there was a space city who couldn't stand the bureaucratic atmosphere of the Federation and wanted to be independent, but was forced to join again by the solar system fleet.

Jiang Fan is also happy to accept these guys who are full of complaints about the Federation.

Anyway, he doesn't wear the same pair of trousers as the Federation. It is estimated that he will have to fight against the Federation in the future.

Rescuing Vader and those scientists who studied curvature is already an act of blatant rebellion.

It's like declaring war.

He was doomed to confront the Federation.

The matter of the spaceship cannot be concealed for too long, and the human elites are not fools.

The Tiangong spacecraft is getting bigger and bigger, no matter what, it can be seen that some tricks are tricky.

What Jiang Fan has to do is to develop and prepare to fight against the Federation.

You don't have to think about joining the federation. Whoever joins is a fool.

Ye Wei and V helped Jiang Fan enter the identity information of those crew members who met the requirements in turn, and gave the crew members permission.

It was the turn of a bearded man in his thirties.

An exclamation sounded.

"Isn't he a descendant of Zhang Beihai?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone avoided the place where the middle-aged man was standing.

It's like standing together is a sin.

Zhang Tianjun showed a trace of disappointment, it seemed that he was going to fail again in this application.

PS: Ask for data, *

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