Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 25 Anti-gravity technology was discovered 915

Like the Sakamoto Group and the Star Ring Group, the Liu Group is a giant interstellar company in the Federation.

The system is huge, and there are many fields of research.

A few years ago, I tried to invest in the field of basic science research, but was overwhelmed by the Star Ring Group.

Later, he was forced to turn to spacecraft manufacturing and the basic living facilities of the space city.

Because of the large number of projects, this has led to serious power struggles within the company.

The man was sent to Mercury City because he was on the wrong team.

This space city is called the city of death.

If one day the solar system is hit by light particles, it will be difficult to run.

Seeing that strange spaceship, the man's heart became hot all of a sudden.

This is definitely a technology that the Federation does not currently have. He has never seen a spaceship dock like this.

If this technology can be acquired, it may not be the capital of his struggle.

Thinking of this, the man stopped the woman's words and strode over to see if he could negotiate and buy it.


"This spaceship looks weird."

Ye Wei looked at Lei Ying moored at the port.

Behind him are people recruited these days.

Accompanied by a mechanical sound, Thunder Eagle opened the front hatch.

The high-pressure gas neighed softly and spewed out from it.

The figure of V appeared in the cabin, and she was ordered to transport the new crew.

"How did you get this vehicle? Hmm."

Seeing V's figure, Ye Wei asked.

A few days ago, there was no such thing.

In the past two days, Jiang Fan got something new?

"The captain made it. He built another building specifically to build this kind of transport vehicle called Thunderhawk. This thing uses black technology that you can never guess."

The newly recruited crew boarded Thunder Eagle one by one, looking for a seat.

V was chatting with Ye Wei outside, she supported Lei Ying's fuselage with her mechanical hand, and said with a smile.

"What kind of black technology?"

Ye Wei asked in confusion.

"Anti-gravity, this thing is an anti-gravity vehicle, can you think of it? The captain can even get this kind of black technology."

Ye Wei was taken aback by V's words.

anti-gravity! !

Are you kidding me?

But Ye Wei didn't look like he was joking when he saw V.

My heart was suddenly shocked.

The Federation also tried to research anti-gravity technology, but there was no progress.

In the end, I had no choice but to give up.

Now, Jiang Fan is making a fuss.

This is too bad.

Not to mention anything else, just rely on this.

Jiang Fan's strength can definitely occupy a place in the federation.

But Ye Wei just couldn't figure out why Jiang Fan didn't want to make it public.

As long as he takes out those technologies, he can become famous and obtain unbelievable wealth.

Even if someone bullied him before, he can still forcefully return it.

The man who had just walked nearby heard the conversation between Ye Wei and V, his expression froze, and then he became ecstatic.

God is helping him, anti-gravity technology can definitely help him gain more voice in the company's struggle.

As long as he is acquired, he can definitely stand up.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to hear the conversation so far away.

But the ears of this willow-style man are mechanical prosthetics.

In the early years, due to some accidents, he had problems with his cochlea. In desperation, he had to install mechanical prostheses.

Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise, and he got hearing that surpassed ordinary people.

Even if they were separated by more than ten meters, they could clearly hear the conversation between Ye Wei and V.

As soon as he approached, the man stretched out his hands very enthusiastically.

Very familiar, like friends who haven't seen V and Ye Wei for many years.

"Hello, hello, I'm Liu Cheng, the supervisor of the Liu Group in Mercury City, nice to meet you."

Ye Wei and V narrowed their eyes slightly, looking at this person who came over to say hello suddenly, a trace of vigilance suddenly appeared in their hearts.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Wei looked at the other party and asked.

Liu Cheng had a smile on his face, and his attitude was enthusiastic, "There is something good I want to talk to a few of you. I passed by just now and saw that your spaceship is very special. I want to buy it. I don't know if it is possible."

"Sorry, we don't sell."

Ye Wei shook his head, he wholeheartedly wanted to persuade Jiang Fan to disclose the technology to gain wealth and fame.

I also followed suit.

But before Jiang Fan agrees, he will not make a claim.

This is Ye Wei's rule.

"Don't say no so quickly, right? Everything in this world has a price, as long as you make a price."

Liu Cheng is also a veteran in the business world, how could he give up just because the other party refused.

"I said I won't sell it, and please don't waste our time, Mr. Liu."

Ye Wei directly refused, without any intention of talking.

He himself used to be the director of the Star Ring Group, so he naturally knew how annoying these brown candies were.

Never give a little gap.

"Anti-gravity technology is a technology that the Federation has not mastered, but you have no strength. As long as you cooperate with the Liu Group, you can get rapid promotion and a lot of resources. This is a win-win situation. You don't need to resist like this. "

Liu Cheng also stopped beating around the bush, and directly stated his purpose.

"There is no anti-gravity technology here, you are mistaken."

Ye Wei directly denied the existence of anti-gravity technology.

Although he didn't understand Jiang Fan, Ye Wei followed his advice.

Keep these technologies from being exposed to the federal public.

V's complexion changed slightly, it was all because she was too excited just now, and said that the Thunder Eagle is an anti-gravity vehicle.

It's just that I didn't expect that this kind of conversation could be overheard.

"I just heard that what you are discussing is anti-gravity technology. I know this thing is very precious, but you can trust me. With such strong strength, the Liu Group will not deceive you."

"We can build momentum within a few days, let everyone in the Federation know the existence of anti-gravity technology, you will become celebrities, and even the president will receive you."

Liu Cheng said excitedly.

Ye Wei's answer was still so concise: "Sorry, we don't have the anti-gravity technology you mentioned."

ps: seek data*

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