Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 32 Complaints from the Whole Network 119

Jiang Fan's words made everyone dumbfounded.

How could he say such words.

What is the life and death of human civilization, and what does it have to do with him?

What a ruthless and ungrateful person must be to say it so confidently.

The entire venue was silent, as if everyone had been cast into silence magic.

The media reporters watched Jiang Fan's eyes slowly changed from astonishment to anger.

If eyes could kill, Jiang Fan would be in pieces by now.

"Mr. Jiang Fan, are you overly excited? That's why you say such things indiscriminately."

The female media reporter standing at the front tried to help Jiang Fan redeem what he just said.

Jiang Fan's gaze once again swept over the reporters, media and eventful people who gathered like vultures eating carrion corpses.

Said word for word again.

"So what if there is anti-gravity technology? What if there is no anti-gravity technology? What does the life and death of human civilization have to do with me?"

"I have anti-gravity technology, but does it have anything to do with you?"

The female reporter's body trembled when she heard this, "Are you human? Say something like this? You obviously have technology that can save everyone, why don't you show it."

"Scum, scum, you don't deserve to stay in the human world."

"Shameless, how could there be such a shameless person like you in this world."

Everyone was roaring angrily.

He wanted to turn his words into a sharp knife and stab the man in front of him to death.

Since the Great Trough of the Crisis Era, human history has experienced several major turning points.

But the human world as a whole is still in the state of a highly democratic and civilized society with high welfare.

For two centuries, people's subconscious has formed such a consensus.

No matter how bad things got, there was always someone to take care of them.

This belief nearly collapsed in the Great Migration Disaster.

But 6 years ago, on that darkest morning.

A miracle still happened, the broadcast of Gravity gave them another chance.

Humans throughout the solar system are used to it.

In times of crisis, wait for the next miracle to appear.

From Luo Ji to Gravity.

Every time when human beings are most critical, someone will always come out to turn the tide.

Wipe their ass for their mistakes.

In the doomsday battle, they are arrogant.

As a result, the three major fleets were destroyed, and mankind lost almost all hope.

Luo Ji fought with his life, carrying everything on his back, digging his own grave in the lonely mountain, and confronting the Three-Body Problem.

Eventually a system of deterrence was established for Earth.

For the sword-bearer incident, they chose Cheng Xin as the sword-bearer in order to make themselves feel at ease.

The result almost led to the extinction of humans in Australia.

It was the broadcasts from Blue Space and Gravity that saved them.

Every time they are desperate.

There is always someone to wipe their ass and rescue them from the fire and water.

After the destruction of the Three-Body World, human beings continued to fall into a low ebb.

They live under the threat of the sun being destroyed all the time.

When the news of anti-gravity technology came out.

This kind of technology that is destined to change an era has rekindled their hope.

In their minds, a new star of salvation has emerged.

Only then will there be such a mighty team, come to verify the authenticity of anti-gravity technology.

Once true, humanity will enter a new era.

Perhaps it is also possible to create the black domain that humans have always needed by virtue of anti-gravity.

But now what did they hear.

The savior, whom they had high hopes for, spoke to them loudly.

What does your life and death have to do with me!

So what if I have technology, it's none of your business.

Why is this person so shameless?

Why doesn't he take it as his mission to save mankind?

He should have saved us?

This is his duty.

Why didn't he do his duty?

Why doesn't he watch over us?

Everyone was trembling with anger, their anger was as raging as a volcano, and they wanted to burn this person into ashes.

"Now I have the answer, okay? Please leave immediately."

After Jiang Fan said this, he returned to the base.

Everyone could only look at his back and grit their teeth.

The base is protected by an ion barrier net, and anyone who tries to break in will be blocked by a transparent force field.

The greater the brute force, the greater the rebound.

This kind of technology is also not available in the Federation.

The ion barrier network made these media reporters more certain that there were deeper secrets in this base.

If the federation gets it, it might be able to successfully establish a defense system that can withstand the attack of the dark forest.

But Jiang Fan's words also made them feel a little disappointed.

I never thought there would be such irresponsible people in this world.

The related video of Jiang Fan was quickly sent back to various space cities.

When he heard his sentence that the life and death of human civilization has nothing to do with me, everyone exploded.

The Internet is full of posts and comments accusing him.

"This kind of person is too shameless. Did he grow up on air? He wasn't raised with taxpayers' money to say such things."

"Ingratitude is definitely a human traitor."

"Strongly urge the solar system prosecutors to arrest this guy."

"Yes, to arrest him, such words can be said without any gratitude."

PS: Ask for data, brothers. *

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