Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 35 The Arrival of the Review Team 419

Under such enormous public pressure, relevant laws were quickly passed.

Reports about the new law quickly flooded the Internet.

"Solar System Federation Passes Resolution 178, Announcing the Implementation of Limited Private Ownership Laws"

In this session of the Federal Assembly, on Proposition 178, the Federal Parliament passed the proposal with an overwhelming majority. Declaring complete private ownership has violated the basic needs of human existence in the solar system. At the meeting, members of parliament condemned in harsh terms the division and turmoil caused by certain individuals within human society. He also believes that possessing technology that can change the new era of mankind, but being so selfish and unwilling to announce it, is tantamount to crimes against humanity in the Federal Constitution.

Relevant evaluation units are already in emergency planning. They will review the property and technology owned by various groups and individuals. Once it is confirmed that it can be used for the survival and continuation of human beings, they must respond to the call to share.

As soon as this news comes out.

In the Federation, countless people applauded.

"That's how it should be."

"Support the Federation."

"Catch that guy, sentence, sentence."

"This kind of bastard must not be spared lightly."

"There is a law, let's see if that guy dares to be arrogant."

On Mercury's base, many crew members also saw this report, and their first reaction was to be shameless.

It was clear that they were coming for their captain.

This kind of law did not exist before, but it is introduced at this juncture.

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

The relationship between Jiang Fan and the Federation is very tense, with constant friction.

But none of the crew he recruited left.

Even because of his anger at the federal media, it attracted a large number of people who wanted to join his team and become a crew member.

Some people even came here by spaceship from the space city on the other side of Jupiter.

Just to join Jiang Fan's team.

It is not a secret that the rich and powerful build doomsday spaceships.

But the Federation turned a blind eye to this.

The reason given is that they are only building spaceships and are not really fleeing.

Ordinary people can't do anything about it.

There is no way to fight against such a huge interstellar company, and there is no way to shake the Federation.

They couldn't even get together to protest.

What the Federation has done under the banner of all mankind has made them disgusting.

Under the cover of democracy and freedom, those who take advantage of legal loopholes are at ease, while those who are hardworking and good people are oppressed.

Some people complain about this, so they naturally want to join Jiang Fan's team.

Jiang Fan was furious at the media, instead of shrinking the team, it grew a lot.

There are also many professionals in various fields.

These people who supported Jiang Fan, when they heard the news, they were all mad with anger.

The federation is rotten to the root.

The first reaction to learning that other people have anti-gravity technology is not to communicate and communicate.

See what chips you need to use the opponent's technology.

Instead, they change the law for their own self-interest.

On the surface, they are pulling the banner of being a federal citizen, but in fact, they are just to open the way for those chaebol companies, so that they have a reason to deal with Jiang Fan.

Soon new news came.

The review department will go to Mercury City in three days to review whether there is any technology needed for human survival.

"It's too much to deceive people." V said loudly when he saw the report.

"That's how they are, pulling the tiger's skin as a banner and doing such shameless things."

Zhang Tianjun was also very angry.

This is too shameless.

The Federation is simply a bandit. It looks like a crime if you don't hand it over.

As a musician, Johnny wished he could smash those bastards to death with his instrument.

"What should we do? The Federation is not easy to mess with, and now we are being scolded like that, I am worried that there will really be a war."

Ye Wei looked worried.

He was speechless, he left the Star Ring Group just to avoid the vortex of confrontation with the Federation.

In the end, when he ran to Jiang Fan, he still couldn't escape this fate.

"Or let's compromise once. Federation, there are more than 30 star-class battleships now, and a star-class battleship has gamma ray lasers, electromagnetic kinetic energy cannons, high-energy particle beams and interstellar torpedoes to form four An integrated weapon system capable of single-handedly destroying the surface of an Earth-sized planet."

A crew member who was originally a scholar in the field of aerospace spoke, talking about the power of a star-class battleship.

It was on the Internet that he heard Jiang Fan's angry words against the media.

Admiring his courage, he traveled all the way to Mercury and chose to be a crew member.

After all, not everyone has the courage to yell at everyone that the fate of mankind is none of my business.

People nowadays are too hypocritical. They think they are benevolent and kind, but they don't know that it is just a hypocritical appearance.

But Jiang Fan is real, a person with incomparable talent and incomparable realness.

It is this quality that is lacking in people today that attracts them.

All eyes turned to Jiang Fan who was sitting aside, waiting for his final opinion.

"I will not accept the review, and I will not hand over anti-gravity technology. If the Federation starts a war with this, then I will fight. I will give you a chance. If you are afraid, you can leave now. Only one hour to think about it, one hour later , If you leave again, I will execute you directly."

Jiang Fan glanced at everyone, "If you choose to stay, then go check the base's defenses and help the robots build anti-aircraft guns."*

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