Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 42 Contradictions in the Federation 1119

Videos of Jiang Fan's acts of war are still circulating throughout the Federation.

Everyone can see clearly.

Especially the dead female media reporter.

She is only in her twenties in front of the camera, just like a flower.

It should have a very bright future.

But everything disappeared, a beautiful life full of infinite possibilities just died in front of the camera.

A few minutes ago, she was still smiling for the camera.

Explain the content of the live broadcast to everyone.

Let the audience fantasize about what humans should do after obtaining anti-gravity technology.

And now, she was a corpse, lying on the icy surface of Mercury.

The cold robbed her of the last of her body temperature, leaving her a icy corpse.

A scorched black hole appeared on her beautiful, smooth and fair forehead.

The laser beam pierced through her head in front of all the audience.

took her life.

The death came so suddenly that the equipment she used for live media broadcasting did not have time to turn off.

From her pictures, the audience can see those robots coming from the darkness, slaughtering those innocent people recklessly.

The screams and cries echoed in everyone's ears.

This is war, real war.

This terrifying scene silenced the entire network.

After a long time, only comments slowly emerged.

"He's a demon."


The massacre broke out.

The first reaction of the high-level federation was anger.

This is a blatant trample on their authority and shake the rule of the Federation.

All the original live broadcast screens were cut off to avoid further panic.

When everyone was staring blankly at the pitch-black screen.

A new live feed entered their holographic screen.

A new live broadcast appeared, but it was no longer from Mercury City.

The live feed is from Federation Headquarters.

Realize the seriousness of the matter.

The federal president immediately convened his own think tank and took the stage to deliver a speech.

In the office behind him stood a row of bunker worlds and flags of major space cities.

The head of the Solar System Fleet, the Supreme Judge of the Solar System Court, the Solar System Procuratorate, and members of the Solar System Council all stood behind him.

This lineup has never made a collective appearance in the history of the federation.

It is conceivable how serious the incident was this time.

The federal president's voice was very wild and rough, with a kind of courage unique to men.

His eyes were determined, and there was anger on his face.

"We resolutely resist this kind of war, and we will absolutely not allow anyone to destroy the hard-won peace of mankind. The Federation will initiate this accountability. The main war criminal will never be let go easily, and he will defend himself for what he has done. Pay a heavy price."

"He is deliberately destroying the long-term development of the human race, just to satisfy his own selfish desires,......"

The Federal President's speech stabilized the mood of the Federal citizens to some extent.

Let the panicked people feel less hopeless and lost.

Jiang Fan's war behavior, the casualties and wounded people are certainly sad and angry.

But the consequences of this kind of behavior are the source of panic for the people of the Federation.

They worry whether the peace that has lasted for centuries will be broken?

Since the era of crisis, mankind has entered a true era of peace.

Humanity needs to face a common enemy and they must unite.

The Trisolaran civilization from four light-years away has brought the peaceful era that mankind has been longing for.

But with the destruction of the Trisolaran world, the two Trisolaran fleets disappeared into the vast space of the Trisolaran world, no longer in contact with human beings.

The threat from the aliens has been eliminated, leaving only the dark forest strike that does not know when it will come.

The dark forest's fight against this threat is completely different from the threat brought by the Trisolaran civilization.

The Three-Body Civilization is like a man-made disaster, while the Dark Forest is more like a natural disaster.

There is no real hostile target.

In such an environment, the foundation of human unity with the outside world has disintegrated.

Many contradictions will also be revealed at this time.

In fact, in the era of crisis and the era of deterrence, there are contradictions among human beings.

The hawks leading the Trisolaran civilization.

Doves who want to live in harmony with the Trisolaran civilization.

At this time, the two sides are already fighting openly and secretly.

Later, when the era of deterrence ended and the era of broadcasting began.

There is a group of liberals who firmly support the study of light-speed spacecraft.

There are also democrats who are resolutely unwilling to become a totalitarian society.

The two sides even broke out a fierce quarrel.

In the end, the spaceship at the speed of light was banned from ending.

In fact, this has already planted the seeds of division.

There is no common enemy.

The federation must accommodate all factions, otherwise, the human beings will be able to beat you to death just because of the issue of ideas.

Prohibiting the study of light-speed spacecraft will undoubtedly hurt those people who are eager to go to the stars.

Only then did the Halo Group study curvature a few years ago, which was supported by a large number of scientists.

Jiang Fan's move this time directly stabbed the Federation's chest.

Once the conflicts between the various factions intensify, the Federation will also fall apart.

It can be predicted that members of the liberal faction will definitely support Jiang Fan.

Only by supporting Jiang Fan against the Federation will they get the opportunity to study the light-speed spacecraft.

Jiang Fan's actions are like a torch.

It is very likely to detonate the conflicts that already existed in the Federation.

Contradictions between factions are like powder kegs that will explode immediately at a single point.

The attitude of the Federal President is very firm.

After delivering his speech, he immediately urged the Supreme Commander of the Solar System Fleet to come up with a combat plan as soon as possible.

Eliminate people like Jiang Fan who have committed crimes against humanity.

The behavior of the federal president also restored some confidence to the citizens of the federation.

"As long as the solar system fleet is dispatched, that guy will definitely be wiped out."

"That's right, that guy must have never seen the power of a star-class battleship." *

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