Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 48: Wicked people are also afraid of death 1719

Dexter has been a middleman in Mercury for a long time.

Naturally, he has accumulated a lot of wealth and owns more than a dozen luxury suspension vehicles.

But none of these can be taken away.

His spaceship wasn't big enough to squeeze himself and his men into it.

Other things can only be given up.

The flying car he was riding flew towards the port and merged into a mighty traffic flow in the space city.

Vehicles like swarms of migratory locusts are flying towards the port.

The lights of the traffic flow left a long stream of light in the dark space city.

It seems to be the blood flowing out of the city.

When we arrived at the port, many people crowded at the entrance.

Spaceships are not cheap items, and not everyone can afford them.

They can only wait crowded in the port, squeezing into those ships that still have space.

Each spaceship is like a can of sardines, stuffed to the brim.

The female head of the Mercury City government was also released, and now she and her subordinates are coordinating the fleeing people from Mercury City.

She really wanted to leave early.

But Jiang Fan sent a robot to stare at her.

If you leave without completing the evacuation mission, just kill her directly.

Of course the woman in charge didn't dare to try whether Jiang Fan really dared to kill her with one shot.

Those who died had told her the answer.

The other party didn't mind killing at all.

So what if she's from the federal government?

The bodies of six officials from the inspection team are now frozen.

The body of the Mercury City Guard is still floating in space.

She contacted the spaceship on the other side of the earth, and informed the federation about the situation in Mercury City.

Due to the impact, the federal government can only urgently dispatch all the spacecraft that can arrive within a few hours.

Try to evacuate the people of Mercury City within five hours.

When Dexter arrived at the port, a group of people had already left early.

All spaceships were requisitioned by Mercury's surviving administrators.

They want to transport people to the space station on the other side of the earth, and then turn back. Only in this way can all people be evacuated from Mercury City within five hours.

Dexter's spaceship was no exception, taking off early to send the first people to Earth.

"Damn bastard, how can they commandeer my spaceship."

Dexter growled loudly in the luxurious hovercar.

"Those who don't have a boat, let them die."

"I will definitely sue these bastards."

"Yes, boss, sue them, the federation bastards."

"Absolutely can't let it go like this."

Several subordinates also followed their boss and roared with such a ferocious aura that the two women of Dexter were too scared to speak.

The more Dexter talked, the more angry he got out of the car with a small laser gun.

Several subordinates followed closely behind.

They found the staff who were maintaining order.

Dexter was the fiercest, his tall and burly body grabbed the thin body of the staff.

"Why did you take my spaceship, you bastards."

The staff looked at a few of them, each of them was tall and big, with a swollen face, and a gun in his hand.

I can't help feeling a little scared in my heart.

Not long ago, those robots broke into the control hall and killed those who disobeyed, scaring the surviving staff.

The staff member was frightened by Dexter and the others, and remembered the dead people in the control hall, and his tone of voice was trembling.

"Sir, please cooperate with our work. All spaceships have been registered with the real names of the federal network. When the evacuation operation is completed, we will return your ship to you and give you corresponding compensation."

The words of the staff obviously did not satisfy Dexter.

He lifted the other party up angrily, "I want my spaceship now, right now, right now. Don't force me to do it. Otherwise, there will be one more body of yours among those dead bodies."

Dexter was furious, his eyes were murderous.

The staff was terrified for a moment.

Several guards next to him warned loudly, but they were all scared away by Dexter's eyes.

He is not afraid of these guards.

Just when the staff member was at a loss and desperate.

A mechanical voice sounded.

"Everyone, please cooperate and speed up to cooperate. Anyone who tries to disturb the order will be killed directly."

These words caused Dexter, who was burning with anger and looked like an angry lion, to faint in an instant.

It's okay to bully these weak staff and guards.

Dexter knew that people from the Federation would not dare to kill him, otherwise he would be in trouble.

He can unscrupulously express his anger and make his own unreasonable demands.

But in the face of a robot that kills without blinking an eye, and doesn't even have emotional fluctuations.

Seeing the Terminator robot's eyes turned to him, Dexter was scared all of a sudden.

He knew that these guys could really kill people.

That devil-like man didn't care what kind of trouble these robot subordinates would cause him.

Dexter puts the staff down.

He said with a smile on his face, "I'm very sorry just now, I just made a little joke with you. Can you help me arrange the evacuation location as soon as possible?"

The difference between before and after is like two people. *

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