Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Level 50 Level 12 Psionic Energy 1919

He also used a trick to make Ye Wei and others do things willingly.

Seeing that the time was just up, Jiang Fan began to log in the system in the control hall of Mercury City.

Now Jiang Fan is stuck checking in.

To be honest, the probability of good things coming out of this system is really not very high.

Many times, you can only get some useless check-in items.

Being able to get technical blueprints is a good reward.

Sometimes you can give a Mauser gun when you sign in.

The humans in the Trisolaran universe are a bit weak, and they are beaten by other civilizations, but it is still the interstellar era.

Mauser guns are too old to be used as decorations.

Although the system is not powerful, Jiang Fan still works hard to sign in every day.

This kind of signing in without knowing what you can get is like letting people draw a lottery, which feels very exciting.

Jiang Fan even signed in with his eyes closed to increase the excitement.

Jiang Fan shook his head without hearing the word "drawing". Today's sign-in reward is too bad.

Without opening his eyes, he directly closed the system interface.

Lie on the chair, ready to think about how to deal with the Federation's attack next.

But sitting on the chair, he froze for a moment.

"Just now the system prompts that it seems to be controlled by level 12 psionic energy."

You can control it.

Grade 12.

Jiang Fan directly opened the system interface to search for the prompt just now.

"Congratulations on completing today's sign-in and gaining level 12 psionic energy control. The host can choose to activate immediately or wait for a suitable opportunity to activate."

"System prompt: Controlling psionic energy may attract negative cosmic creatures, please choose carefully."

He didn't finish listening to the system prompt just now, so he closed it directly.

The reward value of blueprints is the largest.

In-kind rewards are generally of low value.

There's no point in boosting your own bodily rewards.

Now is not ancient times, a famous general conquers the world.

It's not a fantasy world either, it pays attention to cultivation, and it pays attention to the mighty power attributed to oneself.

This is the physical world, and the fist of technology is the biggest.

A two-way foil that is equivalent to the treasure of the law of space is just a cleaning tool, the kind that is mass-produced.

In such a world, even if you can beat the sun with one punch, a cleaner can teach you how to be a human being.

In the fantasy world, how many people can trample on the world's laws? How many people can create a small world?

In this world, civilizations that can trample on the laws of the universe can create a large area with a single blow.

What if the world is destroyed and the universe collapses?

People are hiding in the small universe, there is nothing wrong with it.

This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that these civilizations can turn 1+1=2 into 1+1=3.

The laws of mathematics can be tampered with.

In such a world, not to mention gods, even the Creator would kneel when he came.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan is not very interested in things other than technology.

The value of physical rewards is low, and only the Tiangong spacecraft obtained on the first day is slightly better.

Physical things basically don't have much value.

Jiang Fan didn't care, genetic enhancement, fighting skills and so on.

He didn't like it very much either.

How can there be a star fleet sweeping to be happy when you fight yourself to death.

One thing to say, this ghost energy is indeed a good thing.

The twelfth-level ghost can control, isn't it a proper blade king! !

Jiang Fan studied it carefully and found that this thing was very similar to the settings he had seen before.

It is a spiritual energy originating from life.

This kind of energy does not distort the physical laws of the universe like in the novel, but coexists to some extent.

"Good guy, study it a little deeper, maybe you can also point out psionic ascension like the stars."

Jiang Fan looked at the system data of Psionic Energy, which seems to be researchable.

As long as the brain domain is developed to a certain extent, this energy can be used.

This energy is not as qualified and physically demanding as fiction.

As long as the mental strength reaches the standard, it can be used.

This thing can be promoted like education.

"There is little information, and there is no time to do this research now."

Jiang Fan sighed with emotion.

Good things are good things, but there is no time to do this kind of research.

Otherwise, there is still hope for the phantom power of the whole people to come true.

Think about it in StarCraft, didn't those protoss mastered this, so they claimed to be a high-level species.

The universal psionic energy is definitely a milestone in human evolution.

Speaking of this, Jiang Fan thought of one thing.

That is the singer's civilization. There was once a description that has always puzzled Jiang Fan.

That's when Singer reported the situation to his elders, and the elders looked directly at his memory to make sure he wouldn't lie to himself.

This method is already very magical.

Jiang Fan has been thinking about what the biomorphic form of the singer civilization looks like.

They need to talk, but they can be viewed by the elders at will.

It feels very contradictory.

If this universe can use psionic energy, then it will be explained.

It is very likely that the singer civilization has used some means to connect the spiritual bodies, similar to the Protoss of StarCraft, using Kara to connect and share memories with each other.

The connection of singer civilization may be more advanced, and their shared memory is divided according to level.

The low-ranking people have no secrets from the high-ranking ones, and they can look at their memories and cognitions at will.

Those in high positions can selectively open their memories to ensure that some important things will not be spread at will.

Human beings may also take this path, connect with each other, share emotions and memories, and create a truly fair and just human world.

The development and research of human beings in the field of brain is also very mature.

The Wallfacer Hines also used a supercomputer to complete the thought seal.

This method can also be used to enhance the human spirit and develop the brain.

In this way, everyone can reach the level of using psionic energy and connect them into a large whole.

Under the premise of being independent, they can understand each other, so that many contradictions and disputes can be resolved invisible.

"Thinking too far, let's think about how to upgrade."

Jiang Fan took back his fantasy just in time.

He already wanted to think of the shared spiritual network of human beings, uploading his own consciousness backup at all times.

As long as there is still one person alive, the magic technology of cloning technology can be used to resurrect the whole human being.

In fact, it is still too delusional. If you want to build such a human world, you need a very high level of technology to do it.

The current human beings have not even survived the crisis of the dark forest.

Building such a spiritual network is nothing more than fantasy.

"Let's upgrade the spaceship to level five first."

Jiang Fan muttered.

ps: Five basic chapters today, plus flowers, extra tickets, reminders, a total of thirty-five chapters, counting the basic five chapters to be updated tomorrow, a total of forty chapters.

I will speed up as soon as possible, and try to update 20 chapters tomorrow

After updating the new issue, the number of sheets owed will be counted to the end with 1,500 words per chapter.

After being put on the shelves, 10,000 words are guaranteed to be updated every day, and the rest is added.

The author also really wants to have the brains and hands of 30,000 daily updates. *

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