Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 53 Simultaneous attack 320

The incident in Mercury City caught the top federal officials by surprise.

This side has just announced that it will make a strong attack and wipe out Jiang Fan.

As a result, they directly occupied Mercury City and drove away the people of Mercury City.

Jiang Fan's speech was like a long sword piercing directly into the core of the federation.

He claimed to want totalitarian management and went all out to build escape ships.

This incident intensified the conflict between the hawks who want to build spaceships to leave the solar system and make human beings an outward-looking civilization, and the democrats who want to stay in the solar system.

The Federation banned the research of the spacecraft on the grounds that the acceleration of the light-speed spacecraft would leave a curved trajectory.

That would have dampened the hawks.

The people generally value the bunker project, and are not interested in the unfounded lightspeed spacecraft research, and are even somewhat hostile.

This allowed the democrats of the Federation to get more votes and have more congressional seats, completely suppressing the hawks.

Now, as soon as Jiang Fan jumped out, he directly carried the banner of going to the starry sky.

I don't know how many people will be moved by this, but the hidden danger of turmoil is definitely buried.

People can't compete with you, so just stop playing, and go independent and go to the stars.

Jiang Fan undoubtedly made a very bad start.

The federal president wanted to get rid of Jiang Fan as soon as possible, so that the federation could calm down.

It also deters those space cities that are trying to be independent, and makes them understand that the Federation's determination to maintain the unity of mankind cannot be offended.

But now the Star Ring Group has jumped out again, with a tough attitude. If they don't build a base, they will directly experiment in the solar system.

This is the rhythm that wants to pull everyone to the end together.

Once the light-speed curvature trajectory appears in the solar system, other civilizations will realize that human beings will have light-speed spacecraft, and the darkness will strike every minute.

In the half century between the broadcast era and the bunker era now.

The Star Ring Group is engaged in a large amount of basic scientific research.

The Federation has never caught the handle of the Star Ring Group.

Federal investigators have conducted multiple investigations on the Star Ring Group, but there are no results.

In the first half century, the relationship between the Star Ring Group and the federal government was basically harmonious.

The Halo Group and the Federal Academy of Sciences have also maintained a good cooperative relationship.

The black hole samples of the Black Hole Project of the Federal Academy of Sciences were manufactured by the Star Ring Group.

This rapport ended when the Halo Group suddenly announced its plan to study curvature-driven spacecraft a few years ago.

The actions of the Halo Group caused an uproar in the Federation society.

After this, the honeymoon relationship between the Halo Group and the federal government came to an end.

The friction between the two sides continued, and the relationship became worse with the passage of time.

After more than ten rounds of negotiations, the Star Ring Group made a commitment.

When the curvature engine enters the substantive experimental stage.

They will move the experimental base to a place five hundred astronomical units away from the solar system.

It will never expose the existence of human civilization.

However, many federal congressmen believe that the study of light-speed spacecraft is a brutal violation of the federal constitution and laws.

The emergence of light-speed spacecraft brings more danger than just curvature trajectories.

It may cause new turmoil in the social life that has just settled down in the bunker world.

In a federation controlled by the democrats, the existence of lightspeed spaceships is absolutely intolerable.

Even fleeing to other galaxies is absolutely not allowed.

It took so much time for human beings to enter an idealized democratic society. This is the progress of civilization and the evolution of human beings.

And stepping into the starry sky and becoming a totalitarian society is a kind of regression and backwardness.

Countless totalitarian, barbaric and backward seeds have been sowed into the Milky Way by the democratic and civilized earth.

This prospect is something that some people are unwilling to accept.

Give years to civilization, not years to civilization.

Not long ago, after the deliberations of the Federal House of Representatives, the sanctions against the Star Ring Group were formally made.

The federal government submitted a final notice to the Star Ring Group.

Request to take over the Star Ring Science City and the Ring Helios Accelerator. Completely stop the theoretical research and technological development related to curvature of the Star Ring Group.

He also declared that the future activities of the Star Ring Group will be strictly restricted.

But before it was implemented, there was the matter of anti-gravity technology.

Black holes are currently the only thing known to the Federation that can shake the speed of light.

Gravity technology is undoubtedly the pre-technology for creating black holes.

Many people think that gravity technology may be the key technology of the black domain.

However, the owner of Gravity Technology, Jiang Fan, detonated the federal network with "the life and death of human civilization, what does it have to do with me?"

Later, he said frankly, "If there is gravity technology, it will not be handed over to the Federation, and it will not care about the life and death of the people of the Federation."

In this case, the people of the entire Federation were outraged.

The Federation could only turn around and deal with Jiang Fan first, and introduced Proposition 178 with limited private ownership, trying to beat this young man and let him remember the spirit of dedication to the Federation at all times.

I thought that Jiang Fan would succumb to this.

Unexpectedly, Proposition 178 directly led to Jiang Fan's independence, not to mention massacring the group of media and censors who joined in the fun, and even launched an attack on Mercury City.

At the same time, it was also exposed that Jiang Fan possessed a number of high technologies that the Federation did not have.

Smart robotics, energy shields, ion barriers and more.

The Federation wanted to go all out against Jiang Fan and find a way to acquire his technology.

But just as the fleet was dispatched, Xinghuan City launched an attack at the same time.

It is impossible to build a curvature experiment base outside the solar system, and conduct experiments in the solar system.

For a while, the federal president was in trouble, which one should he deal with?

Agree to the request of the Star Ring Group and concentrate on dealing with Jiang Fan.

It will inevitably have an impact on the image of the Federation, causing turmoil in the bunker world, more people will join the ranks of building spaceships, and the foundation of the Federation's rule will disappear.

Disagree with the Halo Group, if the other party creates a light-speed curvature trajectory in the solar system, it will inevitably lead to an early attack on the Dark Forest.

"Send someone to continue negotiations with the Halo Group to delay the time. Urge the fleet to get rid of Jiang Fan as soon as possible, and then transfer back to deal with Halo City."

After a moment of contemplation, the Federation President spoke. *

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