Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 6: Star Ring City on the Rise

Star Ring City slowly appeared in Jiang Fan's detection interface.

The detectors on the Tiangong spacecraft are not bad.

Even if it is magnified tens of thousands of times, it is very high-definition, and every detail can be seen.

Star Ring City is a medium-sized space city.

A medium space city refers to a space city with an internal area of ​​less than 200 square kilometers and more than 50 square kilometers.

It lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn.

Before approaching Star Ring City, the first thing I saw was the huge ring.

Very smooth.

If you get close, you can see the brilliance scattered by the ring.

This ring is exactly an accelerating coil of the circumsolar accelerator.

There are 3200 such coils in total.

Each distance is about 1.5 million kilometers.

Around the sun in the orbit of Jupiter.

The accelerated particles do not run in this ring, but pass through the middle of the ring.

Accelerated by the force field generated by the coil, it flies to the next coil.

Under constant acceleration, it finally reaches the speed of light and obtains terrifying energy.

On Earth, accelerated particles require tubes to maintain a vacuum.

But it is not needed in space, because space is inherently a vacuum.

The circumsolar accelerator is also a masterpiece of the Star Ring Group, and it is the most important scientific research instrument for the study of curvature spacecraft.

Officially, he can accelerate particles to the creation energy of the Big Bang.

If hit by an accelerated particle beam, the spacecraft will vaporize in an instant.

Jiang Fan took a look, and the spaceship passed by.

The current accelerator should be closed. The Halo Group announced the research on the curvature spacecraft a few years ago, and the federal government has been asking them to stop.

Covid just doesn't stop.

Now that it is under military control, the confrontation will be even more severe in the next period of time.

The future historical trend is probably similar to what I know.

Cheng Xin woke up, Wade gave up his resistance because of his promise, and chose to be judged by the person he wanted to save.

The Federation does not research spaceships by itself, nor does it allow others to do so.

Cheng Xinfan takes a little responsibility for human beings and is not self-centered.

Anyone who has a little love for Yun Tianming who is devoted to her, she should not stop the curvature spacecraft.

The curvature spaceship is the only vehicle that can go to the place where she and Yun Tianming are dating.

It's a pity that she has no sense of responsibility, nor does she have any love for Yun Tianming.

She put the so-called dating behind her and still lived a self-centered life.

The only difference is that the end of the world has been brought forward.

This time, she was doomed not to escape.

The two-way foil is floating toward human beings at the speed of light, and it will arrive in two years.

Two-way foils were observed by humans at most one month before being hit.

The two-way foil was flying so fast, as fast as light.

If it weren't for the gravitational force of the celestial body or the dust cloud to hinder it a little bit.

The moment humans see Two-Way Foil, Two-Way Foil has already arrived.

Calculating the time, it is not long after Vader was judged.

At that time, let's see if it can be saved.

If you can't save it, just delay it.

As long as humans observe the two-way foil, no one will care about Vader.

The spacecraft left the acceleration coil suspended in space and continued to fly.

Star Ring City is already in sight.

Tiangong slowed down slowly to avoid hitting it.

This space city adopts a rare spoke structure.

The whole city is like a big wheel spinning in space.

This kind of structure has relatively high strength, and the only disadvantage is that the internal space is not wide enough and lacks a sense of the world.

But some people say that Xinghuan City does not need a sense of the world.

For those inside.

Their world is the entire vast expanse of starry sky.

Jiang Fan submitted an application for entering the port to Xinghuan City, and showed him the request for passage from Ye Wei.

Soon he was through.

The spaceship entered from the axis of the giant ship and slowly parked at the port of Star Ring City.

Then, it enters the city through an 8-kilometer-long spoke on the port.

The Star Ring City is divided into three parts, the Star Ring Academy of Sciences, the Star Ring Engineering Institute and the Central Solar Accelerator Control Center.

The city is a large ring-shaped tunnel with a length of more than 30 kilometers. It really doesn't have the wide sense of space like a space city with an overall hollow structure.

The vegetation in the city is very lush, with trees and lawns everywhere.

The buildings in Star Ring City are very delicate, half hidden among the lush greenery.

When Jiang Fan walked out of the port, he also noticed a very interesting place.

Like the ruins of a temple in ancient Athens.

On a platform made of stone blocks, there are several ancient Greek-style stone pillars of different lengths after breaking.

The stone pillars are covered with ivy.

And there is a fountain in the stone pillar, which spouts clear water jets in the sun.

Star Ring City was built by Star Ring Group, and the living environment is much better than many space cities.

The only regret is that there is a tense atmosphere here.

Passers-by are in a hurry.

It seems that the actions of the Federation have also made the Halo Group aware of the danger.

No wonder Ye Wei wanted to live with him.

The crisis is coming, and Star Ring City will have a confrontation with the Federation.

Jiang Fan dialed Ye Wei's communication, and the other party came soon.

There are no motor vehicles in Xinghuan City, and people travel on bicycles, and there are many bicycles parked on the side of the road for people to pick up.

And Ye Wei was riding in a small convertible motor vehicle.

"You finally came. The situation is getting worse and worse now. Star Ring City is likely to be attacked by military forces. The president sent a group of people to take refuge to avoid the failure of the struggle, and the Star Ring Group will be gone."

Ye Wei also trusted Jiang Fan, and directly told some important information about Xinghuan Group.

He chose to leave Xinghuan at this time not simply to escape, but also to preserve the seeds for Xinghuan.

Jiang Fan's predecessor was also a staunch spaceship faction, who believed that human beings staying in the solar system are waiting to die.

The black field plan cannot be achieved, and the bunker plan seems unreliable.

Human beings know that there is a dead angle in the strike of light particles, but don't others know it?

Come two more shots, the bunker plan is the rhythm of waiting for death.

Jiang Fan and Ye Wei had the same idea, so Ye Wei naturally didn't need to hide it.

"Why do you think so much, get on my boat first and be my partner."

Jiang Fan said like Luffy, helping him with his luggage.

Once on the boat, it is estimated that there will be no day to disembark.

When the time comes, your President Vader is doomed to fail.

Two-Way Foil also arrives shortly after his defeat.

Humanity is completely finished.


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, the data of the new book is really critical.

Ten evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and one reminder will explode.

The author updates 20,000 a day, as long as he is not dead, he will update to death. *

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