Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 64 The Federal Fleet Changing Tactics 1420

"Curvature research is only at the theoretical stage now, and may not be researched before the arrival of the Dark Forest."

"Also prepare a group of scientists from Halo City, let them leave Halo City first, to prevent those guys from directly attacking Halo City and causing unnecessary casualties. If Halo City fails, let those who left Halo City Staff and scientists go to Mercury City."

After Vader finished the curvature experiment, he made corresponding arrangements for crisis management.

Bi Gaofeng and Cao Bin nodded after listening.

In Vader's mind, this kind of thing has long been thought through by him.

The faces of the three of them were very serious.

Xinghuan City is not Mercury City controlled by Jiang Fan.

They don't have powerful shields, and they don't have all kinds of powerful anti-gravity vehicles.

A group of death squads, and more than 15,000 rounds of antimatter bullets.

It's all their chips.

Once the Federation gets tough.

Star Ring City without space power can be said to be doomed.

Other people were also called in at this time, and they were not all from the AD.

A small number of them are young people, and they are also people who yearn for the starry sky.

The same dream unites them here.

They may be the few people in this corrupt solar system federation who are still willing to take responsibility.

Vader walked in front of them, glanced at all of them, and announced the decision to conduct the curvature experiment publicly.

These people weren't overly surprised, they knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Jiang Fan's victory inspired them even more, and they are not the only ones who dream of starry sky.

Vader looked at these people, and his sharp eyes inevitably changed, becoming a little gentle.

Looking at these people who came here for their dreams, he spoke again.

"It's a pleasure to work with you, for an illusory and unattainable dream. I don't have much to say, I just want to tell you that even if we can't witness the result, everything we do is meaningful of."

"We pave the way for the child to step out of the house and take the first step into the universe, so that he has the direction to go. If human beings can leave the solar system, the future road is very long. The universe, the voyage between different galaxies, Even at the speed of light, it takes more than ten years, or even hundreds of years."

"We may have no hope of witnessing such a world, we will not see those bright galaxies, and we will not see the day when human beings get rid of the dark forest and live a stable life."

"But as long as human civilization continues to advance, one day it will get rid of the troubles of the dark forest and become a truly powerful civilization, living in this universe for generations to come."

Vader's words caused everyone to fall into a long silence.

The road of black and white mottled time unfolded slowly in front of them, sinking into the vast fog of the future in the long stretch.

No one can clearly see what is at the end of this road, only the flames and blood shining along the way.

Human beings walking towards the starry sky are doomed to be bumpy, experiencing various tribulations, and countless heroes will appear and fall.

At the end of the road, it may be the extinction of human beings, or it may be the eternal existence of human beings.

They will probably be the first to die on this rough road.

But there is no fear in their chests, only the beating of hot hearts.


Mercury City.

"It's really rude."

Jiang Fan watched the other party hang up his communication again, so angry that he wanted to curse.

Isn't it just that you can't kill me? As for being so angry.

I'm getting impatient to mock you.

Ye Wei was behind, holding onto the metal wall of the control hall with his hands.

When the first star-class battleship launched an attack on Mercury City, he was already so frightened that his legs went limp.

The scene where twenty star-class warships and a huge number of armed spaceships attacked Mercury City at the same time.

When Ye Wei saw it, he needed something to support him to stand firm.

It's not that he's cowardly, but it's really shocking to face that kind of attack.

In front of the monstrous flames set off by the nuclear missile explosion, you will feel your own insignificance.

When twenty star-class warships launched an attack on the water planet at the same time, the scene was even more shocking.

When those deflected nuclear missiles landed on the surface of Mercury, they directly set off an explosion flame of nearly 10,000 meters.

And those electromagnetic kinetic energy bombs that hit the surface of Mercury at high speed.

That battle was really a world shattered, mountains and rivers shattered.

If it falls on the earth, the crustal plates will shake.

The flame that devours everything seems to be weak in the legs.

Ye Wei is not a real soldier, he couldn't handle a laser gun well before.

Now face such a shocking war scene.

Being able to stand up with something holding on to something is already quite remarkable.

V, Johnny and others are similar.

That scene was so shocking.

For people like them, not peeing their pants is considered very tenacious.

The communication was hung up again, and I saw that I couldn't mock the other party.

Jiang Fan had no choice but to suppress his desire to mock the other party, and clicked on the detector screen in Mercury City.

Check out the stellar warships and various armed spaceships hovering near Mercury City.

The opponent has withdrawn to 10,000 kilometers away from Mercury as the center point, forming a huge encirclement.

Obviously, the other party has changed its strategy, from the original elimination to the blockade.

These pigs of the Federation, if they are not fully prepared, who will fight you.

I really think that everyone is as arrogant as you, thinking that you are invincible.

If you don't retreat now, you will have to suffer when the X-wing fighter formation comes out. *

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