Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 69 Establishing a Human Empire

Scar now makes money by smuggling into Mercury City.

Before the official start of transporting people, it has already earned more than 30 million yuan.

This kind of business is comparable to robbery.

See news from Mercury City.

His heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the other party's message to be sent here.

Click on the interface, and Jiang Fan's familiar face appears in the holographic projection.

The other sits at a table with a flag depicting the globe behind it.

"In order to deal with the dark forest crisis, human beings need an efficient organization to ensure that there will be no accidents during the entire escape process.

"The Federation has lost its proper organizational and action capabilities. We once again reiterate that we will break away from this corrupt human regime, and hereby declare the formal establishment of the Human Empire."

"I appeal to everyone who has dedication and regards the continuation of human civilization as a lifelong pursuit to join the empire and help mankind go to the stars."

"In order to ensure the high efficiency of the empire and the continuation of the purpose of human civilization, all members who join the human empire need to accept the ideological seal, and all need to be implanted with thought chips to check their inner thoughts, to ensure that human survival is absolutely the highest code of action, and the continuation of civilization is the Primary goal.39

"Reject any family member structure, formulate a corresponding value system based on knowledge, and all citizens have the right to genetic inheritance, the right to life...

"Joining the human empire is personal freedom. All human beings have the right to choose. The empire is currently limited to activities in Mercury City. We hope that the federal government can exercise restraint, communicate with each other, respect others, and not interfere with each other.

The entire announcement lasted for sixteen minutes, and Jiang Fan read out the establishment, basic purpose and basic constitution of the Human Empire.

To sum it up, everyone who goes to Mercury City will become a tool man.

They will be stamped with ideological stamps and implanted with chips.

The scariest thing is.

The empire has the right to check your thought chip at any time and look through your recent thoughts.

If anything wrong is found, there is a possibility of arrest.

Scar was dumbfounded after reading the announcement.

This kind of announcement is a devastating blow to the enthusiasm of federal citizens.

Today's federal citizens have generally taken the idea of ​​humanistic freedom into their hearts.

Originally, many people thought that the totalitarian society established by Jiang Fan was nothing more than military control or the deprivation of some original rights.

There must also be bedtimes, longer working hours, and strict control over entertainment.

But now, seeing this announcement, everyone was dumbfounded.

The human empire established by Jiang Fan requires the minds of all citizens of the empire to be open.

All thoughts of citizens will be recorded on thought chips.

Once something goes wrong, investigators look at the chip.

Human beings' criminal investigation methods in the past will undergo earth-shaking changes, and they will all be outdated.

In front of this kind of thought chip, no one can hide the thoughts in their hearts.

"It's over."

This was Scar's first thought after reading the announcement.

Then, he seemed to think of something.

He closed the information interface and ran out of the house directly.

After a while.

Footsteps sounded, and a group of people rushed in.

It's all guys who just bought a smuggling service.

They naturally also saw the notice issued by Mercury City.

The establishment of the Empire of Man, and various terms of loss of freedom.

Jiang Fan's words made them very angry.

This guy is a real devil, how could he establish such a terrible regime.

Being a dictator was not enough for him.

It is necessary to establish a society where there is no way to resist him.

These people all went to Mercury City to speculate, and they all wanted to make a fortune from Jiang Fan's rise.

But according to Jiang Fan's words, when you reach his so-called human empire, you must serve the human group wholeheartedly.

Without wealth, without power, only knowledge decides everything.

The more knowledge you have, the more valuable you can become.

Low value must die for high value.

Living in such a world, we must learn all the time and find ways to make greater contributions to mankind in order to ensure our own value.

In such a society, what fun is there in life?

That's real hell.

Everything is for the survival of civilization, for the survival of the entire civilization, almost no respect for the individual.

All have to fashion themselves as part of the group.

They can fall in love, but they can no longer have crystallization.

All children will be born from mechanical wombs, and enjoy the same education and resources.

Make sure the competition between them is absolutely fair.

The winner is king, and the loser must obey absolutely.

Unless they can go from loser to winner.

This is a cold and cruel law of the jungle.

Most of those who buy smuggling services are speculators, not real dreamers.

Living in such a world, it is better to kill them directly.

The guys who just begged for nothing to buy the smuggling service have all regretted it now.

Want to find Scar and get their money back.

Into Scar's office, only to find that Scar had already escaped.

Immediately one by one cried and shouted.

"That's ten years of my savings, bastard.

The man named Wang Wei was crying and rummaging around in the dilapidated office.

Others also wailed, and a few even cried. The cost of smuggling was all earned by their work for many years.

Now all gone.

"What a bastard, that Jiang Fan is simply a demon, how could he create such a human empire.

A man gritted his teeth and said, "Even if he wants to be the emperor, I will recognize him as the head of state. After all, he is so powerful, he will definitely succeed. But now he actually wants all of us to be slaves, not only physically slaves, but also slaves." Thought slave.

"What's the use of talking so much, now our money is gone. Even if we go to the police for this kind of thing, I'm afraid we'll have to catch it ourselves.

"After all, it's all our fault. Why do you believe in that kind of demon and go to Mercury City. If you don't believe it, you won't be deceived."

"Resolutely boycott Jiang Fan, boycott this guy, never let his madness succeed."

"Yes, boycott him.""

"Demon, let him go back to hell. He must not bring hell to our world, yes, resist him. 39

The people who spent years of savings to go to Mercury City just now became the most staunch opponents.

Asia City, an apartment building.

Zhang Yuancheng and Kazuo Yamamoto looked at each other in blank dismay.

They just transferred money to someone and wanted to go to Mercury City, but this kind of thing happened.

When the two of them drank with their brothers earlier, they were also very hostile to Jiang Fan.

But when they came back to the apartment, the two made up their minds.

Jiang Fan is so powerful, the Federation is definitely no match.

According to the current trend, as long as Jiang Fan has battleships, the defeat of the Federation Fleet is a matter of minutes.

In other words, no matter how unwilling the federal citizens are to allow Jiang Fan to carry out totalitarian rule, no one can stop him at all.

The trend is the general trend, and you can’t resist it, so take the initiative to enjoy it.

This kind of thing is not shameful.

Humans were even crazier in the era of deterrence when they shouted for the unity of the universe and severely punished the dictator Luo Ji.

He even chanted the slogan that for freedom, for love, and to live under a dictatorship, it is better to die

As a result, after the Three-Body Civilization destroyed the deterrence system, they obediently went to Australia under the leadership of the second sword-bearer.

It is useless to shout slogans loudly, the body is still very honest.

To sum it up, they talk about benevolence and morality, but they are actually greedy for life and afraid of death, and have no sense of responsibility.

The thoughts of Zhang Yuancheng and Kazuo Yamamoto are normal.

Join if you can't beat it, the sooner you join, the more opportunities you can take.

Maybe, you can also get a little benefit because of your own initiative.

Only then did Zhang Yuancheng and Kazuo Yamamoto find the middleman in Asia City, trying to pull the string and smuggle into Mercury.

As a result, as soon as the money was transferred, the announcement from Jiang Fan came.

It's nothing more than telling everyone.

You can join, don't even think about speculation.

Every joiner must be stamped with an ideological stamp and an ideological chip.

In other words, whatever idea you have at the beginning is fine.

Went there and just had one thought.

That is to serve the human community.

On the surface, Zhang Yuancheng is for the dream of the starry sky, but in essence, it is for the maximization of benefits.

Going to Mercury City now has no benefit to speak of.

Instead, stick yourself in.

Everything is human, even you are human.

In other words, even if it is death, the human group must confirm that you can die before you can die.

When the human group needs to sacrifice you to save other individuals, you must die.

Only fools would really go to such a place.

They dialed each other's communication, only to find that the other party had blocked themselves.

I was dumbfounded.

As urban elites, although their income is high.

But a one-time expenditure of 340,000 yuan is also a heavy burden.

"The person introduced by the fat man is a jerk"~o""

Kazuo Yamamoto shouted.

"Then Jiang Fan is also a bastard, don't tell me sooner or later, I will tell you after paying the money.

Zhang Yuancheng was also so angry that he threw the cup out of his hand.

But this kind of thing can't be publicized, so I can only bite my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

Europe IV Space City.

The few people who were discussing how to achieve a win-win situation just now turned pale.

An announcement from Jiang Fan directly thwarted their plan.

It is impossible for them now to launch their own Ark plan to sell the ticket money, and it can only be regarded as a backup plan.

It is even more impossible to become Jiang Fan's new favorite through wealth.

Liu Xin, Sergey, the top tycoons of the federation.

After seeing Jiang Fan's announcement, everyone was dumbfounded.

I thought that even if Jiang Fan ruled the solar system, he would need some servants.

They can also enjoy a stable and prosperous life.

If you are lucky, you can also rely on your massive wealth and means to become Jiang Fan's new favorite, and become a powerful person who can decide the life and death of others with one word.

No matter how the world changes, they still have the last laugh.

But Jiang Fan's announcement killed this possibility.

Jiang Fan will not challenge the federal rule, nor will he force those people to join his escape plan.

The human empire will complete the spaceship construction in the shortest time, and then leave the solar system.

"So stupid."

Liu Xin roared, "As long as he makes a move, he can rule the entire human race. Such a good thing, he can't see it clearly. He has to stay in a ghostly place like Mercury City?"

"Still establishing such an absurd system that requires people to be imprinted with ideological seals and input into thought chips. This kind of behavior is simply stupid. Who will join him like this? Such a person has such a good scientific research mind but no political cells. There is no help. 39

Liu Xin's evaluation resonated with several people. No matter how the Federation shouts slogans, Jiang Fan only needs to defeat the Federation fleet.

Citizens of the Federation will obey even if they refuse to obey. Life and death are in the hands of others.

At that time, there will be another soft policy, and there will be no group of people singing praises.

But now he has stated that he will not interfere with the Federation, nor will he rule the solar system.

The only appeal is to establish a human empire, build an escape spaceship with all efforts, and leave the solar system.

"What a pity." Saburo Arasaka said with emotion. "I thought I could see an emperor who truly unified mankind, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't pursue at all, and he didn't have the dominance of a king.

"Are you talking about voluntarily joining Mercury City? The real strong don't seek the advice of the weak. This guy is just a coward who has researched a little new technology."

Sergey shook his head.

The reason these billionaires are so angry is not simply that Jiang Fan's announcement ruined their plans.

More importantly, it also put their Ark project into crisis.

In order to stabilize the hearts of the people, the Federation will definitely vigorously advocate the No Escape Act.

In this environment, their Ark project is very obtrusive.

Everyone knows about buying tickets before.

This kind of thing is not very unusual, and there is no real escape, and the federal public can tolerate it.

The Federation trumpeted the No Fugitive Act.

Prohibiting civilians from fleeing, but allowing rich people to buy and sell doomsday tickets, isn't this a double-faced person!!

In order to appease the people, the Federation will inevitably usher in a crackdown.

That's why they're angry.

You can't get the benefits, and you have caused a lot of trouble.

When these evil-minded guys are secretly angry because of their loss.

Jiang Fan's announcement quickly caused an uproar in the Federation.

Human empire, thought stamp, thought chip, value evaluation system.

These words deeply stimulate the citizens of the Federation.

Jiang Fan completely combined technology and dictatorship. People who joined the human empire completely lost themselves and became parts serving the human group.

It is ten thousand times more terrifying than the horrible dictatorship depicted in countless sci-fi games and movies.

Countless swearing and slander resounded everywhere in the federal network.

Jiang Fan's name was also quickly equated with religious words such as Satan.

This is a complete demon, a lunatic.

"The appearance of this demon made me hate the Federation for the first time. Why doesn't it research more powerful weapons?"

"Such a demon can actually appear in the real world, God, how crazy do you have to be to join his human empire? 39

"Resolutely boycott this guy."

"Yes, resist him, block him. He is not a human being at all, but a demon. Only a demon can create a hell like the human empire.

As soon as the announcement came out, any posts accusing Jiang Fan quickly became popular.

Boycotting and insulting Jiang Fan has become a kind of political correctness in just a few hours.

It is different from the anger of federal civilians and rich people.

The federal headquarters was very happy.

The Solar System Fleet needs to blockade Jiang Fan.

Otherwise, many people would go to him.

After all, in this battle, Jiang Fan's strength has been recognized by everyone.

Under his impact, the federation is likely to lose the foundation of its rule.

Mercury City cannot be allowed to continue to grow.

Otherwise, it will be devastating for the Federation.

At this time, the Star Ring Group requested to disclose the curvature research.

Let the already battered Federation become even more battered.

When faced with a dilemma.

Jiang Fan issued such a piece of advice.

Isn't this a proper god assist?

Under such circumstances, who would join Mercury City and the so-called human empire.

Only those crazy people who want to go to the starry sky will join.

There are too few such people in the federation.

It is impossible to shake the foundation of the Federation's rule.

The blockade of Mercury City naturally became irrelevant.

99.99% of federal citizens regard Mercury City and Jiang Fan as demons.

This kind of spontaneous resistance is the best blockade.

The President of the Federation immediately issued an instruction to let the fleet commander leave some ships to blockade Mercury City.

Other ships headed to Xinghuan City to deter them.

Seeing his order being issued, the Federation President smiled.

Can't deal with the evil Jiang Fan.

Still can't deal with a small Star Ring City?

Thinking of this, the federal president turned his head and said to his staff.

"Order Star Ring City to immediately stop all experimental projects and machines related to curvature research. If there is still resistance, the Federation Fleet will take coercive measures.

"Tell them that we will not only carry out a blockade, but also attack when necessary, and require the withdrawal of all people who have nothing to do with this matter in Star Ring City."

After saying this, the Federation President thought of something again, and said, "Also, let the major media move. I want to tell all the people of the Federation that the Federation will never agree to coexist with an extreme regime that divides the human race. They are all trampling on the Federal Constitution and trampling on everyone's equal right to life. 35

"We resolutely maintain the equality of every federal citizen, and we will never allow anyone to be special. In addition, the major media must guide and strengthen propaganda as much as possible, and must set up the image of Jiang Fan as an enemy and criticize him as a public enemy of mankind. .

"Think of him as destroying the unity of human race, ignoring the interests of others, without any bottom line of benevolence and morality, and using the sharpest language to criticize.""

The Federal President has spoken out his demands.

Following the order of the federal president, the major media also started to move.

Countless reports quickly flooded the citizens of the Federation.

"The Devil must never be allowed to destroy our home. "

"Jiang Fan is destined to be a sinner in history, he will not succeed if he loses popular support. "

"Empire of Man is a joke. "

His crime is too great for destroying the ideal democratic world that mankind took hundreds of years to enter. "

The popularity of these reports soared rapidly.

Obviously, even in this era these media still know how to capture the needs of their readers.

People don't need the truth, they just need to see what they want to see.

It's as if if they curse enough, Jiang Fan will fall and his so-called human empire will vanish.

Without popular support, Jiang Fan will surely fall.

The general public thinks so.

Mercury City.

"`" Congratulations on completing the sign-in today and obtaining the architectural blueprint for planetary environment transformation. "

Jiang Fan was delighted when he saw today's sign-in reward.

After checking the introduction of the reward, I laughed even more happily.

This thing is similar to the planetary transformation in Qunxing Technology, which is a first-class good thing.

With this thing, even if you leave the solar system, you don't have to worry about surviving in other worlds.

If you think which planet is suitable for colonization, you can directly throw planetary environmental modification on the planet.

In a few years, the entire planet can be humanized, so that ordinary people can live freely on the planet's ground.

It is the first choice for colonization technology.

The spaceship automatically entered the blueprint knowledge, and Jiang Fan also felt the knowledge pouring into his mind.

With the increase of knowledge, Jiang Fan's vision also improves.

The deeper the understanding of the universe, the more things can be seen.

The more you know, the less you feel you know about this universe.

Just after digesting the knowledge, V walked into Jiang Fan's office and said

"Boss, most of the Federation's fleet is gone, leaving only one star-class battleship and a dozen armed spaceships.

Jiang Fan frowned, these guys should be going to deal with Vader.

What does this federation mean?

He has shown that he will not leave Mercury City, nor will he interfere with its rule.

I just want to accept those guys who have the theory of human empire to join me.

As a result, he gave in a step, and the Federation is still kicking its nose and face.

I also want to block those who want to join the human empire.

Open an information window, it shows that 318 X-wing fighters have completed formation.

He has been accumulating X-wing fighters in preparation for his own counterattack.

Now is the time to show your fangs.

It is necessary to build a defense zone with Mercury City as the center and the orbit of Venus as the edge.

For one thing, those who want to join the empire can be allowed to enter Mercury City. After all, with the expansion of the scope, it will be very difficult to block it.

Secondly, he signed a blueprint for a space station and solved the X-wing fighter supply problem.

Originally, the opponent had a large number of people, and Jiang Fan had few fighters, so it was not easy to fight hard.

The shield of the X-wing fighter is not very good, once it is focused fire, it is easy to be finished.

At first, Jiang Fan wanted to save a little more, so he directly flattened a.

Now that the main force of the fleet is withdrawing and the single ship is here, the plan has to be changed.

It is impossible for a star-class battleship to be the opponent of so many X-wing fighters.

If the other party dares to stay here, it is too contemptuous.

Jiang Fan looked at V and said, "Send them a message and ask them to evacuate. In the future, the Federation can no longer cross the orbit of Venus, and can no longer obstruct those who try to enter Mercury City, or you will bear the consequences."

V nodded, and then said: "Recently, the Federation has been very hostile to you, and almost all of them are insults. Do you want to say something, otherwise it will be very difficult for someone to join us."

"No, this is exactly what I need, the words of those stupid people are insignificant.

Jiang Fan said indifferently.

Eagles don't care about what house sparrows say, and giants don't care about ants' accusations.

Jiang Fan has what the world does not have, and will never have.

His eyes are not focused on the present, but on the future.

Some fleeting criticism has nothing to do with him.

V didn't ask anything, just turned around and went out to do what Jiang Fan ordered.

Now she no longer has any doubts.

This man's decision has not made any mistakes so far.

No matter how crazy, how incomprehensible, the correct result will be obtained in the end.

In the hearts of everyone in Mercury City, Jiang Fan has become an omniscient and omnipotent person.

Many things are just ridiculous from their eyes, but they are actually the right path.

And Jiang Fan has a vision beyond theirs, and what he sees is beyond their imagination.

Star Ring City.

Vader also quickly received a warning from the Federation.

But he didn't intend to stop, but let people prepare for the experiment step by step.

"Either let us build a curvature research base, or Star Ring City will experiment in the solar system.

Vader's response was equally strong.

developed here.

The relationship between the Star Ring Group and the Federation has completely broken down, and it has entered a state of tension.

The Federation Fleet returning from Mercury City quickly blocked Star Ring City.

Vader also ordered people to be prepared to counterattack with antimatter bullets once the two sides were torn apart.

"Are we really going to get this far?" Cao Bin looked at the young people who walked up to receive guns and anti-matter bullets one by one.

Antimatter bullets are extremely powerful.

Only one is needed to completely destroy Xinghuan City in the flash of annihilation.

Only a few hundred rounds are needed to destroy the federal bunker world

"This is a necessary means of deterrence, and it is also a bargaining chip in negotiations. These weapons do not need to be actually used, just like the nuclear missiles in the AD era, they only need to be available."

Vader's words were calm.

He understood that the Federation would not bet against him with the lives of so many people.

As long as you persist, the Federation will inevitably compromise.

After all, once a war breaks out, the federal government will also be questioned.

The final result must be that the Star Ring Group apologized and handed over part of its rights to accept the supervision of the Federation.

The Federation will also agree with the Star Ring Group to establish a curvature research base, and the requirement is to disclose all scientific research results to the public.

Both parties will compromise, the Federation has maintained its face, and the Star Ring Group has obtained what it wants.

Just persevere and be desperate.

Make a gesture that the Federation will directly lift the roof without opening the window.

In the end, everyone will compromise and compromise.

This group of young people allocated bullets.

Vader stood up and shook hands with them one by one, which was a kind of ceremony.

After doing this, the group of young people left the room with guns and bullets.

Vader sat back in his seat again.

Cao Bin saw Vader who was silent, and was about to go out, but was stopped by Ling.

"Is there anything else?" Cao Bin looked at Wade with some confusion.

"There is one more thing I need you to do." Vader was a little tired, and there was a little panic in his tone, which was an emotion he had never shown.

"What's the matter?" Cao Bin asked.

"I need you to wake up someone. I promised her that by this time, she will have the final decision."

"Cheng Xin?

"Yes, she has the final say.

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