Federation headquarters city.

Celebrations are ongoing here.

Cheng Xin's huge projection appeared in midair.

I saw people cheering and supporting her on the road.

Cheng Xin felt a tinge of satisfaction and joy.

She was recognized for what she did.

Love makes human beings completely different from other creatures, and it is the power of love.

It will be a wonderful age for humanity.

Cheng Xin felt happy that she had saved such an era.

She felt that she should wake up Ai AA, so that he could also feel this kind of happiness together.

This is the progress of human morality and love, and it is the embodiment of human civilization taking a big step forward.

She saw people living in harmony and helping each other.

Seeing the way people humble themselves for each other.

All of this is worth protecting.

For three consecutive days, people were cheering.

Completely oblivious to the fact that while they were cheering, a lot was going on.

The Gene Seed Vault was replaced by human guards.

A large tourist spaceship manned was artificially stranded for a day and failed to take off on time.

Even the soldiers in important military areas felt that they were a little weird, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

Of course, these are minor issues for the federal public.

Nothing is more important than being able to witness the execution of a demon with your own eyes.

As the time to execute Vader slowly approached.

The sun formed by nuclear fusion slowly extinguished.

Darkness slowly enveloped the city.

The festivities feel better in the dark.

The sky is lit up with gorgeous fireworks, which are holographic images formed by simulation, reflecting in the entire sky.

With the current 02 technology of human beings, it can already be very realistic, and there is even sound.

Everyone came out and waited.

The streets and squares are full of people.

In front of everyone, there is a holographic window floating.

These windows are turned to the brightest.

Constitute a shining light.

There are also gorgeous fireworks blooming on the screen.

Vader's execution will be broadcast live to the entire Federation.

This heinous guy will be gasified within a ten-thousandth of a second, without any pain in the whole process.

Live broadcast of Vader's execution can boost people's trust in the Federation.

It is also proof of the strength of the Federation.

For anyone who dares to violate the basic constitution and the Act of Prohibiting Escape, the Act of Prohibiting the Study of Curvature Spaceships, and those who try to threaten the survival of human beings, the Federation will never spare them lightly.

Vader's death was a verdict of justice.

It is what the people want and what everyone expects.

Everyone is waiting for the countdown to end.

Waiting for the moment when Vader is vaporized.

Cheng Xin was also among the cheering crowd, she didn't cheer, nor was she sad.

Vader was a friend she didn't know much about in this day and age.

Once he died, it meant another acquaintance disappeared.

Once Vader dies, this bunker world will become harmonious and peaceful, and everything will look like the years have been peaceful.

It's all worth it.

federal prison.

After doing all the preparations.

Jiang Fan issued an order to act, and several places will act at the same time.

Save people, seize the gene bank, and control the spaceship.


Jiang Fan took Sheng Haoge and several T800 terminators to the prison to save people.

After confirming the time.

Jiang Fan and others came to the gate of the prison.

"Hello, sir, no...

A guard came over.

Obviously, because of Wade's matter, the prison is not open for visits today.

Jiang Fan glanced at him and said, "Go and open the door."

The guard froze for a moment, then took out the key and opened the prison gate.

Jiang Fan and others walked in directly.

Several snipers in charge of guarding at high places were directly stunned by Jiang Fan from a distance.

Jiang Fan just glanced at them, and they limply fell to the ground.

The power of psionic energy is beyond imagination.

Within Jiang Fan's line of sight, psionic energy can work on the human body.

Telepathy, mental shock, etc., are all extremely common means.

All the way unimpeded.

Going to prison is like going home.

There are no real obstacles at all.

Saw Jiang Fan breaking into Vader's prison.

Several guards hurriedly drew their guns and wanted to shoot.

Jiang Fan waved his hand, and several soldiers were suspended, unable to move at all.

Psychic energy - manipulating the force field, you can change the spatial structure, change the distribution of the force field, and let the object move its position.

This method is very similar to the control of objects in the novel, but it does not have an invisible force to help users control objects like in the novel.

It is a very simple physical phenomenon, that is, the structure of space causes the change of force.

Every object has its own force, even the most basic atom has its own four forces.

This is the secret of how everything works.

All forces maintain balance.

Once there is a change, there will be a change.

The nuclei and electrons are in balance, and once there is a change in both, electrical energy is generated.

There is gravity everywhere in the planet, and objects will fall when thrown.

The force field is everywhere, and exists in every individual and every space.

Jiang Fan deflected the space structure where the target is located, shifted the gravity distribution slightly, and made them levitate, unable to move.

This ability is not complicated, nor is it high-end.

In fact, the principle is very simple, just like 1+1=2.

The structure of the universe is very complex, belonging to multi-dimensional solid.

Where everyone stands is the edge of the universe.

A person standing on the surface of a planet without an atmosphere, stretching out his hand, and touching the cold space, can directly feel the cruelty of space.

A person stands on the surface of a planet wrapped in an atmosphere, and reaches out to touch the space.

It's just that this space is surrounded by gas and heated by the radiation of stars.

He couldn't feel the unique coldness of space.

The space structure of the universe is the atmosphere.

Gravity, basic force, these are the gas filled in it.

No matter where you are in the universe, if you stretch out your hand, you will feel the nothingness of the negative universe.

These force fields and spaces make you unable to feel the horror of nothingness, and you even think that you cannot touch the negative universe.

In fact, the place where you reach out is the negative universe. Things like force field and space protect you, so that you don’t feel the horror of the negative universe.

It's like humans can't survive in the space environment without equipment.

There is also no way for matter to be exposed to the negative universe without the protection of the fabric of space.

Without the protection of the atmosphere, you will die in the cold and lack of oxygen in space.

And the matter without the protection of the space structure will also die in the negative universe.

This is just an image metaphor, real cosmology is more profound than this, and the structure of space is also more difficult to understand.

The relationship between matter and the negative universe is also more complicated.

There is no complete theoretical system of space structure, cosmology, and physics.

Human beings look at psionic energy just like looking at magic, like looking at gods and men.

Negative energy-manipulation force field, the explanation of the complex point is that the space structure is changed by the negative universe pulled by the spiritual consciousness, resulting in changes in the force field, and the target loses gravity and enters a suspended state.

The popular point is, take a stone and hit the puddle of the target station, the target is splashed with water and enters a wet state.

Sheng Haoge stared dumbfounded at Jiang Fan's performance, just like the water droplets that human beings witnessed the doomsday battle, and the gravitational number that witnessed the operation of the blue space number into the four-dimensional space.





Jiang Fan walked all the way in without killing anyone.

Either being controlled by his mind, or tampered with cognition by him.

In front of Vader's cell, he also used human levitation.

Not to mention Sheng Haoge, even Wade, who had been silent all this time, was dumbfounded.

His spiritual world is strong, but it doesn't mean he won't be surprised.

You will still be shocked when you encounter something that can crush your worldview.

What Jiang Fan is doing now is undoubtedly shattering his worldview.

Gently raise your hand, you can let people levitate.

This is too incredible.

This is the real world, not a sci-fi movie.

How could there be such a powerful method.

Jiang Fan didn't pay attention to Vader who was stunned by his shock.

He stood in front of the transparent screen, still using the most basic force field control, and let the transparent screen crack directly.

The hardness of matter depends on the binding of atoms.

Droplets of water are hard enough to smash through entire planets.

The reason is that its surface atoms are firmly fixed together.

That's why it's low temperature and absolutely smooth.

It is an invariable rule that the denser the thing, the harder it is.

Matter is formed in layers of linked elements at the atomic level.

Atoms are divided into nuclei and electrons to maintain balance, but many nuclei cannot maintain balance alone, so they must share electrons with other nuclei to form a balance.

Matters are closely connected.

007 destroys this balance, and the tight connection will be destroyed accordingly.

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't need anything, he just destroyed the wall enough to resist large-caliber lasers and high-energy explosives with his bare hands.

Seeing this scene, Vader was even more stunned.

He had seen Jiang Fan on the screen of the federal propaganda.

The evaluation of Jiang Fan is also very good.

In this day and age, young people like him are the hope of humanity.

Vader had imagined Jiang Fan to great heights.

But now, he feels that he still underestimated Jiang Fan.

This young man actually has superpowers??

How could such a magical thing actually appear in reality?

It's incredible.

At this time, there are still fifteen minutes left before the official time of Vader's execution.

The picture of the entire federation also just cut here.

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand so that the shattered side of the transparent screen was broadcast live.

Everyone was confused when they saw the scene in the live broadcast.

Isn't Vader executed?

Why are there special effects?

It wasn't until the camera zoomed in that everyone exclaimed, and some were even taken aback.

This is the man who brought them infinite fear.

This federation was almost shaken, and the democratic society of mankind collapsed completely

He is also a man who has made countless people feel humiliated, and the picture of the other party giving the middle finger left a deep impression on them.

The other party humiliated all the citizens of the entire Federation.

They call Jiang Fan the incarnation of Hell Satan, who will lead mankind into the endless abyss.

Here in the prison.

Jiang Fan slowly withdrew his hand, looked at the old man in the prison, and said with his signature elegant smile: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Vader.

"I'm also very happy to meet the greatest man of this era.

Vader gave that melting smile.

"Let's go." Jiang Fan stood back slightly to make way.

The meaning is obvious, let Vader come out.

"No, my duties are over. Human beings have enough of you. Thank you for coming, but I have decided to end my life here.

There was a hint of fatigue in Vader's tone.

He is so tired.

It's time to rest.

Life is a long journey, but it also has an end.

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