The smile on the federal president's face slowly froze.

The smiles on the faces of all the citizens of the entire federation froze.

Everyone looked at the pictures and sounds uploaded from the spacecraft in disbelief.

The man asked the Federation to let Jiang Fan and Vader go.

Request to let go of these two terrible demons-.

This man is so afraid of death.

He was actually unwilling to die for the Federation.

Are you unwilling to die for the stability of 900 million people?

"Do you know what you are talking about? As long as you pay your life, the federation can kill that demon. Get the technology in his hands and let human civilization live in the solar system forever. 99'

The Federal President's tone revealed disbelief.

In this world, there are still people who are as shameless as Jiang Fan and are unwilling to sacrifice for others.

"If I press the button, he will die as well. If that's the case, then I'll just press the button."

As the man said, he pressed his hand to the detonator.

"Stop it," the president yelled.

Once the detonator is pressed, the entire federal space city will instantly be wiped out.

This kind of scene is absolutely not wanted by every high-level federal government.

They are all still in the federal headquarters, once they detonate, they will all be dead.

"Just press it down, and with the explosive power of antimatter, we can definitely kill those two people. Why stop?

The man's eyes were fixed on the president.

"Having a stellar-class battleship attack can minimize the loss. You are a hero of mankind, press it down, and you are a sinner of mankind."

The Federation President said timidly.

Once it is pressed, a huge explosion will sweep across the federation in an instant, and everyone will be wiped out, and everything is over.

The Federal President doesn't want to die either.

A great life awaits him.

"As long as you can get rid of them, it's fine." The man gestured to press the detonator, "The entire space city is a hero. Everyone died well and deservedly died.

"No." The federal president exclaimed, "absolutely not."


Everyone in the federal headquarters city was stunned when they saw this scene.

At this time, there were more than 30 million people in the Federation Headquarters, and one third of them came because of Vader's trial.

A large part of the people who besieged Vader in the first place were them.

It is they who cry out to make men brave.

Originally, Jiang Fan handed over control of the detonator, which was a very happy thing.

I believe that with the great love of mankind, men will die willingly.

But the development of things now has somewhat surprised them.

The man they considered a hero did not want to die.

He despicably asked the Federation to let the two demons go.

Otherwise he will detonate the explosives installed on the federation headquarters, detonating all the antimatter bullets.

When they saw the man about to press the button, they all turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, the president finally stopped him.

The man is too terrifying. In order to live, he actually wants to drag the whole city to be buried with him.

All federal citizens feel incredible.

What a ruthless person can do this.

"Is he a beast? He wants to drag so many people to die together."

"Being like that Jiang Fan, even if he survives, how can he face his friends, how can he have the face to live in this world. 99

"Let that ship go, or he'll kill us.

Cheng Xin was a little dazed, the voices of these discussions were completely different from just now.

These people seem to have all changed.

The people who were clamoring for the heroic sacrifice of the hostages just now have changed their minds.

"You should die, why should you sacrifice a space city to protect human beings, bullshit.

Cheng Xin followed the voice and looked over, it was still the girl who told others last time that she hoped that she would be the one to ascend the spaceship.

Still shrouded in the light brought by the floating window, but what was said was no longer the words just now.

Obviously, the other party has a double standard about the fact that he will be sacrificed.

"Let them go.

A person from the federal headquarters called.

"Let them go, these shameful bastards."

Others also spoke out.

Obviously, they no longer have the courage to ask others to sacrifice just now.

The federal president looked livid and looked at the man in front of him.

The opponent's hand was on the button, and once it was pressed, the entire federal headquarters would be gone.

With so many antimatter bullets, I am afraid that in just an instant, the entire space city will be destroyed in the flash of annihilation.

There will be no pain, no suffering.

Just like he promised the man.

There will be no pain, it will be over in an instant.

"Sir, you have to know that what you let go are two demons who regard human life as nothing. Once you let them go, you will regret what you did today."

The federal president tried to persuade the man that there was still a chance. d

As long as it can convince the other party, the federation can still win.

"Then I'll listen to you, just press it, and you must not let them go. Before life, everyone is equal, and the lives of a hundred people and ten million people are also equal.

The attitude of the man is very tough.

These words were played in all the terminals of the entire federation, and everyone's faces were pale.

The basic federal constitution is equal to the right to life, whether it is one person or ten thousand people, they are all equal.

There is nothing wrong with men.

"No no, take it easy, you can leave, leave safely, take your hands off the buttons."

The Federation President said in a panicked tone.

If you press it, everything will be over.

Federal officials came in and showed the president the scene in the warehouse.

It can be clearly seen that bombs have been installed around the pile of golden gods of death.

"We only found half of the antimatter bullets there, and they were equipped with chain-type explosive devices, which were difficult to disassemble. It would take at least seven or eight hours to analyze the encrypted chain.

The president's heart sank at the federal official's words.

Seven or eight hours of demolition time, such a long time.

The other party had already run away.

And that's only half of the antimatter bullet.

And the other half don't know where they put it.

If the man refused to give up the detonation, they could only let the ship leave.

The federal president's eyes swept over everyone in the headquarters.

From the eyes of these people can be keenly aware of their thoughts.

Obviously, they have no intention of sacrificing their lives for righteousness.

"Give up, it's not worth burying so many people in order to kill the two of them."

A staff officer said.

"The fleet has now terminated the offensive order, what should we do next?" said the person in charge of the fleet staff.

The entire federal headquarters fell silent, and everyone unknowingly focused their attention on the federal president.

Feeling these gazes, the president's face turned livid, but he could only give up.

Turning his head to look at the screen, he said unwillingly.

"Your spaceship will be released safely. Go away. Sir, I warn you one last time. Even if you survive this operation, you may be prosecuted by the Federation.

Hearing the safe release, the man showed a hint of relief.

His wife and children survived.

Hear the second half of the Federal President's sentence.

There was a miserable smile on the man's face, "Mr. President, I don't care whether I will be sentenced. I only care whether my children and wife can live?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the entire Federation fell silent.

Everyone scolded Jiang Fan for being mean and shameless.

He took advantage of a husband's love for his wife and a father's love for his children.

On the covered bridge.

Both Jiang Fan and Vader watched this scene.

"Everything is as planned, simple and easy. There is no smile on Jiang Fan's face. It is not a very happy thing to defeat the Federation in this way.

This reflects the fragility of human beings in the face of the universe and a weakness in the battle of the dark forest.

Human beings want to survive in this cruel and cold world.

Personal emotion is something that has to be discarded.

This is the price of survival.

This is something that humans have always been unwilling to abandon.

They are obsessed with the consolation given by their personal emotions, and they have no courage to face the baptism of the dark universe.

Humanity is hiding at home called the solar system.

0.. Ask for flowers....

Even knowing that there is already a raging war outside the house, and the fighting continues.

Still refused to give up the little fantasy in my heart.

Always think that your emotions can override the cruel law of the dark forest.

This kind of arrogance will eventually lead to the complete extinction of human beings.

The cruel totalitarian world or the gentle democratic world should serve the survival of human beings.

Make different choices according to different cosmic environments.

Instead of blindly believing that a certain value is more advanced and noble than another.

This time it is to tease the values ​​​​of the Federation, and it is also to tell everyone who joins the Human Empire.

Although many human natures have brilliance, they no longer meet the needs of human beings to continue to develop.

It seems that every system has advantages, but as time goes by and times change, it will gradually become unsuitable for society and be replaced.

Nothing is indispensable, so is so-called kindness, so-called love.

"Human nature never changes," Vader said.

"It will change. Human beings will go to the starry sky, and various changes will inevitably occur." Jiang Fan waved his hand to close the floating window, and turned his head to the place where the men were negotiating.

Vader stood behind him, witnessing Jiang Fan's departure.

He knew that this young man was better than he thought.

For the grasp of human nature, for the defects of human beings.

Jiang Fan saw it all too clearly.

His every move gives people a cold and cruel feeling.

The whole person is like an abyss, so deep that people can't look directly into its core.

"He's horrible.

Another voice sounded.

Vader followed the voice and turned his head to look over.

At some point, Zhong Jin, the vice president of Xinghuan Group, came to his side.

Jiang Fan brought all the detainees of the Star Ring Group out of the federal prison.

Zhong Jin was also brought out.

In Jiang Fan's body, he feels a more ruthless, crazier essence, and also possesses a more terrifying charm.

It's like a black hole, and everyone has to fall into it.

Vader also nodded, his face was still carved out of stone, with clear lines and no surface emotions were revealed.

He just stared at the back of Jiang Fan leaving, with awe and a trace of fear in his eyes.

Jiang Fan is really too mysterious, and the things he has mastered are incredible.

His eyes fixed on Jiang Fan until Jiang Fan turned around the corner of the passageway of the spaceship, and then disappeared.

The vibration from the start of the spaceship spread from the engine to the entire ship in an instant.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Federation, the spaceship held by Jiang Fan slowly lifted off.

Then, a huge propulsion flame was ejected, rushing towards the place where Mercury was.

Seeing the departure of the spaceship, everyone in the Federation felt angry and sad.

Jiang Fan came, swaggered and left.

Teased them like you teased a monkey.

The beliefs and purposes of the Federation have been trampled in disgrace.

Amid the anger of everyone in the Federation, Jiang Fan appeared in front of the interface where the man was talking to the president.

"Very well, you have accomplished your mission, go to your wife, your children are frightened.

Jiang Fan said to the man.

The man was taken away, and Jiang Fan sat where he should have been.

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, the Federal President gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

"Asshole, are you satisfied? Humiliate us with a man who is for his wife and children.

Facing the federation's anger, Jiang Fan kept a calm face and said slightly mockingly.

"It's the triumph of love."

Jiang Fan's words made countless federal citizens gnash their teeth. This tone and demeanor are obviously humiliating to them.

A few hours ago, they were still celebrating and chanting this slogan, but now it is an unspeakable humiliation.

"Enough, bastard, go back to your hell, humans don't welcome you." The federal president said angrily.

Jiang Fan didn't stop, just looked at the window, and continued to smile: "You don't have to hate me so much, as compensation for humiliating you this time, I will tell you a secret, and you will know who the savior you are talking about is ."wide

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