Absolute darkness filled Vader's eyes.

It was as if a flood of tar had seeped into his organs, blinding his eyeballs so he couldn't see anything.

Vader was taken aback for a moment, but hadn't reacted yet.

Light began to appear around it.

Like a balloon being punctured, countless rays of light poured in from the gap.

The golden light smudged the surroundings.

The light flooded in, and Vader subconsciously closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the faint smell of earth mixed with the scent of grass after the rain poured into his mouth and nose.

He opened his eyes and suddenly found himself standing on a grassland.

The original Tiangong scene has disappeared without a trace.

Beside him, a group of children were playing around.

A few teachers stood aside with smiles on their faces, looking after these children so that no accidents would happen to them.

There are also some flags next to them.

The words "Huaxia City No. 2 Elementary School Earth Sightseeing Team" are on the flags.

Vader looked around, and combined with the information just now, he guessed that this place should be Earth.

He looked up, and the gloomy forest in the distance came into view.

An eagle hovered high in the sky, and suddenly rushed down, causing countless birds to fly away in fear.

Farther away, there are some huge human buildings that are hundreds of meters high, but are covered with vines.

Those human cities belonging to the era of deterrence have been occupied by countless vines and weeds.

"Why am I here?" Vader asked in confusion.

Wasn't he just talking to Jiang Fan on the surface of Mercury in a huge spaceship about the evacuation of the Human Empire?

How did you get here all of a sudden?

All this seems a bit incomprehensible?

Is it some kind of hallucination?

But why it looks so real, the smell, the softness of the soil, everything is real.

A child walked up to Vader, "Because you are in my memory, Vader, hold out your hand.""

Vader looked at the boy stretching out his hand in front of him, with only surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

He actually entered Jiang Fan's memory.

This is more incomprehensible than hallucinations.

According to Jiang Fan's words, Vader also reached out and tried to touch the child's hand.

Joy, happiness, and a little disappointment that he was about to return to Huaxia Space City flooded his heart.

He was feeling all the emotions, all the memories of the boy at that time.

It was as if, he was the boy's future.

This little boy was his memory.

Experience everything he has experienced, feel the happiness and sadness he has felt.

Jiang Fan took his hand back, stopped passing on the memory, and then turned his head to look at those companions and teachers who were still playing.

These people turned a blind eye to the existence of the two of them.

A boy bumped into Vader, didn't notice anything, and was still having fun with the other mates.

"This is the evolutionary direction of human beings in the future. I call it a spiritual network. Just like the Internet, shared memories and emotions are determined according to different status levels. In this way, lies and deceit within human beings can be reduced. .

Jiang Fan said, "Spiritual network can ensure that the survival ability of human beings is greatly increased, and it can also make each other more trustworthy, and truly form a just and equal world. But to do this, it is necessary for human beings to let go of their own emotions automatically. Ideological defense, let everyone implant thinking chips is the reason"~.

"The ideological seal is to ensure the purity of this spiritual network, to ensure that the fundamental purpose of this spiritual network is to maintain the survival of human beings, not to become a refuge for human beings to avoid difficulties in reality.

Most humans are lazy.

Many people are unwilling to take on their own responsibilities autonomously.

When they are dependent, they tend to shirk their responsibilities and choose to escape.

The spiritual network needs to store the consciousness and memory of all people, that is to say, human beings can be reborn or continue continuously with the help of this network.

The existence of the ideological seal is to prevent some people from cowardly avoiding directly when human beings encounter major difficulties, and all crises are borne by those who have a sense of responsibility.

After the crisis was resolved, these cowardly people came out to gain a sense of existence again.

In this way, the human spiritual network will fall into a vicious circle.

When something goes wrong, everyone thinks that others will go back and solve it.

Just like the current federation, it is about to become a giant baby.

It can also prevent some extremely selfish humans from joining this network.

Any thought is contagious.

And selfish thoughts are most powerful when they are not restrained.

Because it will trample on the interests of others to satisfy its own interests.

This leads to an extreme situation.

In this way, bad money will drive out good money.

The thought of sacrificing for mankind will be defeated by the thought of selfishness and become the mainstream of the spiritual network.

That would be devastating for humanity.

And the ideological seal is the insurance to ensure that this extreme situation will not happen.

There is no way to guarantee such a thing by examining people's minds.

People are changeable, one idea a day.

Today he is willing to sacrifice, tomorrow he will sacrifice others in order to live.

The best way is to solidify and form an unbreakable belief.

This is the role of the ideological seal.

All must serve the one supreme purpose of human existence.

It is necessary to accept the fate of being abandoned at all times, and try our best to fight for the chance of survival for those who leave.

Jiang Fan walked a few steps, and the scene changed again.

This time, Vader and Jiang Fan stand in space.

They were outside the suspended city of Mercury, watching the busy crowd.

This is the whole of the current human empire, and it is also the seed of the future.

Each one has been screened to ensure they act as a help rather than a hindrance.

"Psychic energy is something that humans need to master in the next stage of civilization, and it is also the top priority of the spiritual network. And the spiritual network is a necessary thing for human beings to survive in this cruel universe. Only this thing can make us become one with each other. Ensuring that the concept of humanity survives forever."

"Thinking seal and thinking chip are the prerequisites of this plan, and they need to be completed before leaving the solar system. Otherwise, once we leave the solar system, if any non-stamped people make trouble, it will cause us a lot of trouble.

"After leaving the solar system and settling down, we also need to develop the brains of most people to ensure that they also have the qualifications to master psionic energy."

"The thought link I'm showing you now is just a stand-alone version. In the future, all human beings will be connected together. No matter where they are, those people can use this network to be with all their clansmen."

"Only by using the spiritual network can human beings have the ability to face the cruelty of the dark forest, understand the true meaning of sacrifice, and stop letting lies and deceit flood human beings, and will not be like today, because of their own selfishness. on the brink of extinction."

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, even someone as cold as Wade couldn't help trembling.

What a wild ambition.

Even if you can only glimpse the tip of the iceberg, it is enough to make people feel trembling.

We must reshape human beings by ourselves.

Let them really grow up and face the darkness and cruelty of the universe.

Face the bloodshed of civilization-to-civilization wars.

Arrogantly declaring war on time, forcibly giving civilization years.

Vader subconsciously looked in the direction of the earth, which was the cradle of human civilization.

He turned his head to look at the starry sky again, that is the world where human beings will take root in the future.

He looked at Jiang Fan again, a crazy man whose arrogance was beyond description.

These three form a tight chain.



There are also some at a loss.

Jiang Fan is crazy.

What's more frightening is that he has the talent to realize his crazy ambitions.

Jiang Fan didn't care about the change in Vader's complexion.

He was looking at everyone in Mercury City.

Those scholars have mastered the anti-gravity knowledge stored in the computer, and they are making various optimized designs for the Thunderhawk.

There are also a group of people who are busy in other places, making plans for their escape.

Everything is in order.

At this time, it has been less than a year since the destruction of the sun.

After a while, the Federation will be able to observe the spaceships that attack humans.

In a few months, the Federation will be able to observe the attack unleashed by the spaceship.

Vader also turned his head, following Jiang Fan's gaze.

At this moment, it was still difficult for him to suppress the shock in his heart.

The universe is like an iceberg suspended above the ocean.

Human beings see the magnificence suspended on the ice, because this is the whole universe.

But it's just a drop in the bucket of the universe.

The phantom energy in Jiang Fan's hands, which looks like the power of a god, is just a common energy application of the advanced civilization of the universe.

It is just a stage that civilization must go through.

It means that in a higher level of technology, there are still things that are more mysterious and incredible.

Is there an end to technology?

What Jiang Fan showed him today was really amazing, it completely shattered his three views and made him feel like an ant.

Let him get a glimpse of a cognition belonging to a higher civilization.

And human beings are in front of such a civilization.

It's just the simplest ants.

In other words, they are not even counted as ants.

Human beings are too small.

Everyone thinks that Jiang Fan created the ideological seal and forced people to implant thinking chips in order to stabilize his dictatorship.

What a shallow idea.

Use your own despicable heart to speculate on a great existence.

Jiang Fan's human salvation plan can be called madness.

Spiritual network, shared by all, is really a crazy idea.

Jiang Fan is trying to fish humans out of the quagmire.

It is necessary to lead mankind to fish out the iceberg of the universe and carve it into a shape that one likes.

All scenes dissipate.

Vader found himself still standing on the Tiangong spacecraft, nothing changed.

Jiang Fan stood in front of him, staring at him, "I will leave the mission of the thought stamp and thought chip to you, Vader. Do not let me down. "

Vader looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, and thought of those wild assumptions, Jiang Fan's ambition.

What a terrible, grand, and terrifying plan it is just thinking about it.

A crazy plan to keep humanity going forever.

A flame slowly appeared in his heart, which was like ashes, and then slowly became hot, and finally burned blazingly.

If Cheng Xin were here, she would definitely think that she was dreaming, that she had traveled back to the United Nations building that day.

Because she once again witnessed the man who spoke the craziest words in a calm tone.

Vader returned to his youthful appearance, the power of time dissipated on his body, just like a rusty sharp sword shook off the rust on his body, and restored that terrifying and sharp appearance again.

"I'll get this done," Vader said.

Huaxia City.

Cheng Xin awakened Ai AA.

Now, only this friend can give me a little comfort.

After the Dark Forest broadcast was released.

Many people will no longer choose to hibernate.

After all, the Dark Forest strike will come at any time.

If you hibernate, you may die without being awakened one day, which would be very bad.

Many people choose to spend their last years in peace and stability.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, no regrets.

Ai AA's request for awakening was quickly approved.

After sleeping for half a century again, Ai AA woke up and saw Cheng Xin and asked weakly, "How did you wake me up? Has the curvature lightspeed spacecraft been built? Are you going to take me to star DX3906?"

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