Cheng Xin and Ai AA bought a batch of daily necessities, including a hover car equipped with nuclear batteries.

This kind of suspension vehicle uses a powerful helical jet rotor propeller, and highly compressed air is ejected to maintain the suspension of the vehicle.

The car is like a sports car in the AD era, showing a streamlined shape to reduce drag.

A hovercar has no wheels.

Where the wheels were originally installed, jet propulsion was installed.

All cars are like this now.

Human beings no longer have roads on the ground, all of which are covered by trees and weeds.

If you want to travel, you can only use the suspension car.

The handling of this car is also very simple.

The AI ​​in the hover car will automatically help the owner set the flight parameters.

All they have to do is state their destination.

The two got on the suspension vehicle and rushed all the way to the place where the blue light spot landed.

When flying at high speed, the wind becomes very strong.

The airflow blows past the sides of the car, making that kind of rushing whirring sound.

With such a fast speed, those air currents might be able to cut things.

"We shouldn't take care of these things, haven't you had enough of the previous things?"

Ai AA said.

Cheng Xin sat on the seat, her gaze was dignified, she shook her head and said, "No, we have to investigate clearly. Perhaps only Mercury City and the dictator's human empire can have this kind of flying machine. It is absolutely necessary for them to come to Earth. Malicious.

She turned her head to look at the direction she came from, which was the last living town in Canberra.

That lunatic is absolutely not allowed to destroy the last peaceful life of the earth's inhabitants.

Reminiscent of the federal headquarters.

Cheng Xin felt a chill down her back.

Jiang 02 Fan, it's too scary.

He is smiling, but there is no sunshine, and he can't bring any warmth to others.

The unfathomable city mansion made him seem to be hiding under an invisible mask.

When looking at Jiang Fan, it's like facing an abyss.

Horror, darkness, unimaginable abyss.

Even the hottest stars can't warm it up there.

Thinking of Jiang Fan, Cheng Xin couldn't help but shudder.

The name of the devil is well deserved.

It's hard to imagine what his subordinates will do on Earth.

Definitely not here to sow the seeds of peace, nor to communicate.

It can only be said that there is another evil plan in the making.

The suspension vehicle skimmed high above the forest shrouded in darkness, and entered a swamp.

A blue dot of light hovered over the swamp.

Cheng Xin didn't let the hover car approach, she knew that Jiang Fan's men were all crazy.

If discovered, there may be danger.

If it wasn't for a lunatic, he wouldn't follow that person so fanatically.

With the departure of human beings, nature has regained control of the earth.

Many places have become untouched wilderness.

This swamp is no exception.

The dense aquatic plants have regained the place, and various fish have re-formed a harmonious and stable ecosystem.

Cheng Xin and Ai AA stood in the distance and looked at the spaceship emitting a faint blue light.

Presenting a perfect disc shape, shrouded in azure light.

Just like that, it was suspended at a height of three or four meters from the swamp.

Cheng Xin knew that Jiang Fan possessed powerful gravity technology.

It is not very difficult to do this.

Using the spacecraft's infrared detector, two people can be clearly seen getting off the spacecraft.

They threw a certain device into the water, grabbed a few crocodiles with restraints, and then launched the spaceship to leave.

The azure light fluctuated slightly, and the spaceship flew out like an arrow leaving the string, leaving only traces of scattered blue light on the spot.

"What are they doing?" Ai AA asked in bewilderment.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing." Cheng Xin said firmly. "That guy is definitely not going to do anything good.

"Let's take a look." AA jumped into the car and said to Cheng Xin.

They saw the mysterious device left by the spaceship.

It was a device like an ancient mine.

The lower part sank into the water, and the extended tentacles could be clearly seen with the detector.

Such tentacles were the detonating device of this hedgehog mine in ancient times.

Cheng Xin's heart skipped a beat when she saw it.

Could it be some kind of detonated bomb?

Who does the other party want to threaten with the destruction of the earth?

This kind of insane thing, ordinary people definitely can't do it.

But thinking of Jiang Fan's terrifying heart, Cheng Xin felt that this guy would definitely be able to do it.

The upper part of the unit is constructed from a transparent reinforced material, forming a transparent and airtight enclosure.

The screen inside the hood is full of various data.

Ai AA looked down and said, "This is a water quality analyzer. These data are the analysis results of various microorganisms and bacteria in the water. They seem to be collecting water quality information. But why do they do this?"9

"Anyway, it's malicious." Cheng Xin said casually.

What good can a man like that do?

Apart from using a husband and a father to achieve my ulterior motives, what else can I do?

Look elsewhere. Cheng Xin looked in the direction the spaceship was leaving, thinking that the other party should not be far away.

Exactly as they guessed.

The spaceship was not far away.

Still active in this area, throwing more than a dozen water quality analyzers back and forth, and catching various creatures.

Then, it rushed into outer space and disappeared.

The whole process seemed very strange.

Thinking of that man, Cheng Xin always felt that it was not that simple.

Maybe you should tell the federation about this.

The Federation doesn't pay much attention to its own opinions now, but this is not a reason to shirk its responsibility.

It is very likely that Jiang Fan is planning another conspiracy, and the Federation must be vigilant against this.

Mercury City.

With the help of Cao Bin, Luo Ji and Hines escaped the surveillance of the Federation and came to the hinterland of this human empire.

This empire is currently in a bit of a state of desperation, with only one space city and a population of only about 4,000.

Some are employees of the Star Ring Group, and some are recruited.

"If he had taken control of the Federation earlier, maybe the sun is the human race would still have a chance. 35

Looking at the space fighters circling outside the spaceship, Luo Ji said with emotion.

On the way here, Cao Bin gave him some information so that he could understand the current preparations for the escape work.

See those Mercury bases lined with steel buildings and huge robot teams.

I saw that the entire Mercury was mined in an orderly manner, and even dug out terrible deep pits.

That scene was enough to shock any federal citizen.

This kind of industrial power is really amazing.

Those robots are like ants, and Mercury is like an apple.

These ants are slowly eating the apples, and the number of ants is increasing.

It is conceivable that someday in the future, the entire Mercury will be dug up.

The minerals are sent to the smelter, and the remaining residue is also thrown into the heavy element fusion power pile.

The entire planet will be consumed as a resource.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji was shocked.

This kind of handwriting, this kind of courage, ordinary people can't think of, let alone do it.

It is crazy and powerful to directly use a planet as a raw material to support industrial production.

This is the real reason for the outbreak of the Dark Forest Battle. All civilizations are constantly squeezing the resources of the universe to feed their own world.

If the universe is like the human federation that can't use up the energy of a star for hundreds of millions of years, there is no need for the universe to enter the state of the dark forest.

I can't run out of what I have, so what's the point of grabbing yours?

But Jiang Fan is the real civilization. As the civilization level continues to rise, more and more resources will be consumed.

Starting with planets and going back, even consuming stars.

For high-level civilizations, they need more resources and energy to maintain their powerful technology and life.

In primitive times, people only needed some simple firewood.

In the feudal era, people began to use resources such as iron, ore, and coal.

In the industrial age, people exploited a large number of resources such as oil, iron ore, and coal mines.

When it comes to the interstellar era, civilization needs to continuously build various giant creations to carry out long interstellar voyages.

In the later stage of development, civilization needs to mine stars, convert energy into matter, and create a world suitable for its own survival.

In every period of civilization development, the population will skyrocket.

From a few million to hundreds of millions, billions, hundreds of billions, exponential growth continues.

The controllers of civilization will also formulate different rules at different times to ensure population growth.

Because once the population grows negatively, it represents the beginning of weakness.

Whether it is a civilization, a country, or a small town, once the population grows negatively, it will become weak, dilapidated, and finally become history.

As for those high-level civilizations, their races will not be affected by the external environment like humans, leading to population fluctuations.

Whether it is dictatorship, democracy, or hierarchy, they will use different mechanisms according to different situations to ensure the fertility rate and encourage the tribe to give birth.

Morality and democracy are just their tools, not all of them.

There is no distinction between good and bad systems, only suitable or not.

The speed of scientific and technological development lies in the vision and in not restricting people to explore new worlds.

Let the race continue to grow with the development of civilization, reaching the ultimate eternity.

Human beings are but insignificant casualties of this cosmic war.

It's just that the racial civilizations that claim to be the masters of the universe are cleaning up the ants that covet their food.

Human civilization is not even qualified to be looked at by the enemy.

The little detritus left by these civilizations can make the Human Federation feel grateful and can't bear it for a lifetime.

Looking at all this, Luo Ji felt a little emotional.

Empire may be the real way of civilization development.

Take everything and grow yourself.

The Federation is like an ignorant old farmer guarding his two fields. He complacently took a few beautiful rags left by the nobles and framed them on himself, thinking that he was also a nobleman, and he behaved like a nobleman all day long.

Luo Ji withdrew his mind, the spaceship was already approaching the orbit of Mercury.

That huge space city is suspended in orbit.

After the spacecraft received permission to land, it slowly entered the port of Mercury City.

As soon as the spaceship came to a complete stop, the door slid open quietly.

"I am very glad to have your visit, Mr. Luo Ji." Jiang Fan said standing beside the gangway where the spaceship was lowered.

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