Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 97 When Will Humanity Rise??

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Hines, Luo Ji, Shi Qiang and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

They all showed a daze, and also a little flustered at a loss.

AD people are in a special period.

They experienced the early days from the feudal age to the industrial age.

In their time, it was only a few decades for human beings to get rid of the idea of ​​feudal monarchy.

Waves of universal values ​​and humanistic thoughts wash over them.

These waves of thought developed among humans for hundreds of years, culminating in the current Federation.

They have experienced the transition from the idea of ​​feudal monarchy to universal values.

Now they are witnessing the scene of the new era where this kind of thinking is outdated by the times.

At this moment, they finally realized the bewilderment of ordinary people in the feudal period when they said to advanced people that they wanted to overthrow the emperor and overthrow religion.

The idea that this world should not be like this will emerge.

Luo Ji and the others were really at a loss.

Everything they once believed in was overthrown in this way.

Their expressions are the same as those old masters who heard that the emperor is gone, and there will only be a president in the future.

Doubt, consternation, bewilderment.

The astonishment of being abandoned by the times.

Feudal monarchy and religious belief lasted for thousands of years, and they were the two most common values ​​of human beings at that time.

Just like today's freedom and democracy, it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Later, feudal monarchy and religious beliefs no longer adapted to the development of the new era, and were gradually eliminated.

Many people also ridiculed why those people at the end of the feudal dynasty were so enthusiastic about opposing an emperor.

02 thinks these people are stupid and have no vision.

The feudal monarchy has imprisoned people's thinking, and it must be overthrown and replaced by better ideas.

Now the universal values ​​with freedom and democracy as the main body, like the feudal monarchy, began to degenerate human thinking.

It is no longer suitable for the needs of the new era of human beings in the future.

It also cannot meet their needs to go to the stars.

In order to adapt to the development, universal values ​​will be transferred to the totalitarian rule dominated by the military, and everyone is equal, a new individual value social system.

If not, the solar system will be doomed immediately.

If Jiang Fan takes control of the Federation and establishes a military totalitarian society where everyone is equal, there will still be some people who are keen to elect the president and turn history back.

These people will inevitably be ridiculed for their stupidity and lack of vision in the highly developed human totalitarian world of equality in the future.

Don't know how to adapt to the development of the times.

"Times are changing, but people have never changed. 35 Vader's voice sounded behind Jiang Fan.

He also saw the bewilderment of the people below.

Universal values ​​were crushed and swept into the garbage dump, which was unacceptable to them.

After all, they live in that world.

He has listened to the slogan of freedom and democracy since he was born, and enjoyed that world.

It is conceivable that if such a thing broke out in the Commonwealth, the people who shouted to defend democracy and freedom would definitely not be less than those who shouted to defend the emperor, nor would they be nobler and greater than them.

"Give them some time to accept." Jiang Fan said indifferently, and it is reasonable for ordinary people to find it difficult to understand such a thing.

Times have changed by surprise.

Vader didn't speak anymore, just stood aside silently.

"How's the other thing going?" Jiang Fan asked.

"It's already being done. A group of environmental scientists are collecting comprehensive data on the earth, which can be completed within three to four months. These data include microorganisms, bacteria, biological species in various regions, and so on.

"If there are conditions in the future, human beings can completely reproduce the earth, and the ecological environment will not be too different.

Vader's report made Jiang Fan nod.

This earth plan is also part of the escape plan.

They want to leave something for future generations of human beings.

Not just an image of the Earth, but a holographic Earth.

What's more, it is a real earth, an earth that fully retains the characteristics of this era of mankind.

Let every human being know where he comes from.

That is the origin of their blood.

Their ancestors started from a single cell, spent billions of years, became a civilized race, and finally went to the stars.

Human roots cannot be forgotten.

In the future development, human beings will inevitably be scattered everywhere, and even mutations will occur.

The starry sky is unimaginable, and the time span is desperately large.

Millions of years is already an unimaginable time for human beings.

But this time is just a blink of an eye to the universe and to those ancient civilizations.

In order for human beings to become an eternal race, they must adapt to the changes of time.

Withstand the long baptism of tens of billions of years.

If it goes well, it may not be tens of billions of years.

After avoiding the great destruction of the universe, human beings may continue to exist.

That time will be even longer.

In this long time, what will happen to human beings.

Jiang Fan himself couldn't even imagine it, it was too long, so long that it was hopeless.

Therefore, human beings going to the starry sky must firmly remember the earth.

Only by remembering the earth can human beings clearly distinguish which are the enemies.

Which are the lost brothers of the same blood.

The anti-gravity suspension platform slowly docked on a wide steel platform.

Jiang Fan turned and left, leaving a little time for these people to think.

This incident is no small matter, an era of change and change.

It is not acceptable to ordinary people.

If it was so easy, during the feudal dynasty, there wouldn't be so many clowns who wanted to restore the king and turn the president into an emperor.

Return to the control hall.

Jiang Fan is like entering an ocean of information windows.

Countless floating windows surrounded him, and the light from the windows shrouded him, submerging him like sea water.

The information inside shows all aspects of Mercury City, all survival data and personnel information.

Some windows were playing federal reports to him.

There are also some messages from the Federation.

Naturally, Jiang Fan also knows about the scientific research department of the Federation Reconstruction and Research Light Speed ​​Spacecraft.

In this regard, he did not express any opinions.

Ye Wei once asked his opinion.

Is it necessary to disclose the doomsday strike and let them collapse again.

Jiang Fan just waved his hand.

It would be good to let those federal citizens suffer from the annoyance of losing Vader and mistrusting Cheng Xin.

There is no need for them to live in fear of the apocalypse.

No matter how miserable these people are, they are still human beings.

No matter how terrible the mistake he committed, he should be executed directly.

There is no need to throw them into hell and torture them.

Let them know the doomsday, what terrible torture these human beings will have to endure before they can usher in the final destruction.

The social order has collapsed, and everyone is doing whatever it takes to survive, or when the end comes, they will lose all morality and release the evil in their hearts as much as they want.

It really was hell on earth.

Sitting in his seat, Jiang Fan began to check the system interface.

During this period of time, nothing good has been signed.

Hope you have good luck today.

"System check-in."

"Congratulations on completing this check-in and obtaining the theoretical blueprint of the Spider-Man serum.""

Hearing this, Jiang Fan felt very sad.

Can I have something nice.

What is the use of such a thing?

Let me take the spider silk to biubiu with other people's warships?

Perform a bomb-throwing show with super strength capable of lifting fifteen to twenty tons?

This kind of thing is definitely a first-class good thing in the city.

But in the universe, this thing can only be called tasteless.

Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

Human medical technology has now entered the nano age.

Inject a nano-molecular repair agent into your blood vessel, even if it is cut in the middle, it can be repaired intact.

Cosmic wars are all beyond visual range, and the moment the attack is seen is often over.

Whether it is water droplets or dimensional two-way foil, they are all beyond the line of sight, and attacks can be launched from a few light-years away.

When you see it, it often means that the end has arrived.

The only function is to use this serum as a vaccine for human children to enhance their survivability.

Get rid of some unnecessary things.

Capable of developing human brain domains and body cells.

"Use it as a human body enhancement vaccine." Jiang Fan felt a little helpless in his heart.

Alas, the last psionic basic theory seems to have used up all his good luck.

I haven't been able to get anything good during this time.

The requirements are not high, and if it is not possible, a theoretical study of black hole weapons is also possible.

At that time, casually launch a black hole to Biubiu.

The black hole theory doesn't work, and it is enough to have a basic theory of space and time.

Let him study how to go to other universes. If this universe can't beat him, he can still go to other universes.

Not only can 017 drive the Tiangong to wander around, but he can also build a group of hyperspace warships to escort him. Even if he walks sideways in the multiverse, no one dares to speak.

Maybe you can go home, maybe you can see a few civilizations that have deviated in technology, and feel the exotic style.

For example, the extraordinary civilization immersed in psionic energy, the steampunk who used to be in steam, the cyberpunk addicted to network super-sensing technology, etc.

What a headache, it's all these crap.

When will more powerful technology be released?

Jiang Fan said with emotion.

With the rise of human beings and the disdain for all the ancient civilizations, when will their dreams come true?

The empire is eternal, spanning endless multiverses, when will it get what it wants.


"I think we'd better leave it alone."

Ai AA looked at Cheng Xin and said, "Now it's about the Federation and that human empire, we don't need to take care of it, and there's no reason to take care of it, right?

"No, we have the responsibility to take care of it. You didn't see what happened last time. He took a spaceship hostage and asked a man who loved himself and his wife to negotiate with the Federation. Let that man do that kind of thing. Terrible choice. 35

"That man is a lunatic, you understand? These lunatics have no respect for people.

Cheng Xin tried hard to explain.

She will never forget Jiang Fan's smile, as if someone took a carving knife and carved it in her mind.

There is no way to forget it forever.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of cruel man would do such a frenzied thing.

Only then will he force a man who loves his wife and children deeply to make that terrible choice.

Jiang Fan is more unscrupulous, more cruel, and more terrifying than Vader.

Ai AA just looked at Cheng Xin with complicated eyes, and finally heaved a sigh.

"After so many things, are you still unable to let go of your responsibilities? Well, I'll accompany you"

The unconvinced AA could only agree, and they took the suspension car to the former headquarters of the United Nations Building, which was the headquarters of the Earth's population management.

At this time, a message is also being sent from the federal headquarters to the earth.

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