After a brief conversation, Chu Tian had roughly figured out this person's personality.

Then the following things would undoubtedly be much easier to handle.

"Mr. Maori……"

Seeing that the time was almost right, Chu Tian smiled and said,"I wonder if I can visit the office of the famous detective?"

Chu Tian was still very curious about the Maori Detective Agency in the Conan world.

It would be great to see it with my own eyes.

"What's the big deal? Ah Tian!"

Mouri Kogoro said generously,"After dinner, come to my house!"

The two of them were really familiar with each other.

Chu Tian didn't need to say anything.

After knowing Chu Tian's name,

Maori Kogoro was not polite and called Chu Tian Ah Tian.

"Thank you, Mr. Maori!"

Seeing that Maori Kogoro believed him so much and even wanted to take him home for a tour,

Chu Tian laughed secretly in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't reveal any flaws on the surface.

Maori Kogoro didn't think of anything else.

He just felt that the young man in front of him was really to his taste. If he recognized that he was a famous detective and invited him to dinner, then he was definitely a good friend.

At the same time, he wanted to visit his work office, so what did it matter?

Doesn't this just show that he, the famous detective Maori Kogoro, is amazing?

There are people who want to visit his work office. How great it would be to go to the studio!

The meal was satisfying.

Although it was a fast food Western meal, Chu Tian was quite satisfied.

After the meal, Chu Tian and Maori Kogoro went to the Maori Detective Agency on the second floor.

The Maori Detective Agency is divided into 3 floors.

They all belong to Detective Maori himself.

The first floor is rented to Poirot Cafe as a restaurant.

The second floor is Maori Kogoro's office.

During the daytime on weekdays, Maori Kogoro usually works here and waits for commissions.

As for the third floor, it is where Maori Kogoro and others live.

"Please come in, this is my office!"

"Feel free to look around!"

At this time, Maori Kogoro warmly invited Chu Tian to enter his office.

After entering the office, Maori Kogoro warmly invited Chu Tian to visit. After

Chu Tian came in, he took a brief look at the environment of Maori Detective Agency.

There is a desk by the window, then a sofa, and a coffee table.

There is also a toilet, plus a tea room for changing clothes.

This is the full picture of Maori Detective Agency. It is similar to what Chu Tian saw in the anime before.

At the same time, Chu Tian also noticed that there was a poster hanging on the wall.

It was a beautiful woman with long brown hair. It was none other than the popular female star Okino Yoko.

Maori Kogoro seemed to be a super fan of Okino Yoko.

Chu Tian, who had watched Detective Conan, of course, knew this clearly.

This was the first time Chu Tian saw a photo of Okino Yoko since he came to this world.

It's true that she is worthy of being a top idol female star.

Just from this poster, you can see that she is indeed a super beauty.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel curious.

I don't know what kind of woman the real Okino Yoko would be.

"Oh my god, have some tea!"

Mouri Kogoro was very enthusiastic about this new friend Chu Tian.

He immediately poured a cup of tea for Chu Tian.

"Thank you, Mr. Maori."

Chu Tian sat down and had a cup of tea.

In fact, when he came to Maori Detective Agency, Chu Tian was not in a hurry to leave.

On the one hand, Chu Tian wanted to visit this famous place and see what was in the animation.

Now, the first goal has been achieved.

But he still didn't want to leave.

He wanted to wait here.

See when Maori Ran and Conan will come back.

To be honest, he really wanted to meet these two people.

Especially Maori Ran.

As the daughter of Kisaki Eri.

Chu Tian really wanted to see with his own eyes what Ran looked like.

So he was not in a hurry to leave.

Maori Kogoro's character, he had already figured it out.

And he himself had After Yan Shuangying's martial arts, his mind and strategy are the same as Yan Shuangying's.

He is also very flexible and adaptable.

So when chatting with Maori Kogoro, he can find the right rhythm as much as possible.

This will make Maori Kogoro very happy when chatting with him.

He also has enough reasons to stay and wait.

However, this kind of wait is not too long.

Less than 10 minutes after arriving at the detective agency, the door opened.

A tall, long flowing hair, young and beautiful girl wearing a dark blue school uniform with a short skirt.

Just walked in.

And the moment this girl walked in.

Chu Tian couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

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