After hearing what Hirota Masami said,

Chu Tian couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Hirota Masami actually thought he was a member of the dark organization.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

After all, he killed people as soon as he appeared. And he was so skilled and powerful when killing.

But in a moment, he successfully killed such a tall man.

In addition, this matter was originally planned by the dark organization.

So the dark organization has a motive for killing. If you kill people here, is it also justifiable to silence them?

If Chu Tian is not a member of the dark organization, how could he kill people here?

In this way, it seems that Hirota Masami's idea is not wrong.

It is reasonable to think that he is a killer sent by the dark organization. In this case

, Chu Tian doesn't want to reveal his identity immediately. He thinks it doesn't matter if he accompanies this girl to talk more about this topic first. And he is not worried that Hirota Masami will see through his identity because he is wearing a human skin mask. And at this time, he also used voice changing skills to make his voice completely inaudible and become the voice of another person. There is no need to worry about Hirota Masami discovering her identity.

"It seems that you are not stupid!"

He made up his mind to have some fun.

Then Chu Tian would not be polite.

Looking at Hirota Masami in front of him, he smiled slightly and clapped his hands.

It is said that this person is indeed a member of the Dark Organization.

Hirota Masami's last hope was completely broken.

Originally, in Hirota Masami's heart, she still hoped that she guessed wrong.

It would be better if the person in front of her was not a member of the Black Organization.

But now it seems that this last hope is gone, and the other party is indeed a member of the organization.

"What do you want?!"

"Where's the Gin?!"

"Are you going to break your promise?"

Hirota Masami’s eyes could not help but turn cold.

She had already made up her mind.

Before doing this, Hirota Masami had actually thought about it.

This time, she might lose her life.

But there was no way out. At this point, there was no way back.


Hearing Hirota Masami's question,

Chu Tian smiled and looked at the beauty in front of him.

Then he said calmly,"Ms. Hirota Masami……"

At this point, Chu Tian seemed to remember something.

Then, he shook his head.

"No, I shouldn't call you Hirota Masami!"

"It should be Miss Miyano Akemi, am I right?"

Hirota Masami, or should it be Miyano Akemi.

When he heard that Chu Tian even knew this name.

In his heart, he no longer doubted Chu Tian's identity.

If he was not a member of the dark organization, how could he know that his real name was Miyano Akemi?

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Miyano Akemi interrupted Chu Tian rudely,"What do you guys want?"

"Hasn’t this been agreed upon?"

"After I finish this job, let my sister and I leave the organization!"

"What do you mean now?!"

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed again.

He really felt that this girl was quite silly and naive.

Behind the Dark Organization, there was a powerful capital force with Karasuma Renya as the backer.

With the strong financial support of the Karasuma Group

, this mere 1 billion yen was just a drop in the bucket for them. How could they let Miyano Shiho, a woman who knew almost everything about the organization, leave the organization for this mere 1 billion yen ? It was too stupid. Chu Tian felt that he needed to give this woman a warning.

"I say, Miss Miyano Akemi, are you thinking too much?"

Chu Tian sneered at Miyano Akemi in front of him and said with disdain,"Do you really think the organization will let you go for just 1 billion yen?"

"Do you really think that the organization asked you to do this for the 1 billion yen?"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi couldn't help but tremble.

Chu Tian's previous words.

He would not let you go for 1 billion yen. In fact, she could still understand.

In fact, she had already thought about it.

Even if she robbed 1 billion yuan, the dark organization would not keep its promise.

But the second half of Chu Tian's words made her feel a very strong sense of confusion.

She felt a very terrible fear coming towards her.

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