"The system plug-in has given rewards again!"

"The reward this time is quite a lot!"

"It's actually instant teleportation, and there's also space reserve! And the ability to manipulate all living things!"

After hearing the news, Chu Tian was extremely happy.

Not to mention instant teleportation and the ability to manipulate all living things.

Let's talk about this space reserve!

Chu Tian just needs it.

According to the prompt given by the system plug-in.

This space exists in one's own body, and is as large as two football fields.

It can store a large amount of supplies.

And it will not be discovered by external forces.

Only you can extract the things inside.

It just so happens that Chu Tian got 1 billion yuan in banknotes.

There's no place to put it!

If you deposit 1 billion yuan in the bank, you're afraid of being discovered.

Chu Tian didn't know what to do for a moment.

But now, with this space reserve magic, the situation may be completely different.

Chu Tian can run to 1 billion yuan and hide it directly in his own space reserve��

And it's not just the 1 billion yuan.

Chu Tian subsequently purchased a lot of weapons and ammunition, as well as various other equipment.

They can all be hidden in this space reserve.

I can't believe that there are such good things in appearance.

He was very happy in his heart. But Chu Tian didn't show it on his face.

He won't tell his secrets to anyone.

Even the woman he likes is like this.

To be honest, for the woman Miyano Akemi.

Chu Tian can now say.

He really likes her.

Especially knowing this woman is the first time.

He likes her even more.

But liking doesn't mean that you can tell the truth.

After Miyano Akemi got here, she got tired quickly.

She really experienced a lot today. She saw two people being killed with her own eyes.

And then she lost the first time.

She also consumed a lot of physical strength before the shift just now.

Now she can't hold on anymore and wants to have a good rest.

Chu Tian didn't stop Miyano Akemi from doing this.

On the contrary, if Miyano Akemi goes to sleep, Chu Tian can still hide the money in the space all day long.

He can just try to see if this space is really that powerful.


"According to space……"

"Start the space in your heart……"

"Then touch the thing you want to hide……"

"This way you can hide everything in the space.……"

Chu Tian simulated in his mind how to use the space.

Then he could start to act.

At this time, Miyano Akemi had gone to bed, and was sleeping soundly.

It was just convenient for Chu Tian to act.

Looking at the several large boxes in front of him, which were full of banknotes.

Chu Tian swallowed his saliva, and then began to put them into his space one by one.

And sure enough, it was the same as the system plug-in said.

When Chu Tian touched these boxes according to the steps.

The boxes disappeared in an instant.

They were all transferred into Chu Tian's space.

"It's really awesome!"

After hiding several boxes and 1 billion yen in the space,

Chu Tian was amazed.

With this plug-in

, it would be easy to use other weapons.

At the same time, Chu Tian also thought of another thing.

"My teleportation should allow me to buy guns overseas.……"

This is an idea that suddenly popped up in his mind.

In fact, in Japan, the control of guns is still very strong.

There are too many guns here, and they cannot be bought at all.

And it is possible to buy them only on the black market, which is very inconvenient.

And inconvenience is secondary.

Black guns are also very unsafe.

For example, there may be dangers such as bursting.

Chu Tian is not very willing to take them.

But if you can go to a regular gun store in the United States to buy them, it will be much easier.

There are all kinds of guns there, and people are jealous.

You can buy any kind of gun.

But the problem is that it is easy to buy, but it is difficult to bring it back to Japan.

And it is too troublesome to go to the United States.

Just knowing that it is not easy to apply for a passport.

It is precisely for this reason that Chu Tian did not think about going to the United States to buy a gun.

But now the situation is completely different.

Chu Tian has a super plug-in such as instant teleportation.

This means that if he wants to go to the United States, it is just a piece of cake.

And the Japanese yen in hand can also be exchanged at a special bank in the United States, without any danger of exposure.

So now it seems that going to the United States to buy guns is the most appropriate.

And there is no need to register your identity card there, and there is no possibility of leaving any files.

Not to mention, Chu Tian is proficient in the art of disguise. Let alone let anyone find out where he is.

Thinking of this, his mood has begun to cheer up.

He decided to do this.

That is to buy weapons and go to the United States to complete it.

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