Miwako Sato is in Detective Conan.

The most beautiful policewoman in the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1. She is the dream lover of countless policemen.

She is also one of Chu Tian's favorite female characters when he watched Conan in his previous life.

Later, this female character was with Officer Takagi next to Officer Megure.

When I watched it before, it was not very good.

But now, I really see Officer Sato in person.

I looked at her.

I looked at Officer Takagi next to her.

One is as beautiful as a fairy.

The other one, his appearance is not ugly, but just average, not a handsome guy at all...

Chu Tian's eyes are full of disgust!

This Officer Takagi is ordinary.

Miwako Sato is beautiful and belongs to the top beauty.

No matter how you look at these two people, they don't match!

No wonder, in Conan.

There is a highest defense line for Miwako Sato.

Because the two people are really not a good match!

At this time, Officer Megure, Officer Takagi, and Officer Sato did not notice.

Chu Tian's eyes were filled with disgust for Takagi.

Officer Megure ran over and looked at Eri Kisaki with concern:"Lawyer Kisaki, you are not hurt, are you?"

To be honest, when Officer Megure received the call, he was shocked.

You know, in public, Eri Kisaki is a famous barrister with many connections in the judicial community.

If something happens, it may be an extremely serious criminal case.

It will have a great impact on the reputation of the police.

In private, they have been friends for many years. And

Kogoro Mouri is his former subordinate.

If something happens, Officer Megure himself will be very uncomfortable.

So after receiving the call, Officer Megure rushed over with his men.

Seeing the familiar Officer Megure, Eri Kisaki smiled and said,"Don't worry, Officer Megure, I'm fine!"

"It was these people on earth who kidnapped me and tried to commit adultery against me!"

"Thanks to this little brother Chu Tian, he helped me and knocked all these gangsters to the ground!"

Hearing this, Officer Megure, Officer Sato and Officer Takagi all turned their heads and looked at Chu Tian in surprise.

"You beat down so many people by yourself?"

Officer Sato was obviously a little surprised.

Chu Tian didn't seem to be very old, only about 20 years old.

But he beat down several people by himself.

This surprised Officer Sato.

"This is nature!"

"I did it alone, I'm strong, right?"

Chu Tian heard Officer Sato's question, without any modesty.

After all, it was indeed him who did it, so there was no need to hide anything.

"You are really amazing!"

Officer Takagi next to him exclaimed,"It is amazing that one person can knock down several people!"

"Okay, take these people back!"

In the face of these criminals, Officer Megure did not hesitate at all.

But within their jurisdiction, they attacked the famous barrister, Eri Kisaki.

It was really an unforgivable crime!

After receiving Officer Megure's order, his men acted quickly and took all these guys away.

"Lawyer Fei, and Mr. Chu Tian……"

Officer Megure turned to look at Eri Kisaki and Chu Tian, "I still have to trouble you to come with me to the police station to make a statement!"

Eri Kisaki and Chu Tian, of course, had no objection to this matter.

Moreover, Eri Kisaki did not want to be separated from Chu Tian so soon.

In addition to gratitude, Eri Kisaki was also a little curious about the young man who saved her.

She wanted to talk to him alone to find out who he was, what job he did, where he lived, and so on.

This man saved her and saved her from humiliation, and Eri Kisaki was very grateful.

Naturally, she wanted to have a good talk with him.

But here is really not the place to talk.

After recording the statement at the police station, she can find a chance to talk to him alone.

At that moment, Chu Tian and Eri Kisaki got in the police car and headed towards the warning hall together.

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