It was a place with open-air beer.

At this time, many guests were drinking beer there.

And the reason why it attracted Eri Kisaki's attention was because Eri Kisaki saw a familiar figure in the open-air beer venue.

When this figure came into view, Eri Kisaki's body couldn't help but tremble.

Maori Kogoro, that's Maori Kogoro!

He was drinking beer in big gulps at this time, and he looked very happy.

He had obviously drunk a lot.

At this time, his face was already red.

At the same time, he tied his tie on his head.

If it was just like this.

Eri Kisaki saw it, maybe it would be a little embarrassing.

But what made Eri Kisaki the most was that there were two charming women around Maori Kogoro.

They were one on each side, hugging Maori Kogoro, and drinking with him for fun.

And Maori Kogoro seemed to like this kind of entertainment very much.

Hugging left and right, it was so happy.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Eri Kisaki's eyes showed strong black lines.

Her husband likes women and wine, and likes to fool around with women the most.

Eri Kisaki already knew about it.

But before, it was just a rumor.

But now, she saw it with her own eyes.

Her husband was fooling around with another woman, drinking and having fun.

Does he love you 460? Has he ever cared about herself?

Eri Kisaki just felt extremely disgusted.

An unimaginable stench came to her mind!

At this time, Chu Tian had already noticed it.

He also saw Maori Kogoro drinking and having fun with a woman.

A barely noticeable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This book of the ground is really awesome!

It can actually change the direction of things and make some things develop in the way you imagine.

Chu Tian just hopes that Eri Kisaki can see with her own eyes.

The scene of Maori Kogoro being with another woman.

So he arranged the book of the ground.

Let this beer shop not far from the restaurant sell beer at a 10% discount today.

At the same time, let a drinking buddy of Maori Kogoro go and invite Maori Kogoro to drink beer.

Maori Kogoro heard that beer was 10% off, how could he not go?

Moreover, this drinking buddy likes to hang out with women and drink alcohol on weekdays.

So when he drinks, he will call women.

Maori Kogoro himself is also fond of wine and women.

So in this case.

Maori Kogoro just ate and drank here.

But Maori Kogoro didn't realize at all.

What he did.

Was seen by his own wife.

Kisaki Eri trembled all over. (chci)

She wanted to rush forward and slap Maori Kogoro viciously. But reason told Kisaki Eri that she couldn't do this, absolutely not.

She had to stay calm, she had to stay calm!

Family disgrace should not be made public!

There are so many people here.

She absolutely can't lose face in this place.

"Ah Tian, let's go!"

Gritting her teeth, Fei Yingli grabbed Chu Tian and turned to leave.

Chu Tian did not struggle. He was just pulled away by Fei Yingli.

But in his heart, he seemed very proud.

"Uncle Maori……"

"Thank you for your help.……"

For Chu Tian, Maori Kogoro tonight is absolutely a god assist.

When he confessed just now, Chu Tian could feel that Kisaki Eri would not agree to him.

Because she was too nervous.

And it came too suddenly, she couldn't accept it.

And as a wife, her loyalty to her husband is also restraining her.

Then the most likely thing is that

Kisaki Eri finds a chance to escape, and this time it's over.

But with Maori Kogoro's god assist, the situation is completely different.

Kisaki Eri saw with her own eyes.

Her husband fooling around with others.

Absolute anger will make shyness and nervousness disappear completely.

And Kisaki Eri's character is not the kind of silly woman who will make a scene on the spot.

As the saying goes, family disgrace should not be made public.

Kisaki Eri should pull herself away from here.

Sure enough, everything that happened was almost as Chu Tian expected, and everything was fine.

Now it's good.

The two of them escaped from here and did not separate.

So what will happen next?

At this time, after running two streets, Kisaki Eri stopped.

Then, she leaned against a wall. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!



Seeing the look on Fei Yingli's face, Chu Tian stepped forward and pretended to be confused,"What happened?"

"Why did you suddenly leave?"

After hearing this, Fei Yingli's eyes suddenly turned red.

However, she did not hesitate and told the truth.

"do you know?"

"Just now, when you said those words to me!"

"My subconscious tells me that I can't betray my husband"

"So I want to find a direction that will allow me to escape and not betray him!"

"Maybe it was God who chose a direction for me!"

"Guess who you saw in the beer shop across from me?"

After hearing the question from Fei Yingli, Chu Tian was silent for a moment, then said,"You saw your husband!"

"And there are other women around your husband, they are drinking and having fun, am I right?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment.

Then, she showed a more sarcastic smile on her face.

"That's right, it's just like what you said!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian couldn't bear it any longer.


"I'll be back right now!"[]

"Beat that scumbag and the vixen around him into cripples!"

Having said this, Chu Tian turned around and was about to leave.


I heard Chu Tian say that he wanted to go back and beat Maori Kogoro into a cripple.���Li was startled.

She immediately subconsciously pulled Chu Tian back.

"Stop it, this is not a joke!"

"This is against the law, you know? You'll go to jail!"

"For a woman like me, it's not worth going……"

Chu Tian's breathing tightened when he heard what Fei Yingli said when she pulled him aside.

"Sister Ying!"

Chu Tian turned around and held Fei Yingli's hand,"I love you, I love you, Sister Ying, I'm willing to do anything for you!"

"You are sad, unhappy today!"

"My heart ached watching that!"

"As long as I can make you happy, I will not hesitate to go to jail. Just let me go back and deal with that scumbag!"

After hearing this, Fei Yingli's heart felt extremely hot in an instant.

She could feel that this man was not lying, and was saying this to her very seriously.

A long-lost sense of security and being loved seemed to return to Fei Yingli.

And Chu Tian seemed to want to break free from Fei Yingli.

Then rush back to beat people.

At this moment, Fei Yingli reacted completely.

No, no!

She couldn't let Chu Tian do such an illegal and risky thing.

He couldn't destroy everything for herself!

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli's previous feelings for Chu Tian.

Coupled with the various emotions intertwined today.

It seemed that they broke out completely in an instant.

"Don't go, don't go!"

Fei Yingli hugged Chu Tian from behind.

Her body under the thin dress was against Chu Tian's back.

At this moment, Chu Tian's body couldn't help but tremble.

He couldn't move anymore. It felt too comfortable.

Chu Tian felt that in an instant, he had no strength at all.

You know, although Chu Tian pretended to help Fei Yingli, he really ran to fight Maori Kogoro.

But when he tried to run, he still used his real strength.

Acting still needs to be done well.

But now, facing the warm and soft jade in his arms, facing the rich and soft feeling.

Chu Tian has no strength at all and can't do anything.

He can only lean on Fei Yingli's arms like this, being hugged by Fei Yingli from behind, unable to move.: Lão già gân

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