On Sunday,

Su Yi set off on his journey to Izu Beach as he wished.

The Lamborghini was gone!

So he just found a random car.

This is better!

It won't attract so many eyes along the way, and more importantly, the back seat is spacious, so Xiaolan and Yuanzi won't fight over who sits in the front.

"The air is so nice"

"I haven't been out like this for a long time."

Yuanzi opened the car window and enjoyed the fresh air of the bamboo forest in the mountains. She had been waiting for this day for half a month.


Xiaolan found that she hadn't been to the suburbs to relax for a long time.

More importantly... this was her first time to travel with Su Yi, and it was the first time for the three of them.

Looking forward to it and excited!

At the beginning...

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were immersed in the scenery on the roadside, but after watching for a long time, they gradually became aesthetically fatigued.

At this time...

Xiaolan began to find other topics

"Yuanzi, is your mother feeling better recently?"

"No big problem, just some insomnia"


Su Yi, who was sitting in the front, knew why Suzuki Tomoko was not in a good state recently.

The Dark Night Star was lost!

If it was just an ordinary black pearl, Suzuki Tomoko would not take it to heart.

But it is a family heirloom!

Businessmen all have their own superstitions.

Suzuki Tomoko believed that the good luck of the consortium was brought by the Dark Night Star, so the loss of the Dark Night Star caused a big blow to Suzuki Tomoko.

However... he had already sent the Dark Night Star back in the name of Kaito Kid last night.

By the way, a letter was also attached!

The implication is: The police in the island country are all rubbish, and I, Kaito Kid, am invincible.

However, from the conversation between Sonoko and Xiaolan, Suzuki Tomoko may not have received his package yet.

At least that was the case before they set off!

An hour later...

Su Yi finally saw the legendary Izu Beach.

The sea... It was full of legs!

It was summer now, and after Su Yi stopped the car, he saw countless bikinis.

According to Yuanzi...

Half of this place belongs to the Suzuki Group's industry.

Tourism, catering, accommodation... These are just the tip of the iceberg of the Suzuki Group's treasury income.

"Come with me."

The place they were going to this time was a private sea area.

There would be only three of them there. They could do it until the end of time, until the seas dried up and the rocks crumbled... and no one would hear them.

Although the place that Sonoko took them to was a private sea area, the entertainment activities were no less than those in the public sea area.

Fishing, surfing, motorboats...

Su Yi even used a paraglider to have sex with Xiaolan in the air.

How wonderful!

At night... at the suggestion of Suzuki Sonoko, the three of them drank two bottles of red wine while enjoying the evening view of the seaside.

Xiaolan didn't want to drink at first.

But... it was hard to refuse such a kind invitation!

When she left the table, she didn't even know who she was.

Back in the room...

Su Yi suddenly broke out in a sweat


At this moment... there was a woman lying on his bed.

Although she was lying on her side, her body was almost perfect.

""Hiki Eri?"

Su Yi used the light to see the woman lying on the bed.

Yes, Hiiki Eri!

She was the first woman he met in the world of science.

"Didn't expect it?"

At this time...

Suzuki Sonoko's blushing face showed a sly smile.

Su Yi understood!

Suzuki Sonoko had planned the trip to Izu Beach for so long, and her real purpose was to let him have a bite of rice bowl.

What a good woman!

She always hits his excitement point when he least expects it.

"How did you get her here?"

Su Yi saw that Fei Yingli was not in the right state.

This woman was a very light sleeper!

With all the noise they were making, it was absolutely impossible for her to lie calmly in bed.

"Of course, it's in Xiaolan's name."

"I told Auntie Hibiki that Xiaolan had prepared a big surprise for her at Izu Beach."

"Don't worry!"

"The room is lit with a special hypnotic spice that will not cause any harm to the body."


Suzuki Sonoko said that she had already set the stage.

Actually... she had always seen that Xiaolan's mood was not right.

Although she never said it, she had always been living in the gap between Su Yi and Kissing Eri.

That's why she planned this exciting plan.

"What are you doing?"

Suzuki Sonoko originally wanted to withdraw quietly. In this plan, she has always defined herself as a behind-the-scenes worker.

But... she suddenly felt that Su Yi didn't seem to have this idea.


Rice with an egg... not too much, right?

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